well i don't have one, just what others say, am just a nice person but certainly in favor or our constitution.
well i don't have one, just what others say, am just a nice person but certainly in favor or our constitution.

I always am interested in why certain people are strict constitutionalists, and specifically, I mean those that want to basically stick to the original. This site is quite interesting:

You can see how often other countries change their constitutions to reflect current realities, and how infrequently we do. Why do we trust a group of rabblerousers in the late 1700s to guide us nearly 300 years later?
the old guys gave us a great foundation and yes it has been changed some but detest activists, period but activist judges, completely. judges should not make law, they should interpret it. so yes, favor judges who interpret not try and change things to match pop culture or what is hot today.

little i, if you know anyone who knows me personally, they will say i am a nice person who will do anything for anybody if i can help.
I always am interested in why certain people are strict constitutionalists, and specifically, I mean those that want to basically stick to the original. This site is quite interesting:

You can see how often other countries change their constitutions to reflect current realities, and how infrequently we do. Why do we trust a group of rabblerousers in the late 1700s to guide us nearly 300 years later?

We do not. That group of people included within the Constitution a process by which it can be amended. Elimination of our 2nd Amendment rights have never caught on because such a proposal is and always has been highly unpopular in the vast majority of US States.
When is the next time an amendment will happen? Our last was 1992. I’ll hang up and listen.
When is the next time an amendment will happen? Our last was 1992. I’ll hang up and listen.

It will happen whenever the public has a genuine desire to see one pass. Ending Birthright Citizenship is something I could have promise. Perhaps you should focus on that rather than highly unpopular gun control schemes.
the public is everyone, not just activists, and don't think the majority or anywhere near a majority of americans want to ban guns. heck we still have the era out there way past the time needed to pass it but the dems wanted to keep it out there so they extended the time period. that is the equal rights amendment for those of you who are too young to even know what it is. just shows, it is not an easy thing to do.
More insanity on the way

Americans can legally download 3-D printed guns starting next month

Gun-rights activists have reached a settlement with the government that will allow them to post 3-D printable gun plans online starting August 1. Read the full story
How is this different from post #133?
  • People who can't pass a background check, including terrorists, felons, and domestic abusers will be able to print their own functional guns.
  • Many of these guns can be printed entirely in plastic, so metal detectors won't detect them — putting our planes, music festivals, and government buildings in danger.
  • Law enforcement will not be able to trace any plastic guns recovered at crime scenes — stalling their criminal investigations before they even start.
This is pretty cool.3D printable guns for everyone,anytime,made at parties for family and friends in different colors.For birthdays
and holidays.

It's quite frightening, actually. Fairly doomsday, really!
would think that common sense says that guns on a 3D should be gone.
What a shame.Sounds like NY State involved.Could the gun lobbying outfit,as a conduit for funding only obedient Senators and Congressmen,be hitting the wall?

Either the NRA wins the lawsuit, or better yet, they lose and the GOP is forced to pass legislation ending this sort of abuse (which effects far more than the just NRA). Corrupt anti-American DA's and the International Bankers have been undermining our nation for long enough. Time to take them down.
No thanks. I think we will just stay here and continue the fight against the enemies of America. Trump is laying the foundation. In another year or two the Globalist Scum will be running for their lives.
think we all should follow the chicago plan, have incredibly strict gun laws while people fall every weekend by the dozens. again, it is people not the weapon they utilize. maybe the mayor there should just have the police round up the people they know who are causing this on a bus which takes them to the national guard base where they are walked onto a c-130 hercules, flown over lake michigan at 10000 feet and then walked off. that would work much better than the laws they have in place. keep in mind, if there were no guns, these people would still be killing others with something, maybe something more lethal. clean up the people not their choice of weapon and you would not hurt the millions of law-abiding citizens who own firearms who use them to protect their families and possessions millions of times per year.
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again, it is people not the weapon they utilize.

So why not allow machine guns, artillery, and anti-aircraft weapons? Maybe even nuclearize our citizenry? Why not, if it's just people who cause so many murders?

For sure, someone has to pull the trigger but it is absurd to argue that reasonable restrictions could not save lives (and probably many of those the lives of children or young adults).

I own a few guns (two handguns, a rifle, and a shotgun), but have absolutely no objection to more thorough background checks nor to not allowing the ownership of automatic weapons or devices that make them automatic. Isn't this really the crux of that to which the NRA objects? Of course, it is. The NRA will not allow any further restriction even in the face of studies which prove beyond any doubt that tighter restrictions would save lives and could be reasonably implemented without running afoul of our Second Amendment rights.

NO ONE of significance against whom the NRA and its prostitutes (on both sides of the aisle) continue their railings are calling for a ban or elimination of guns. They (we) merely want tighter gun control. Any objection predicated upon an assertion that it is people, not weapons which take so many lives is not only spurious, it totally misses the point. Such an argument is advanced solely, albeit, perhaps unwittingly by some, to obfuscate a sane and rational discussion and promote the uncompromising ends of the NRA.
little i, how many gun laws are out there? hundreds if not thousands and yet mentals find a way to obtain them. obama's silly, psychobabble program in the florida high school, went around gun laws and allowed that mental to obtain one, duh. BS, even a justice or former justice called for a complete ban and a complete ban is the goal of you and those of your ilk, make no mistake. when our citizens utilize their legal guns millions of times per year to protect themselves and their property, a pretty strong statement that we need to have them and you can still make the choice, like me, not to have one. how do you feel about the million to million and a half unborned humans who are killed annually in our country, who speaks for them?
little i, how do you feel about the million to million and a half unborned humans who are killed annually in our country, who speaks for them?
Whataboutism in its purest form.
"Gun control, eh? Well, what about abortion?"

Your ignorance is overwhelming, but I will play along for the sake of your possible edification:
So, Spinner, what about all those "unborned [sic] humans" you have killed through masturbation?
Eh, what about them?
Do you have even the slightest clue as to the definition of human viability and the law governing abortion? I suppose you also oppose Plan B, the morning after pill.

Geez, Spinner, maybe you should stick to your all-encompassing abrogation of Democrats sans intelligible justification. That, at least, seems to curry the favor of a few of your fellow Trumpfians and it is facially less cretinous.
only saying that gun owners and abortion rights people are fighting the exact same battle. neither want any type of restriction placed on their sacred cow, they fight tooth and nail to prevent any legislation which might change their love for guns or love for the dead. you don't understand that? don't vote on abortion or guns, both protected by established law.
only saying that gun owners and abortion rights people are fighting the exact same battle. neither want any type of restriction placed on their sacred cow, they fight tooth and nail to prevent any legislation which might change their love for guns or love for the dead. you don't understand that? don't vote on abortion or guns, both protected by established law.
What I don't understand is your unapologetic position that gun rights should not be restricted.
And while we're at it, WHAT ABOUT Beto and Willy?
not a gun zealot and am OK with some restriction but understand why some don't want any because they feel that going down that road may lead to a ban and the abortion zealots feel the same way, peas in a pod
I tell u wat. dem dam dems r so horrible.
dey so horrible tat dey caint even spell out decency...sumthin i learned yrs ago...
so glad im a repuglicant (rellly im not).
plus dis: they r worser dan horrible. dey downright terriblist i eva seen...
...but...wat du u 'pect...disgustin dems...i hated em all my life...but mo lately since i got 2 b a retiree....aint all dat bad...thank gawd 4 dis board...
thinnk bout it. tha dems...dey so said i wus being dotty...maybe she have sum dem blood in her genes...not rellly sure...
but gitting back on topic...
i thinnk we shud ban dem dems from postin’ such aweful n horrible thinngs on dis spectable board...
pleeezzzeee, mr moderator. how kin u let this go on.
i b serious, mr. moderator. I mien wat r u thinnkin. reeelly, mr. moderator...wat tha hell r u thinnkjing...
‘specially little i whu, wat a slug...he a dumb sheet 2.
i spect he is....well, u nose wat i be thinnnkin...he probably is...
thank tha lawd, everybodi cees dat he is totally stupid n everybody nose it...he so stupid...
i mien u nose I hadta git help figurin out how 2 use caps.
so wat does dat tell u mr moderator.
u shud nose how much I mien this, mr moderator.
so help me gawd.
2 quote prssdent Trumpf...
kil dat sumbitch...
once again, when you have no argument, you throw trash talk which just shows how weak and shallow what you want and desire for our country is. you and those of your ilk can have all you want in venezuela or cuba, make the move and save our country.

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