Game Thread / VCU #2 Sat 6pm CBS sports network - Redout

Not to get ahead of ourselves, but if we beat Joes on Wednesday we lock in the #1 seed. So what does Mooney do for the last game against GMU? Play all out to keep sharp and momentum going? Or dial it back somewhat to minimize injury risk and give starters some rest. My preference is the latter but pros and cons of each approach.
If we are to have a decent chance at an at large, we need to win both games.
Yeah the whole place booed every time he touched the ball and then shut it off immediately if he passed - it was well done in my opinion. Not sure if student section had any other special words for him but it would be hard to imagine someone in his position not getting hassled pretty strongly.

I think it got in his head a little too 🙂
I wasn't there but vcu fans are making it sound like our reception for Nelson was vulgar and inappropriate. I assume it's just sour grapes from losers. Someone fill me in.

Wasn’t there either but that’s just good college basketball rivalry stuff. Hopefully we kept to booing that’s what announcers indicated. I give our fans some credit for keeping it going all game. And it’s not personal against Jason. He just happens to be only player who has ever played for UR and VCU. It would have been anyone in that situation. I was a little surprised we were that disciplined to do it all game honestly. And look it worked too. He’ll probably let it motivate him too so not all bad for him. That’s college hoops using home crowd to advantage. And no court storming. Well done students.

-Great atmosphere tonight, Ate a pair of tickets rather than sell them to VDU fan. Glad to see everything come together tonight for a thrilling win. Smoked a leg of lamb prior to the game and enjoying it as we speak.

As the great Ray Tate would say.....HOW BOUT DEM SPIDAHS!!!?
Yep - was booed every time he touched the ball .. all game, every time. What do they expect - he’s the only player that has transferred from UR to its most hated rival.

I think Bamisile just took another three that missed.
Great win tonight. Crowd was into it the whole time and had fun letting Nelson hear it. Great job by Hunt keeping us in it when not much else was working, and then the whole starting 5 down the stretch had their moments. King wrote another chapter in Spider lore tonight - quickly becoming one of the most memorable players we've had. Dji big bounce back 2nd half after a slow first. Mooney with the fire of old after some terrible calls.

I just love this team, keep it going Wednesday fellas!
Only other student "cheer" directed at Nelson was "We don't miss you" - the booing directed at him seemed to get to him as he had one pass into the stands behind our bench. Another definite highlight of the game was when the A-10 Women's Basketball Regular Season Champions Richmond Spiders came onto the court during a timeout and received a rousing ovation.
As far as reffing was amazed at how many obvious - often involving hard bumping - moving picks were made by Rams Number 10 with impunity - was never called and was blatantly obvious.
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As far as reffing was amazed at how many obvious - often involving hard bumping - moving picks were made by Rams Number 10 with impunity - was never called and was blatantly obvious.
The one that got me was when Quinn had the ball and 10 punched him 3 times in the kidneys from behind with no call.
I think there was one time late with a chant that sounded like “we don’t need you”.
I mean the truth hurts? Fact is he bailed on us after realizing he wasn't going to be gifted a starting spot and is now looking up at us in the standings. I don't revel too much in it and I certainly don't "hate" Jaynel. Although I do enjoy seeing him have 0 points thinking he left for greener pastures.

I wanted more than anyone to see an RPS kid come in here and command the court for 4 years as our main guy and be the next KA/KG. It was evident midway though last season that was not going to be the case, and I cant recall many UR fans upset over the transfer, but I do remember the giddy VCU fans who didnt realize what they signed up for. Rather than fight for his job and prove he was worthy of being the starter here, he left for our most hated rival thinking he would be better off there. What happened after that depends on which side you ask, but by and large we made the right decision. I hope Jaynel doesnt regret his, but he's going to have to live with the "hate" from our side and have to accept it.
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He was the same player we saw last year. Not really a creator, not really a shooter, not really quick, not really a good passer. The UR guards were not afraid of him beating them at all, and then on the other side, were really able to attack him for points.

I can't say good luck because I don't want VCU to ever have good luck, so I hope they keep throwing him out there 20+ mpg.
Wasn’t there either but that’s just good college basketball rivalry stuff. Hopefully we kept to booing that’s what announcers indicated. I give our fans some credit for keeping it going all game. And it’s not personal against Jason. He just happens to be only player who has ever played for UR and VCU. It would have been anyone in that situation. I was a little surprised we were that disciplined to do it all game honestly. And look it worked too. He’ll probably let it motivate him too so not all bad for him. That’s college hoops using home crowd to advantage. And no court storming. Well done students.

Not sure why we booed him, was glad to see him go there. He's not an A10 level player.
Good W to tonight. Even an A10 tourney win would be hollow if we never beat VCU, who admittedly has had our #. So we measure our success in part how we do against them.

Agree with the sentiment of this thread with regard to Jason Nelson. I wish him the best of luck in his games against other teams. But when he plays against us, want him to have little or no success.

I “hate” VCU. I welcome the rivalry, acknowledge their wins against us, and the need for us to turn the tide in order for our program to get where we need it to be.
Everyone did their part today, but I really liked Quinn's complimentary game. Didn't try to do too much and took what the defense gave him. 2 dunks, and several floaters that landed in rather than spilling out like in previous games. Had a fantastic block in the first as well. Much better game than his first one vs VDU and should be commended for it.
Benedict Nelson already transferred down once. Probably needs to do so again.
Hunt begs to differ!!!😃
No way the starters were coming out for rest in the 2H. Only 23 bench minutes all game.
Starters had 35, 35, 33, 35 and 39 (King!) minutes. King was Gilly-like!
But can't do that three games in 4 days in Brooklyn.
Time will tell for sure!
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Wasn’t there either but that’s just good college basketball rivalry stuff…..Well done students.
The student section was great and the “Nelson treatment” was a rallying point for sure. As far as appropriateness, what to you think would happen if a VCU player transferred to another A10 team? I bet the display last night would be deemed rather mild.

Amazon must have been busy delivering Spiderman suits on campus - I have never seem so many being worn. Let’s hope those suits get plenty more use! Go Spiders!
Official highlights here:

Post game comments here:

But does anyone know if there will be a rebroadcast or there is a YouTube link to the whole game?
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The student section was great and the “Nelson treatment” was a rallying point for sure. As far as appropriateness, what to you think would happen if a VCU player transferred to another A10 team? I bet the display last night would be deemed rather mild.
Yeah my take as well. The only way for the the consistent booing to have ended last night would have been VCU #1 to have hit a few shots but clearly that didn't happen.

On a tangential note on this glorious Sunday morning, I do appear to have been blocked from Uncle's (and local County Commissioner) Twitter feed most likely due to I guess my over the top comment "But he was really good at killing time dribbling when we had 20 seconds for a last shot to attempt to tie the game, right?"
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There MB is too funny…one of my faves 👇🏼 inserted emojis for effect…our starters pretty much avg double figs

Zeb and Max are both better than Hunt.❌😂😂

Sean is better than Bailey. ❌😂

Bigelow is better than Kuany.✅

Quinn is better than Fermin. ✅

Our bench is better that theirs.❌😂🤦🏼‍♂️

We are a more balanced bunch. If we keep two of their Big Three (King, Bigelow and Quinn) below their averages, I like our chances.❌😂😂😂😂

2 out of 5 isn’t bad right? 😂
I can certainly understand the derision aimed at Nelson. He wanted NIL funds and when he didn't get what he wanted he left. He then posted cartoonish pictures of Chris Mooney on the internet. He is a petulant child.
I don't have any ill feeling toward Nelson. He did not play well for U of R and might have lost us a few games last year. He was sent a very clear message the 2nd half of the season by our coaching staff that he was in the dog house, which I believe was encouraging him to transfer. I wish him the best going forward, but not against U of R
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Only 23 bench minutes all game……But can't do that three games in 4 days in Brooklyn.
Definitely taxing on Quinn and expect Walz and/or Harris will have to play more minutes. Would hope the rest of the starters can handle full loads. I think the main factor was only 2 fouls being called on the Spiders in first half and that seems unlikely in future games.

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