Re: Here's a fresh start and he's one of ours

Just what we need, another Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama socialist. No thanks!
The same thing was said about Jim Webb and he voted for every Obama program that came along.
just read the words of this ad and you can pick out all of the "catch phases", like Anac utilizes, to know who and what he is politically. no citizen, in any state, needs more of what Wayne spews and believes. if you want growing govt, govt that wants more control of your life, then by all means vote Wayne.
T, did i miss something or are you not the one who wanted to discuss politics on this part of our board? "fresh start" is so hilarious, this is continuing the same old spend, spend, spend. what we need are men and women who recognize what our financial situation is and want to go to DC to put a stop to it, not continue it.
Well Gen'l Homer, I just read Wayne Powells website again and dont see any reference to "continuing same old spend, spend, spend."

And to bscoper: "Just what we need, another Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama socialist. No thanks!"

I see no reference to any of the names you mention. The person I would put in this category is the incumbent he is running against; a "national" reputation who held the needs of his earthquake victim constituents hostage to the interests of everything he wants.

By all means, dont get bogged down by facts.
do not have to go to his website, just read his ad, posted above, and just watch the old time phrases jump out at you. did his website say that he was going to DC to get the budget in order, to cut spending, post it if he did.
A, I am not going to convince you of anything and you are not going to convince me. There is no need to keep bumping heads. In the future, if I do post anything I am keeping to Spider sports. Bye
T, once over 70, never have to apologize for anything anymore, you are golden. just saw where harrison ford just turned 70 and am sure you have a couple of legs up on him.
guess the amusing part is that the mudcat acts like democrats do not take money. guess that is why he is know as mudcat.

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