Lasalle Post Mortem


Spider's Club
Feb 8, 2004
We did plenty of stuff wrong tonight but TJ doesn't look like the same guy that he did weeks ago. I don't know if he's getting worn down by the physical A10 play but we need good TJ back.
LOL, thanks for the laughs. The confidence you guys had that your team was really improving after Saturday's fluke win was hilarious!
The only positive from this game is that ANO and TA continue to be aggressive. But we just do too many stupid things, like telegraphing passes, turning the ball over on dribbles in the post, etc. Too many careless mistakes! Over and over, game after game. If that's not a coaching problem, I don't know what is.
May be the coaches were on target limiting his playing time. He will get better but just needs time.
I honestly don't remember any first-half fouls that we committed that did not result in Lasalle FTs. Were there any? Insane.
Yes TJ wasn't his best ,,,,, but no matter what good they do on the court, having 2 starters producing 0 points won't get the job done most games. I guess with only 7 guys playing no other options.
Game plan was a joke tonight and everyone saw it after first 5 minutes. As bad as our guys played from the start, this one is ALL on the coaches. We should have been to the FT line enough tonight to have won the game, but instead our guards don't fake and make contact to get the whistles, our forwards don't attack for minutes at a time, and we try to make fade away shots that are worthless. Plus, TOs and not pressing a team from early on kept us playing from behind all game. So explain that, CM and staff. I'm really tired of going into that high school gym and getting beat. Last time we won there KA, Harp and those guys beat the crap out of 'em. We should have done it tonight, but instead it's another L in the books.
This is starting to hurt me, and I'm only a friend of a fan. So much talent, so little execution. What's the deal with road games?
So it looks we fouled hem every time they shot the ball. Hard to believe.

This post was edited on 2/5 9:14 PM by SpiderK
Hang in there boys. We never play well at LaSalle and they are a bad matchup for us. I think we will be ready for Rhody and will lose 1 more game this year, probably at Bonnie. I am disappointed we lost and could not close the game out again, but we are playing good basketball. We came out flat but played tough and made it a close game. Lets pack the RC Sunday and take out our frustrations on the Rams, similar to last Saturday against RPI.
8, a lot of the whistles in 1st half were blown even before any contact occurred. Fouls were basically ghost ones and did result in ridiculous number of attempts at the line for Explorers. But I blame our coaching staff for not exploiting these refs and getting our guys to start attacking the rim in 1st half to get our share of those quick whistles. Plus, if K0 and SDJ would actually shot fake and lean into defenders, they'd be at the line nearly every time. Over time, that can make the difference between a W on the road or a loss. And on the road, I'd actually like to see us full court press more during the game; would just mean CM has to use more of his bench. Can't be any worse than starting off slow and giving up easy shots to the home team.
Midlo, I would like to press more too, but we only have two guards. Can't afford the fouls.
B, no one should be a bad matchup for us in A10 this year. And from the radio, it sounded like more cheers when we made a basket than Explorers in their HS gym. I'm starting to worry more about our game planning for how to attack teams and how prepared our team is for what they'll see in the game. But after the first 5 minutes tonight, all we had to do was attack off the dribble and go to the rim, and we would have been at the FT line as well. It's a matter of execution, but also understanding what the game and these pathetic refs were giving you. They were basically blowing whistles and calling fouls even before the foul occurred.
Lasalle had a brilliant game plan, isolate our small guards and attack the rim to draw fouls. This built them a 14 point lead in the first half as we could not adjust. It was too big of a hole to recover from. Did Matt Smith tweet tonight?
Thank God for Feces U. If it weren't for those patsies we'd be o'fer.
K, we have 2 more guards who could help when we need to press, but they're basically sitting on the bench. The risk reward can't be any worse than letting a 2 pt deficit grow to double digits right before halftime.
97- Matt just said you can lay our road problems squarely at the feet of the "moronic" fan base and this on-going fan problem needs to be addressed immediately!
You can't beat even an average team with only two scorers. Davis and Taylor just will not shoot when they have an open shot. Allen threw up a number of horrendous, off balance shots. Lasalle did what every team should do to Cline, just front him tight and beg him to drive. He can't. He has no moves and is too slow. It is the same old song. You can't force guys who don't fit an offense to try to run it when they don't really know what to do and can't do it any way.
Where was all the crisp ball movement of the Duquesne game???? The "coach" should have called a timeout about two minutes into the game and reminded these guys why they had so many open looks in that game and so few in this game.
The really disappointing thing about this loss is the repeated lack of execution of this poorly designed offense over and over again and neither the players or coaches seem aware of it or try to change it.
9legs. That is hilarious!!

Midlo, so true, I guess nothing at this point would be any worse.

Where did the Princeton offense go? Why aren't athletic TD and DT cutting to the basket? They can't shoot
but they can make a layup I would think.

Oh we'll, the A-10 tournament is all that matters now. Rest of the games are for practice.
No adjustment was made we came back due to la salle let down. We should have change defense scheme early went some type of zone. Plus too many substitutions keep the offense on the floor then pick and roll..Coach obviously can't play chess.
Unfortunately, CM and his staff must still think they've got a floor general out there like Kevin Anderson who can take someone 1-on-1, calm the team down, and make something good happen. Instead of calling a key timeout when you're only down 1 or 2, they simply let 'em play on and of course they commit the inevitable TO or bad shot. Those times in games are critical (even more so on the road), and nothing could be worse than the 3 or 4 empty possessions we had tonight when we could have taken the lead in 2nd half. But until this team refuses to play the "underdog" role and simply take it to the other team, we'll continue to have some great home wins and then letdowns on the road. Hope I'm wrong but not counting on it the rest of the way after tonight's disappointment.

This post was edited on 2/5 10:11 PM by MidloTrader
Game was for the taking. After a great comeback and good D adjustments, we went cold there when we had multiple chances to tie or take the lead. That's what frustrated me the most, missing some crucial shots during that stretch. Agreed we played like crap in the first half and gave Lasalle a huge cushion. got to giive the guys credit for battling back and making it a game. However, we cannot afford to get off to these slow starts in the first half especially on the road. It's just too much to overcome.
Agreed, with 4 minutes left, down by 2 or 3, we kept stopping them but we couldnt convert on offense. For as bad a half as the first was, we controlled the 2nd. Bad foul shoot and not enough foul shooting.
Originally posted by HoosFan05:
LOL, thanks for the laughs. The confidence you guys had that your team was really improving after Saturday's fluke win was hilarious!
Go play in traffic blindfolded. Saturday's win wasn't a fluke, and Feb. 25th's won't be either.
Back to earth after the VCU win. This LaSalle game was more typical of the rest of our season.

We fall behind early and are down at halftime. We make a good comeback in the second half and its a 1-2 possession game with minutes to play, and we just fall short.

In reality - this team is probably 1 year away from being a good team WITH Anthony. What I mean by that is that IF Anthony were a Junior, we could all sit back and say - wait till next year, its going to be really exciting. Cline and ShawnDre show flashes, but are still playing like Frosh - making mistakes and very inconsistent. If they could come back next year with Anthony, I think we would have 3 more consistent weapons on offense. But as it stands now - our only true scorer is Anthony and its tough to put that all on 1 guy who stands less than 5-8. He already has to work twice as hard because of his size, and with teams being able to focus on him - it makes it even more difficult. This is probably why he has dry spells in games because he can't do it all. And next year - when we lose him, we are HOPING - that someone steps up. We thought ShawnDre would be the guy this year - but he is not. We thought Allen would be the guy after his strong finish last year - and yes, he has played well of late - but he is still very much an inside player with very little outside game. We thought Cline would step right in and help, and he has - but he is inconsistent and the tougher A10 play is getting the best of him lately.

And we can all say next year will be different, and it might be. We can sit back and rave about the incoming frosh and how they will step right in and help. Just like we did with Fore and Smithen, who have been hit by an injury bug - but between the two of them have played a total of 70 minutes. And with history repeating itself - I would assume next season, they play more - but the best we could hope for is something like Cline or ShawnDre - show flashes, but inconsistent.

Think we are just 1 year away, with the big IF being - who will replace our only offensive weapon - Anthony?
HoosFan05 posted on 2/5/2015...
LOL, thanks for the laughs. The confidence you guys had that your team was really improving after Saturday's fluke win was hilarious!

Someone still but hurt over the broad street beatdown?

Fisher Elementary School. 1994 Richmond City Soccer Champs!
Originally posted by SpiderTrap:
Back to earth after the VCU win. This LaSalle game was more typical of the rest of our season.

We fall behind early and are down at halftime. We make a good comeback in the second half and its a 1-2 possession game with minutes to play, and we just fall short.

In reality - this team is probably 1 year away from being a good team WITH Anthony. What I mean by that is that IF Anthony were a Junior, we could all sit back and say - wait till next year, its going to be really exciting. Cline and ShawnDre show flashes, but are still playing like Frosh - making mistakes and very inconsistent. If they could come back next year with Anthony, I think we would have 3 more consistent weapons on offense. But as it stands now - our only true scorer is Anthony and its tough to put that all on 1 guy who stands less than 5-8. He already has to work twice as hard because of his size, and with teams being able to focus on him - it makes it even more difficult. This is probably why he has dry spells in games because he can't do it all. And next year - when we lose him, we are HOPING - that someone steps up. We thought ShawnDre would be the guy this year - but he is not. We thought Allen would be the guy after his strong finish last year - and yes, he has played well of late - but he is still very much an inside player with very little outside game. We thought Cline would step right in and help, and he has - but he is inconsistent and the tougher A10 play is getting the best of him lately.

And we can all say next year will be different, and it might be. We can sit back and rave about the incoming frosh and how they will step right in and help. Just like we did with Fore and Smithen, who have been hit by an injury bug - but between the two of them have played a total of 70 minutes. And with history repeating itself - I would assume next season, they play more - but the best we could hope for is something like Cline or ShawnDre - show flashes, but inconsistent.

Think we are just 1 year away, with the big IF being - who will replace our only offensive weapon - Anthony?
Although not a guard, the other newcomer to remember is Wood who could add some scoring.
URmite - I would like to get excited about Wood, but based on Mooney's history with redshirts - I just have a hard time believing he steps right in next year and is ready to go and be a top scorer from day 1. The only thing he has going for him is that he does have two years experience under his belt at VA Tech (compared to TJ's one at Niagara), but lets remember too - he only played 15 minutes a game and only scored 4 points a game. Not sure how that translates next year in this offense. And hard to say how much he plays - we don't lose any big men next season. Which would mean he essentially would have to cut into someone's minutes from this year. And based on the team so far this season - you would not expect Allen or ANO to lose minutes, and if anything - Cline's minutes will likely go up. So that leaves cutting into Taylor - which I think would be the best option at this point this year.
Originally posted by SpiderTrap:
URmite - I would like to get excited about Wood, but based on Mooney's history with redshirts - I just have a hard time believing he steps right in next year and is ready to go and be a top scorer from day 1. The only thing he has going for him is that he does have two years experience under his belt at VA Tech (compared to TJ's one at Niagara), but lets remember too - he only played 15 minutes a game and only scored 4 points a game. Not sure how that translates next year in this offense. And hard to say how much he plays - we don't lose any big men next season. Which would mean he essentially would have to cut into someone's minutes from this year. And based on the team so far this season - you would not expect Allen or ANO to lose minutes, and if anything - Cline's minutes will likely go up. So that leaves cutting into Taylor - which I think would be the best option at this point this year.
So that leaves cutting into Taylor - which I think would be the best option at this point this year.
I hope this is not a surgical cut either but a significant cut. Maybe Wood can also play the 2 a bit so he can cut into some of Trey's minutes as well.
Wood had to be better than DT!!!!! That's a huge improvement!!!