Robins Center Attendance Watch

I'm just saying that it appears the ticket office is taking proactive steps to make sure the RC won't be swarmed by VCU fans. I view that as a positive, not something to be criticized.

And yes, obviously winning is the best promotion.
With you Wood, if my comment came across as a criticism of the ticket office and marketing folks, that was not at all my intent.

My point is we can’t muster enough fans for a rivalry game. That’s pretty much about being 9-14 this year and 12-20 last year.
Wow! Thanks for the update, Mr. T. Guess I never thought of vdu as a rival; always considered our rival to be William and Mary.
As an institution? Certainly!

If the success of the William and Mary Basketball Program is what we are striving for, that may not be our best option...
Wow! Thanks for the update, Mr. T. Guess I never thought of vdu as a rival; always considered our rival to be William and Mary.
Ulla, love you. Mean it. But this is ridiculous... VCU is and always has been our biggest rival in basktball.

I’d also argue JMU over William and Mary for football...
Ulla, love you. Mean it. But this is ridiculous... VCU is and always has been our biggest rival in basktball.

I’d also argue JMU over William and Mary for football...

Last 50 years? Certainly!

I don’t think VCU was the rival of the Warren Mills team...
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Well I just got a "Basketball Game Day" email and it has the wrong start time. Unless they have changed the game to 7pm ! Great, even most mediocre programs at least proofread their media.
Actually W&M is our long time rival in football. JMU is my most hated & fiercest rival in life

We know, we know...the Dillweeds from the Chicken Coop. They're the bane of your existence. What are they going to call their new Convo Center, the Hen House?
Actually W&M is our long time rival in football. JMU is our most hated & fiercest rival in football
There was a time when W & M owned us, then the pendulum swung. That happens in rivalries, look at
the greatest college rivalry- Army vs. Navy.
Unless there are major changes by our program or W &M’s program, the pendulum will always
swing back and forth.
I say we were pushing 6000 tonight. Good crowd. Even a few students sprinkled in. Varina band was badly needed.
Didn't buy season tickets this year and sure as hell am not spending $150 to take my family to see us get embarrassed on our home court.
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If you want to really protect those around you, burn their tickets as well...
Our four seats will be empty for the first time in many years. Headed to Williamsburg to do the William & Mary tour instead.
WTF I'm finally back off a 5 week vacation and there's NO game this weekend?? When is the last time we had a mid February weekend with no basketball?

It's summer in New Zealand, I'm going back.....
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WTF I'm finally back off a 5 week vacation and there's NO game this weekend?? When is the last time we had a mid February weekend with no basketball?

It's summer in New Zealand, I'm going back.....
SpiderRick I don't blame you for going back! It would be a lot more fun viewing all those bikinis in New Zealand than watching the Spiders lose basketball games!
Did that include the RPI days before the merger with MCV made them reputable ?
I believe the merger was 1968 but it took until 2000 for it to make them reputable. MCV disappeared in 1996...VCU Health appeared in 2000.
I believe the merger was 1968 but it took until 2000 for it to make them reputable. MCV disappeared in 1996...VCU Health appeared in 2000.

Yet more people than not still call it MCV. I know I do and hope to never have to use that hospital unless for severe trauma.
Classy, Who knows? They may actually save a life or 2 one day.

I'm not going to use MCV for anything other than a bad car wreck or have to go to the burn center. Went there when I was 7 after being in a bad car wreck. Don't want to go back unless I have to. Not slamming MCV at all. Don't want to go to UVA or Johns Hopkins either.

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