don't own a gun, don't belong to the nra but they are not at fault for anything other than attempting to protect a right which some wish to get rid of on some basis. just following the austin bombing situation, shows that it is not the gun, not the vehicle, not the bomb, not the tool but is the person or people. according to stats, there are well over a million ar15s in our country but only a handful utilized in the wrong way and that should tell us something. my buds down here call me weekly to go out and shoot with them and if free do it and we fire all types of military and non-military weapons and we do it because it is fun and we enjoy it just like some might enjoy playing a game on their phone or going to the ball game, nobody gets harmed in any way. a ton of back window stickers around here with a big pic of an ar15 with the words, YOU WANT MINE, BETTER BRING YOURS and that is not fluff, they mean it. marches are for activists and we all know who they are and how they are used by certain people and groups.
whatever, those people are always in the street, wish they would all move to venezuela so they could have the government they desire.
don't own a gun, don't belong to the nra but they are not at fault for anything other than attempting to protect a right which some wish to get rid of on some basis. just following the austin bombing situation, shows that it is not the gun, not the vehicle, not the bomb, not the tool but is the person or people. according to stats, there are well over a million ar15s in our country but only a handful utilized in the wrong way and that should tell us something. my buds down here call me weekly to go out and shoot with them and if free do it and we fire all types of military and non-military weapons and we do it because it is fun and we enjoy it just like some might enjoy playing a game on their phone or going to the ball game, nobody gets harmed in any way. a ton of back window stickers around here with a big pic of an ar15 with the words, YOU WANT MINE, BETTER BRING YOURS and that is not fluff, they mean it. marches are for activists and we all know who they are and how they are used by certain people and groups.
What's the problem with increasing the age limit to 21 for the purchase of an AR15 and having comprehensive background checks and a 3-day waiting period for everyone who buys a gun, regardless of whether from a local retailer, online or at a gun show? I have owned guns my entire adult life, but I see no problem with more reasonable regulation.
It's a bogus, straw argument to suggest that protests of this past weekend have to do with taking away guns from anyone now legally in possession of them, and it's simply disingenuous to state that the protests are anti-American or in derogation of a constitutional right.
Such regulation may not have helped the 2 people killed in Austin by a bomber, but it probably would have saved the lives of 17 children in Parkland, Florida (as well as many of the 73 teens who have died by gun violence since then).
the point is, how many more gun laws do we need to figure out that none of them will work. the PROMISE PROGRAM initiated at that school is more at fault than any gun law. if no program, this guy could not have purchased one no matter his age. gosh, thousands of teens are killed annually while texting and driving, far out numbering those killed by whakos with guns so do we march about that and make phones and cars illegal or limit who can operate them? all of these protests and marches are stupid, legal, yes, OK, yes but stupid, very much so.
the point is, how many more gun laws do we need to figure out that none of them will work. the PROMISE PROGRAM initiated at that school is more at fault than any gun law. if no program, this guy could not have purchased one no matter his age. gosh, thousands of teens are killed annually while texting and driving, far out numbering those killed by whakos with guns so do we march about that and make phones and cars illegal or limit who can operate them? all of these protests and marches are stupid, legal, yes, OK, yes but stupid, very much so.

Spinner, has there been a traumatic event in your life to cause you to lose your understanding of how democracy works?

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
Henry David Thoreau

“If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.”
― Albert Einstein

“Trump’s America is not America: not today’s or tomorrow’s, but yesterday’s.

Trump’s America is brutal, perverse, regressive, insular and afraid. There is no hope in it; there is no light in it. It is a vast expanse of darkness and desolation.

And that is a vision of America that most of the people in this country cannot and will not abide.”
― Charles M. Blow

BTW, "texting' while driving is being addressed by regulations and laws. That is all that is being requested for gun laws.
I really have a problem in knowing what YOUR SPECIFIC OBJECTIONS to gun regulation might be, not your objections to Western Democracy, and I challenge you to list the reasons for your objection to raising the age limit to 21 for the purchase of an AR15, comprehensive background checks for purchasers of firearms, and a 3 day waiting period. Help me out there. Do you truly object to these regulations and, if so, why?
little i, lived through times when people, long haired, dirty, anti-capitalists, were in the street (by the way those people now are the environmental movement) and throwing bags filled with urine and feces at young men just like them so i hold only the worst thoughts for those people and that continues today. sorry, just don't buy into the rent a mob theory. recall reading an article in the time dispatch about something happening in richmond that some vdu student thought was wrong and so she hit the dorms, sticking up paper to hit the streets, did not matter for what, just hit the streets. sorry, that is just stupid and you could never sell me on people in the streets. the only time i hit the streets was for a panty raid and that was OK, nobody hurt, nobody hit by a bag of feces and good times were had by all. the prob you have is that people hit the streets now for anything they do not like and that dilutes real marches not fake, paid for, marches.

to ban guns, the constitution will have to change or the dems get all their libs on the court where they can do whatever to our great document. will say that if it gets close, any gun companies out there will see their sale go through the roof and if they don't borrow money, will do just fine. debt is a main factor in most companies not making it, see toys r us
oh sure a huge liberal, anti-gun guy, no matter his creds and he is wrong, our constitution is as right now as it was when it was written, except, of course, to liberals, who detest our constitution and our country and its history and are attempting to remake it into a third world country.
at least now, it is in the open, no camo, leftist whackos want to eliminate the second amendment, not control or limit guns, they wish to eliminate them completely. recall, nazis were not right wing conservatives, they were social democrats and two of their first actions once they secured power: install national health care and to confiscate all private, personal, weapons. does that sound vaguely familiar, it should, you guys look in the mirror.
not sure who that dude is but i see people and business owners on a weekly basis defending their homes and offices down here. guns may not deter but they do give innocent folk a chance to fight back. did he mention the thousands of teens who are killed annually by texting and driving which far out numbers the teens killed by the mentally challenged with firearms? there are whackos on both sides but in the gun issue, the leftists are in a league of their own.
not sure who that dude is but i see people and business owners on a weekly basis defending their homes and offices down here. guns may not deter but they do give innocent folk a chance to fight back. did he mention the thousands of teens who are killed annually by texting and driving which far out numbers the teens killed by the mentally challenged with firearms? there are whackos on both sides but in the gun issue, the leftists are in a league of their own.

1. "That dude" is a seriously conservative columnist and former editor for the WSJ and Jerusalem Times. He initially called for repeal of the second amendment after the Las Vegas shootings, believing that the constitutional right to own a gun prevents effective regulation to minimize gun violence.
2. No - he didn't talk about texting while driving because his column was about the second amendment. Once again you change the subject rather than debate the original topic.
3. It seems that you are calling Stephens a whacko. Why? Can you make a cogent counterargument to his position without resorting to name calling?
my feeling is that anyone attempting to change our country, constitution, culture, is a whacko, no matter his or her credentials. they all miss the point that life is very cheap in our country, a million to a million and a half humans killed annually helps make it that way and none of the leftists who cry about human life and children ever step up to defend them at all, just silly hypocrisy. parkland could have been prevented if a stupid goverment program which pays schools to not report crimes committed by their students but to keep it quiet and handle themselves allowed this sick dude to do what he did not a gun shop or a gun. the combination of a liberal, "feel good", psychobabble, program and a sick young man did this, not the nra, not the gun. do any of us think there was not murder, killing, mass killing before gunpowder was invented? it is not a gun problem, not a bomb problem, not a runaway truck problem, it is a person/people problem yet we continue this silly paid for protest, in the streets, activism.
again, everyone who has a show now gets boycotted, part of the landscape. think anyone who goes out in public to make his or her point are fair game, a tv or radio host or a young activist.
gosh, looks like this has become political like everything else in our country. feel everyone is onboard for the kids but maybe not for the activists who were not shot and are now seeking their 15 seconds of fame.
What preventive actions do you endorse to provide mitigation of such shootings?
issues cause people to act in strange ways and say things they regret. a shame that we have to take such tragedies and make it a political thing each and every time.
What preventive actions do you endorse to provide mitigation of such shootings?
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my feeling is that anyone attempting to change our country, constitution, culture, is a whacko, no matter his or her credentials.

Thanks for the clarification and admission. It's helpful in understanding the basis and foundation of your opinions.

Since you admit that you are against the Bill of Rights, each citizen (18 or over, including women) having the right to vote, and you support slavery, involuntary servitude, and denying citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude, all changes to our constitution, how do account for progress? Do you believe that it is adherence to the status quo?
am speaking of the leftist whackos of today, those who want open borders, to give away sovereignty to the un, to protect and hide criminals, not report crimes so feelings are not hurt, not enforce our laws, those whackos. look, you guys want a far different country than me and you would like to tear up our constitution and just have a much different way of life than we have and enjoy right now. go to cuba or venezuela and leave us alone to march to greatness. all of the victims and whining is just too, too, much, give it a break and enjoy the greatest country on earth.
now chicago is a place which could use some help. think more people are killed every weekend in chicago through violence than afganistan. if they were just a gun-free zone am sure all the probs would be solved there. really stupid
as long as all the states banning them are blue states, all good, we can win the shoot out when it comes.
What's the problem with increasing the age limit to 21 for the purchase of an AR15 and having comprehensive background checks and a 3-day waiting period for everyone who buys a gun, regardless of whether from a local retailer, online or at a gun show? I have owned guns my entire adult life, but I see no problem with more reasonable regulation.
It's a bogus, straw argument to suggest that protests of this past weekend have to do with taking away guns from anyone now legally in possession of them, and it's simply disingenuous to state that the protests are anti-American or in derogation of a constitutional right.
Such regulation may not have helped the 2 people killed in Austin by a bomber, but it probably would have saved the lives of 17 children in Parkland, Florida (as well as many of the 73 teens who have died by gun violence since then).

If 18 year olds are too stupid or irresponsible to own a gun, why are listening to their ideas about firearms policies? And if they are too irresponsible to own a gun, then surely they shouldn't be voting or signing up for the military either? Right?

We already had plenty of regulations on the books that should have stopped the shooting. Cruz was mentally deranged and authorities had been called to his house on dozens of occasions but no one ever took the steps to have him committed (which would have stripped him of the right to own firearms).

Moreover, Cruz committed clear felonies while in school that would have stripped him of the right to own guns but the school never reported the incidents because of an Obama inspired program that discouraged schools from reporting crimes because doing so would cause to many black kids to get arrested because of they have higher crime rates.

Laws already on the books would have prevented Cruz from obtaining a gun 10x over, but laws on the books don't matter if authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce them. How about we devote a little more time and resources to making sure we can effectively enforce the laws already on the books before we call for new ones?
Globalist Bankers pushing a socialist, anti-American agenda. Who who'da ever thunk it?

As opposed to tribalists, nativists, white supremacists, and racists pushing for a "You will not replace us!", anti-semite America and spewing their "blood and soil"/Blut und Boden ideology?
And how about the Elders of Zion, those baby-eating well-poisoners spreading the Black Plague?
Let's bring back and expand miscegenation and eugenics. We must preserve a pure bloodline.
For real? I mean straight up, you're not serious, are you?

If you are serious, can you produce any evidence that Bank of America is pushing a socialist, anti-American agenda? Or, is this just more unsupported, extreme-right-of-right dogmatism?

Wait, wait a minute. Are you teamrican1 posting under a different name? I'll bet you are.

Look, even Spinner, the resident reactionary of this board, had a problem with your kind of thinking.
So no thank you. I'm gonna take my chances with the globalists.
And the "Who who'das."
What is this thread about? The evidence of the socialist, anti-American agenda you seek is right there in the title. They are attacking the right to keep and bear arms.
the prob with an age limit is that in many places in our country, young kids are given and taught to use guns, part of their culture just like they drive at a much younger age down on the farm, not everyone lives in a city. none of the laws people want will actually prevent gun violence or vehicle violence or cell phone violence or knife violence or explosive violence. we have really whacky, mental people who do this and none of them have belonged to the nra although the last young lass did belong to peta so maybe we start there. hate to break it to you 32 but if you support who you seem to be supporting then you have no idea what you really are, saying one thing but supporting what you say you are not.
have been a long time boa customer and don't like any company playing politics though it seems to be getting more popular. like hollywood, if they wish to alienate half of their customers or fans, they have the right to do so.
it is so hilarious in that the nra is only protecting a right given us which some wish to take away, should be applauded not attacked. they give small amounts of money to politics compared to others like planned parenthood which takes govt money and then sends it to democrat candidates, not fair at all or unions. both of those groups dwarf what the nra gives yet they get a pass and believe that planned parenthood kills many more humans than does the nra, right?
it is so hilarious in that the nra is only protecting a right given us which some wish to take away, should be applauded not attacked. they give small amounts of money to politics compared to others like planned parenthood which takes govt money and then sends it to democrat candidates, not fair at all or unions. both of those groups dwarf what the nra gives yet they get a pass and believe that planned parenthood kills many more humans than does the nra, right?

Isn't that a huge part of the debate, just how should we define the "right to bear arms"? I don't think the Supreme Court agrees with the view of the NRA.
you don't, been that way for a very long time and if they want to start a war then they can give their opinion but it is not the opinion of the people and they will find that out very quickly.
The Supreme Court is the law of the land until it gives an opinion where you disagree? Isnt this a court with the correct balance given the blocking of Garland and the appointment of Gorsuch?
it is so hilarious in that the nra is only protecting a right given us which some wish to take away, should be applauded not attacked. they give small amounts of money to politics compared to others like planned parenthood which takes govt money and then sends it to democrat candidates, not fair at all or unions. both of those groups dwarf what the nra gives yet they get a pass and believe that planned parenthood kills many more humans than does the nra, right?

Right. The NRA hardly donates at all, and for certain, Planned Parenthood political donations "dwarf" those of the NRA. What garbage. Not just misleading. Totally false and bogus.

Spinner, you need to check your facts or take a remedial math class. And yet you have the audacity to cast aspersions on the so-called fake news? Shame on you, Spinner. Your misrepresentations go beyond spin. They go beyond equivocation. Mendacity, I suppose. But I guess such fabrication and fiction is not merely de rigueur in the Trumpfenreich, it's also required to perpetuate the denigration of the truth. Honesty is anathema and apostasy to those atop the current regime.

Spinner, I don't mean to burden you with facts, but here's how it shook out with respect to the last election:

2016 - Total Contributions from Planned Parenthood to all federal candidates - $671,048

In the 2016 election, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump—and another $19,756,346 to oppose Hillary Clinton. That’s over $31 million spent on one presidential race.

Try something new, Spinner. Check the facts:
The 10 Politicians Who Have Benefited the Most From NRA Funding
Have your representatives in Congress received donations from the NRA?
Planned Parenthood: Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2016
as far as i know the supreme court has always upheld the second amendment and don't think they will change that but if they do, they got some splaining to do. funny how the left when asking a more conservative judge if he goes by established law, precedence, when it comes to abortion but when it comes to guns, "what is precedence again?"

little i, the numbers i have seen show that the nra has only given around a few million to candidates over the past 20 years while planned parenthood has given way more than that in one year just like unions and their money is taxpayer money unlike the nra.
Would you refer us to the numbers you have seen re giving from the nra and planned parehood please?
as far as i know the supreme court has always upheld the second amendment and don't think they will change that but if they do, they got some splaining to do. funny how the left when asking a more conservative judge if he goes by established law, precedence, when it comes to abortion but when it comes to guns, "what is precedence again?"

little i, the numbers i have seen show that the nra has only given around a few million to candidates over the past 20 years while planned parenthood has given way more than that in one year just like unions and their money is taxpayer money unlike the nra.

How do you define upheld?

The Second Amendment, of course, is no exception. In the 2008 case of District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court told us that we have a constitutional right to possess firearms for self-defense, at least within our homes. But the opinion never suggested that this right was unconditional or immune from all regulation. In fact, Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, said just the opposite. In Heller, he specifically said that “the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”

As I said earlier, the real argument is where do we draw the "reasonable limitations".
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for gosh sakes, hundreds, thousands, of laws regulating guns have been on the books for years R. there is a big difference in banning or eliminating an amendment and passing regulations. just like abortion, pro-death people don't want any changes or alterations to abortion, gun people don't want any either, both afraid that the right will be taken away from them. reasonable regulations are so different depending on you speak to. gosh Chris, i will take your ARs off your hands for you, that would be great. wonder if the parkland kids, not many of them, will now be in the streets going against rental trucks soon.
and thus the debate -- the gun rights people have drawn a line in the sand saying no more, the opposition has said more, the general public has been neutral, but I don't believe they feel that way anymore

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