Elon to ban Chick-Fil-A?

onward fighting christians!! if you do not agree with the entire gay agenda, you are a homophobe, so childish.
Great thing about America is we all have a say, I know people that have flocked to Chck-Fil-A and others that have written them off because of their stance.
The anti Chick-Fil-A announcements at Elon and Davidson have been by student organizations not by the school administrations. Davidson's President put out clarification press release. These anti-C-F-A students will be the same kids who complain about not finding jobs when they pick up their diplomas.
LKN - you are 100% right with that statement. These kids are in for a rude awakening.
the prez of the Chick was asked in an interview about marriage and gay marriage, he did not call a press conference and tell the world that his organization hates gays and is against gay marriage. he stated in the interview that he believes that marriage was between a man and a woman, period. what is so controversial about that? why would anyone want to harm a person for providing such an answer during the course of an interview? one cannot even speak in this country any longer if it does not fit the protected groups in this country's agenda without a firestorm arising. really stupid
Cooler heads will probably prevail and Elon will not impose a thought and freedom of expression ban. Why does the fact that someone disagrees with someone else cause anyone to react? Who would think that our country would get to the point that when someone expresses their belief in the traditional Christian belief that marriage is between one man and one woman someone else would label them a bigot and people would give any credence to that labeling?
Since homosexual marriage has absolutely no bearing on my life in any shape or form...I tend not to support/protest junk food restaurants. If homosexual marriage keeps you up at night...and waffle fries are your form of expression...more power to you.
that is EXACTLY the point NY. this was not a controversial answer to a question posed to this individual during an interview, there should have been no problem, no outcry, no coverage but there was because it goes against what some are attempting to force down our throats on tv, the white house, the main stream media. this should not be an issue that has any bearing on any of our lives but it is. would not matter if this was a fast food enterprise you do not support or one, NY, that you do frequent and support, it should not have happened but it did. the agenda's of these special groups are touted, promoted and if one does not agree with it, they are placed in a corner by the press, by other individuals, and labeled as racists, bigots, homophobes which is just wrong and small-minded but it makes them feel good and it forces people to not be honest and afraid to speak about any issue. these are the things that polarize our country, make it less free.
I think it was less his comments, than the almost 2 million dollars donated by Chik-fil-a's foundations in 2009 to many groups with anti-gay agendas. Groups that attempt to "turn" homosexuals, groups that fought against the decriminalization of homosexual acts. Groups that claim homosexuals are "after your children". In my mind that is just wrong. If Elon wants to ban Chik-fil-a, more power to them.
So pro marriage between one man and one woman is antigay? So thought control, action control, and throwing away the First Amendment is American? So you decide what is "right" and what is "wrong"? Pretty scary mindset.
This post was edited on 10/17 11:05 AM by spider fan
It is antigay if you are not just pro marriage between a man and a women, but also anti marriage between two same sex people. It is not really about marriage per se, but about the legal rights and responsibilities that are entagled into the institution. Why should two men or two women who have given their lives and love to each other not have the same legal rights as a man and a women? I am not talking about religion or the "blessed union", I am talking about legal rights. I actually think everything should legally be a civil union when it comes to legal rights, and then marriage should be left as a religious event, that can be administered as desired by churches. But if you do not think that our society is not going to see gay unions in a more and more welcoming light then you are not paying attention to the younger portions of society, In 5 or 10 years people will wonder how there could ever have been any questions about this issue. Which is why as of a month ago, Chick Fil A decided to stop giving money to anti-gay groups and stay out of the gay union debate as it was in fact hurting their business. And as I said Elon's students and administration have every right to decide what is "right" for their campus.
Sounds like litmus test thinking. So if Elon decides that companies that affirm so called "marriage" between those of the same sex should be banned, that is okay with you as well? Wouldn't this whole process get cumbersome trying to determine views on various subjects by those who want to conduct legitmate business interests on campus? Or is it because Dan Cathy "dare" answer a question honestlly based on his Christian faith perspective that doesn't consort with the viewpoint presented by many in the politically correct media that is so interested in playing "gotcha" with those who dare express an opinion different from theirs?
Again it was not really just his expressing a view point, but that his company was actively donating to groups with an antigay agenda. And for many this is not just political correctness, but rather a matter of civil rights. Is it ok to not want a company on campus that would actively work with others to discriminate against women or blacks? Most would say yes, I do not see much difference here. Companies are going to be held accountable by society for their actions. If society at Elon deems this company to be lacking, then they can go do business elsewhere.
I am beginning to understand your viewpoint - define something as "civil rights" and then it should be protected behavior. Conflating homosexual behavior wirh gender or skin color is a stretch. What other behavioral choices will fit into such a category in the years ahead? It is not "civil rights" by your logic to have a viewpoint different from whomever has the upper hand. Exactly how is it "antigay" to contribute to groups that believe homosexuality is morally wrong? Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual until 1973 when sodomy advocates and lesbian organizations lobbied for de-listing. Also in 1973 Roe versus Wade was decided and the power was taken from the states and given to the federal goverernment to determine whether or not abortion was legal. Guess this slippery slope has no end. On a lighter note perhaps we should unite to define pulling for the Richmond Spiders is a "civil right" and anyone against "us" should be banned from commercial enterprises.
Sounds like the same arguments racist made when states denied interracial couples the right to marry. The right of consenting adults to marry a person of ones choosing is not a special right, but the most basic of civil rights, i.e. Loving v. Virginia.
because one is against racial quotas does not make them racist. because one is for marriage meaning between a man and a woman does not make them ANTI GAY. it is like life to right people saying that pro abortion people are ANTI LIFE or for death. this business of cornering people who have a different view than yours and calling them names is just not right. politically correct speech is one of items driving this polarization and lack of cooperation on the national level. i vote fiscal issues not social issues but i detest what the main stream press, hollywood and the left keeps doing to make folks feel they are evil because they do not agree with them.
Surely RCSGA you can come up with better logic to overturn how many years of civilization defining marriage being between a man and a woman than using "ist" or "ism" name calling? No wonder there is so little cooperation among many in our nation who want to demonize the other. You are entitled to your opinion and I will gladly continue to embrace my faith. Have a great day and lobby for pulling for the Richmond Spiders to be labeled a "civil right."
The problem is not that people might not agree with gay marriage or abortion, it is that they actively work to make sure that their choice is the ONLY legal one. By no means am I pro abortion, but I am pro choice as I think it should be up to the couple, not up to me. By no means am I looking to marry another man, but I do not think the government should tell my gay friends that they are not worthy of equal protection before the laws. As I said earlier, "It is not really about marriage per se, but about the legal rights and responsibilities that are entagled into the institution. Why should two men or two women who have given their lives and love to each other not have the same legal rights as a man and a women? I am not talking about religion or the "blessed union", I am talking about legal rights. I actually think everything, same or opposite sex, should legally be a civil union when it comes to legal rights, and then marriage should be left as a religious event, that can be administered as desired by churches."
have gay friends and would do anything for them and have but do not agree with all of the gay agenda nor do some of my gay friends and don't think they are homophobes. agree that a union that protects their rights is OK but i do hold dear, that a marriage is between a man and a woman. the gay activists don't want anything but marriage, want to stick it in people's faces, they need to find common ground as do those who don't want them to have anything. just will not accept being branded as a bad person because i don't agree with some group's agenda.
Originally posted by WebSpinner:
gay marriage, want to stick it in people's faces,
I know right. Those gay activists...always sticking it right in my face. I can barely brush my teeth in morning. #GayAgenda
that is what i hate about political correctness, you cannot laugh at what we just laughed at and make fun of stereotypes. it just sucks
Spinner - you should know by now that you are only allowed to laugh at/make fun of/vilify opinions and actions of white, heterosexual, Christian males. That category is fair game. Everyone else is off limits due to racism, sexism, religious freedom, classism, and any other hyper-sensitive isms you can think of. I for one don't have anything against gay people per se but cannot stand being bombarded by their agenda and opinions. I hate turning on the TV and having to explain to my kids why there are more gay characters on network TV than they will probably ever meet in their lives. It is another example of a tiny percentage of the population making a tremendous amount of noise. I think I'll go to Chick Fil A for lunch today and revel in my heterosexuality.
I performed a wedding this past weekend in Northern Virginia. The bride is the daughter of close friends and she and other wedding guests spent much of their childhood in and around my house playing with my son and other neighborhood kids. The groom is a graduate of Longwood University and most of his attendants were former fraternity brothers who have remained close friends over the decade since their graduation. A rowdy and friendly bunch of guys. The bride's parents spared no expense and it was a joyful and lavish occaision. Most of these kids came from prosperous families and have done well themselves. The bride and groom were in their early thirties and have done well since college, the same for most of the guests.

Among the honored guests was one celebrity of some note...a young black man who was a high school classmate of the bride. Patrick County where many of the bride's guests grew up is a unique place. Populatiion, about 17,000, it sits in the mountain chain that crosses the Virginia-NorthCarolina border. Stuart, the county seat(named for Patrick's most famous citizen, the late general J.E.B. Stuart), just soared above 1,000 in population due to a recent annexation. There is no country club, no movie theatre, no Macdonalds...they did finally get a Walmart about five years ago. In the forty years that I have lived in the vacinity, the county has produced one Governor of Virginia(Jerry Balliles) , one Attorney General(Mary Sue Terry) , a Justice of the Court of Appeals(Steve Agee)..Lt. Governor J.Seargent Reynolds was burried there per instructions in his will following his untimely death and, of course, one of the winningest Race Teams in NASCAR history, the Woods Brothers.

The young man I was speaking of is MacCray Huff. MacCray is one of the stars of a popular, national cable network show..."Chicagolicious". As a senior in high school, Maccray was the President of the Student Government of Patrick County High. He was not a star athelete as you might expect, not a straight A student...Maccray was universily popular among his classmates because he was bright, very witty and a really good guy. He is also gay...he "came out" on a recent episode of the TV show... the news was no surprise to his friends here who took that status for granted. Maccray has become a very successful hair dresser in Chicago and the TV show centers around his salon.

Many of us grew up with bias towards certain groups as a part of our society. In my youth, it was certainly the blacks...I never had a black person in any school class that I was part of from kindergarten through law school. There was a different rule in my house, my Mom rigidly inforced a courtesy and respect for all code in our house, but my friends didn't share our views. Things have changed drasticly in that regard over the last fifty years. I guess that the kids of the current generation have grown up withoiut the rigerous bias of my generation and I think that to be a good thing. The "Good Samaritan" parable has a modern counterpart in the illegal Mexicans of our day. The story of the stoning of the woman who had commited adultery is a reminder to all of us that we all have our own sins. The persistant ministry to the lepers of his day who were isolated and regarded as unclean could speak to the ideal of taking a same atitude toward those with aids today.

It occurs to me that I may have reported more illegal immigrants to immigration authorities than any man in Virginia over the past twenty five years. I did so routinely because it was the law until they finally told me not to call any more. I have certainly passed harsh sentences on many folks. But, I have always tried to temper those judgments with some word of encouragement that redemption is there for us all and that it is not too late to rededicate oneself to a better purpose. With all the problems of our society, I am encouraged by the fair minded approach of the new generation who seem to judge folks on an individual basis rather than placing them in some category of contempt. I truly enjoyed being with all those happy kids this weekend who came from rural Southern Virginia, urban Northern Virginia and from across the country to celebrate together with an appreciation for the good side of each individual and no interest in catagorical discrimination.
T, if only the individual was paramount in this country, we would be thriving instead of struggling, agree with you. unfortunately parties cater to groups not individuals and they work very hard to maintain those groups as voting blocks and that is such a shame because the individual made this country great not goups and particularly not victim groups. sounds like a nice affair out there and hope you behaved yourself.
Yeah, I think that your comment was spot on, Spinner. I worry that we are all thinking according to dictates that we get from TV commentators and political rhetoric. You and I don't always think alike, but I appreciate the fact that your philosophy is your own and not some rhetoric from a political ad. I am frightened for this country, not because I think that one party or the other will lead us to ruin, but because I worry that both parties are taking us there.
I am afraid you both might be right. We are looking at ruin, and nobody has any real ideas how to get us out of here. Of course then I look at Europe and see them worse off then we are. China is so effed up, and full of way too large divisions between rich and poor, urban and rural, ripe for an economic meltdown with real estate and export bubbles, Japan is in the crapper. It feels like the mid 1930's... We all know what came next.
think we may already be in a depression but now we have the fed and euro banks to print money and paper things over to hide the real deal. they cannot continue to print so we may be very close to finding out if we are already over the cliff or just approaching it. either way, hide some wealth, if you have any and buy a gun if you do not own one, it could get ugly, very ugly. the solutions are going to be very painful but hope that we all have the resolve to do it, mainly the politicians, don't think they want to do it.

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