Robins Center Attendance Watch

Until they stop doing things that makes them the subject of criticism, it's going to continue. They're not above criticism at this point. Hokie fans criticize Buzz all the time, and they're ranked! No team in D1 is above criticism.

Yep, I know plenty of Hokie fans. I have been all over the state and know lots of programs fans. Some get it and some don't. Hokie fans also criticized Beamer when 10 win seasons, ACC titles, and major bowls were "not good enough for VT", and after 3 ACC titles, 3 Orange Bowls, and a Sugar Bowl between 2007-2011, they have not been relevant since. I tried to tell them be careful what you wish for.
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Yep, I know plenty of Hokie fans. I have been all over the state and know lots of programs fans. Some get it and some don't. Hokie fans also criticized Beamer when 10 win seasons, ACC titles, and major bowls were "not good enough for VT", and after 3 ACC titles, 3 Orange Bowls, and a Sugar Bowl between 2007-2011, they have not been relevant since. I tried to tell them be careful what you wish for.

What you could say about Spiders basketball under Mooney. So you come here in 2016. Is there any possibility you could go back and try harder?
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What you could say about Spiders basketball under Mooney. So you come here in 2016. Is there any possibility you could go back and try harder?

So, now we are comparing our basketball program to VT football? You think this is a fair comparison? But, since you went there, yes, VT overachieved with major bowls and we overachieved with a sweet 16. Both Beamer and Mooney deserve a lot of credit for that.
We gave our VCU tickets away. Wasn't looking for a profit, but wasn't going to go to a home arena where I felt like the enemy. They went to UR people, but they probably wouldn't have taken them if they had to pay for them.

What’s ironic is the fans who want Mooney gone I bet have been some of the loudest fans in past at games we have. Let’s see if the glory days red sweaters - god bless them tho - step up and not let us get drowned out by vcu fans. We r missing these ardent fans who aren’t afraid to cheer loudly. I bet many of the Glory Day ones r the types who have told me to sit down so I don’t block their view. I’ve had that frustrating experience before unfortunately. Oh sorry I thought this was a basketball game not the ballet.
There is no comparison. I just thought you might want to back to your VT bro with your words of wisdom.

He’s not a VT fan. Self described uva fan but UR grad. Yet he posted as a VT fan on their rivals board before here with VT in username. Weird. Unicorn would be a more appropriate username.
What’s ironic is the fans who want Mooney gone I bet have been some of the loudest fans in past at games we have. Let’s see if the glory days red sweaters - god bless them tho - step up and not let us get drowned out by vcu fans. We r missing these ardent fans who aren’t afraid to cheer loudly. I bet many of the Glory Day ones r the types who have told me to sit down so I don’t block their view. I’ve had that frustrating experience before unfortunately. Oh sorry I thought this was a basketball game not the ballet.
Why bad mouth any Spider fan? We need all we can get whether they enjoy the game the way you do or not.
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Why bad mouth any Spider fan? We need all we can get whether they enjoy the game the way you do or not.

How did I badmouth them? I don't see it. Great respect for the red sweaters. Hope to live long enough to become one someday. I agree we need all we can get. But let's be honest we don't have a reputation for being the loud boisterous type. We could definitely use more of that, no?. More energy. That's my point. And I don't know but I would guess the FMM crew is more the latter. Social media all that. But I do think the sit down in your seats fans well that can bleed over to admin. They tend to match the fanbase. If the fans are sitting on their hands why rock the boat. I love UR but it can be kind of boring. Needs to get riled up occasionally or it tends to stay with status quo.

Anyway I disagree with your assessment of badmouth. If you claimed we don't have a lot of those fans though I wouldn't believe you've been around UR much. Also I'm not THAT fan. I respect those around me. I cheer loudly primarily when appropriate. I'm up cheering, or exerting team on, or getting on a ref here and there when it calls for it. Fans can enjoy the game as they please but if I'm not telling you to stand up and cheer then don't tell me to sit down.
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How did I badmouth them? I don't see it. Great respect for the red sweaters. Hope to live long enough to become one someday. I agree we need all we can get. But let's be honest we don't have a reputation for being the loud boisterous type. We could definitely use more of that, no?. More energy. That's my point. And I don't know but I would guess the FMM crew is more the latter. Social media all that. But I do think the sit down in your seats fans well that can bleed over to admin. They tend to match the fanbase. If the fans are sitting on their hands why rock the boat. I love UR but it can be kind of boring. Needs to get riled up occasionally or it tends to stay with status quo.

Anyway I disagree with your assessment of badmouth. If you claimed we don't have a lot of those fans though I wouldn't believe you've been around UR much. Also I'm not THAT fan. I respect those around me. I cheer loudly primarily when appropriate. I'm up cheering, or exerting team on, or getting on a ref here and there when it calls for it. Fans can enjoy the game as they please but if I'm not telling you to stand up and cheer then don't tell me to sit down.

Just asked you to think about what you said, wittingly or unwittingly. Not a personal attack. Read your board input carefully and appreciate it. Peace.
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Yep, I know plenty of Hokie fans. I have been all over the state and know lots of programs fans. Some get it and some don't. Hokie fans also criticized Beamer when 10 win seasons, ACC titles, and major bowls were "not good enough for VT", and after 3 ACC titles, 3 Orange Bowls, and a Sugar Bowl between 2007-2011, they have not been relevant since. I tried to tell them be careful what you wish for.
Have they been to a conference championship game since 2011?
Final numbers for the season. 7-10 at home this year.

2 great crowds to close out the year, which is impressive considering the season we had.

The average (5,730) was down about 11.8% from last year's end of year number (6,491).

Longwood - 6,717
St. Francis - 6,851
IUPUI - 5,015
Hampton - 4,475
Wake Forest - 6,076
Coppin State - 4,220
Oral Roberts - 5,107
ODU - 5,617
URI - 5,006
Duquesne - 4,603
St. Bonaventure - 6,503
La Salle - 6,644
Goo Mu - 4,769
GW - 6,601
Fordham - 5,001
VCU - 7,201 (only sell-out of season)
Davidson - 7,002
Final numbers for the season. 7-10 at home this year.

2 great crowds to close out the year, which is impressive considering the season we had.

The average (5,730) was down about 11.8% from last year's end of year number (6,491).

Longwood - 6,717
St. Francis - 6,851
IUPUI - 5,015
Hampton - 4,475
Wake Forest - 6,076
Coppin State - 4,220
Oral Roberts - 5,107
ODU - 5,617
URI - 5,006
Duquesne - 4,603
St. Bonaventure - 6,503
La Salle - 6,644
Goo Mu - 4,769
GW - 6,601
Fordham - 5,001
VCU - 7,201 (only sell-out of season)
Davidson - 7,002
What’s striking is the first 2 games of the season being almost sell outs against terrible competition. Then once it was seen the direction the season was taking, the dip in attendance.

In other words, there is a base and market to dip into to sell out regularly if the team is performing better.
Final numbers for the season. 7-10 at home this year.

2 great crowds to close out the year, which is impressive considering the season we had.

The average (5,730) was down about 11.8% from last year's end of year number (6,491).

Longwood - 6,717
St. Francis - 6,851
IUPUI - 5,015
Hampton - 4,475
Wake Forest - 6,076
Coppin State - 4,220
Oral Roberts - 5,107
ODU - 5,617
URI - 5,006
Duquesne - 4,603
St. Bonaventure - 6,503
La Salle - 6,644
Goo Mu - 4,769
GW - 6,601
Fordham - 5,001
VCU - 7,201 (only sell-out of season)
Davidson - 7,002
If Mooney stays attendance will continue to decline.
Final numbers for the season. 7-10 at home this year.

2 great crowds to close out the year, which is impressive considering the season we had.

The average (5,730) was down about 11.8% from last year's end of year number (6,491).

Longwood - 6,717
St. Francis - 6,851
IUPUI - 5,015
Hampton - 4,475
Wake Forest - 6,076
Coppin State - 4,220
Oral Roberts - 5,107
ODU - 5,617
URI - 5,006
Duquesne - 4,603
St. Bonaventure - 6,503
La Salle - 6,644
Goo Mu - 4,769
GW - 6,601
Fordham - 5,001
VCU - 7,201 (only sell-out of season)
Davidson - 7,002

Is there anyway to find the attendance numbers for 2010-2011? Just wanted to compare. Thanks!
Those were more accurate counts in the old RC. This year’s counts were ridiculous. Half of 7200 is not 5600. At least not on the old SAT test.
Mooney Math. 3500 butts in the seats are really 7200. 12 wins a season in Mooney math equals 25. 232 in NET ranking in Mooney math is 49th. 8-years in a row with zero NCAA bids in Mooney Math is really 6 trips. EARNING $200,000.00 per year is actually $1.25 million.

It's not that difficult once you understand the scoring system :D:D
An 11.8% decline is a material number. If CM comes back, it is only going lower. Our coach shows no growth. No NCAAs since 2011 is a tough recruiting cross to bear. Promises of next season never arrive. Fan base is not just disgruntled, but totally disgusted.

Mr. Hardt, after assessing this season and the entire resume, do the right thing that is years past due -bring new blood and new hope to Spider basketball.
No doubt we are inflating our counts this year, but think we have been doing that for a while. You could counts butts in the seats but I think they count tickets sold. We have had a lot of no shows this year because the product is not good to watch.
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On the high end, we sold about 12k fewer tickets this year than last year. On the low end, we gave away 12k fewer tickets than last year. The truth is somehow in the middle. But either way the trend is obvious.
Final numbers for the season. 7-10 at home this year.

2 great crowds to close out the year, which is impressive considering the season we had.

The average (5,730) was down about 11.8% from last year's end of year number (6,491).

Longwood - 6,717
St. Francis - 6,851
IUPUI - 5,015
Hampton - 4,475
Wake Forest - 6,076
Coppin State - 4,220
Oral Roberts - 5,107
ODU - 5,617
URI - 5,006
Duquesne - 4,603
St. Bonaventure - 6,503
La Salle - 6,644
Goo Mu - 4,769
GW - 6,601
Fordham - 5,001
VCU - 7,201 (only sell-out of season)
Davidson - 7,002

Raising this from the dead 1/2 way through the home schedule. A perfect 8-0 at home to start.

End of Year Average from the last few years:
2017-18 - 6,491
2018-19 - 5,730 (down 11.8% from prior year)

2019-20 (to-date) - 5,373 (down 6.2% from prior end of year number, down about 2.5% compared with first 8 games of last year)

SFU - 6,602
Vanderbilt - 5,602
CSUN - 4,604
McNeese - 4,765
Boston College - 5,531
USA - 5,056
Charleston - 5,804
SJU - 5,016
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There's definitely been some fallout from the Mooney stuff the past few years as far as season-ticket holders go. That said, I think the crowds that have gone have been pretty good overall. They remind me a bit of the NIT crowds that last year we were in it...not sellouts, but the people who were there were into the games. I haven't had season tickets for two years but I have been to about 5 games this year on single-game purchases. Suspect there are others in this boat.
Attendance always goes up as the season goes on. TBH i was surprised our reported attendance was as much as it was in past years. Expect once the students are back and NFL season winds down crowds will increase so long as we keep winning.

Also, would like to see more red at the costco distribution center this year. Representation has been sparse at those games over the years but Im old enough to remember the Coach B years and how the rowdies and regular fans traveled to that arena.
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Attendance always goes up as the season goes on. TBH i was surprised our reported attendance was as much as it was in past years. Expect once the students are back and NFL season winds down crowds will increase so long as we keep winning.

Also, would like to see more red at the costco distribution center this year. Representation has been sparse at those games over the years but Im old enough to remember the Coach B years and how the rowdies and regular fans traveled to that arena.

Tickets were readily available at Costco back then now they're not. The season ticket decline with us will also have an adverse affect on our home game vs. VCU, i.e. I expect there will be a lot more vcu fans in attendance.
Who knows what the real attendance is. Been there for every home game but one and the reported attendance by UR always seems about 1,000-1,500 than actual people in the seat. I guess that is actual tickets sold, maybe but still would be nice to just report how many people are actually there, cause that is pretty easy to validate since they scan your ticket when you enter.
Tickets were readily available at Costco back then now they're not. The season ticket decline with us will also have an adverse affect on our home game vs. VCU, i.e. I expect there will be a lot more vcu fans in attendance.

I hear ya, but they were plenty available at the beginning of the season and there are still some remaining. Its not like as a program we perform well there and that predates Mooney. Im hoping that if this team continues to improve and win there will be more of a presence than in years past.

As far as the home game, they probably will have more fans than last year but that's because the ticket office didn't really make them available last year. There were well over 1,000 empty seats last year, most Ive ever seen since we downsized for that game.
If you want to get an idea as to what attendance is for the next game

Go to
Go to Sports click on basketball then schedule
Click on the next game
Click on Purchase Tickets by Seat
Click around and you will see probably 2000 or more green dots of unsold seats
The student section shows "no seats available" which if you catch on TV are always empty.
I would estimate that attendance at best is 4000.

You could give away 2000 free seats a game and the place still wouldn't be full.

UR has lost the city to VCU and it will never regain it. If you are not a UR fan, attending a game at the Robins Center can be a hassle considering access and confusion over parking. Add to that the lack of student atmosphere, a top 10 game on TV almost every night plus the fact that most of out games being on TV, why go through the hassle? The local alumni base is aging and efforts to recruit new fans has generated disappointing results to date. Such is the state of our program!
If you want to get an idea as to what attendance is for the next game

Go to
Go to Sports click on basketball then schedule
Click on the next game
Click on Purchase Tickets by Seat
Click around and you will see probably 2000 or more green dots of unsold seats
The student section shows "no seats available" which if you catch on TV are always empty.
I would estimate that attendance at best is 4000.

You could give away 2000 free seats a game and the place still wouldn't be full.

UR has lost the city to VCU and it will never regain it. If you are not a UR fan, attending a game at the Robins Center can be a hassle considering access and confusion over parking. Add to that the lack of student atmosphere, a top 10 game on TV almost every night plus the fact that most of out games being on TV, why go through the hassle? The local alumni base is aging and efforts to recruit new fans has generated disappointing results to date. Such is the state of our program!

"Our program", lol
You can buy tickets to our game at Costco 40 at a time right now online on their athletic site.
You can buy tickets to our game at Costco 40 at a time right now online on their athletic site.

Interesting. That struck me as odd. Checked out & looks like it is all their general admission seating where u r not assigned an actual seat. The ones behind baskets that I thought were their student sections. I don’t know maybe they sell seats in those sections too.

Did not see any wear black/yellow $5 dollar tix specials. All $55 each plus fees.

I’d love to see more red too but doubt it. Radford has more red in DC than the Spider faithful did. I do agree w Ferrum that crowds tend to pick up 2nd half of year.
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We're begging now...hey it's some form of promotion so fine by me...also I expect we'll have good crowd on Saturday, minus the students still being out unfortunately...we'll see...

We've had such mediocre to bad seasons the last few years that we've lost some of the "casual" or local fans that aren't alums and don't have any loyalty to UR other than wanting to see a good basketball game. That's no knock on the current team, they are playing well and deserve folks to come out and support them, but our program hasn't had a ton of juice over the past decade compared to our neighbors downtown. Start winning some conference and post season tournament games and head to head games with VCU and we will see attendance increase.
We've had such mediocre to bad seasons the last few years that we've lost some of the "casual" or local fans that aren't alums and don't have any loyalty to UR other than wanting to see a good basketball game. That's no knock on the current team, they are playing well and deserve folks to come out and support them, but our program hasn't had a ton of juice over the past decade compared to our neighbors downtown. Start winning some conference and post season tournament games and head to head games with VCU and we will see attendance increase.
I disagree a bit. I think we are picking up the casual fans with our very cheap ticket prices and free kids games. I know of several families who go to UR games with no allegiance and they do so because it is cheap family entertainment.

I think our drop off has been more loyal fans, alumni, season ticket holders who are tired of the Mooney show and feeling like the admin just let the program go and buried their head in the sand. So, now we are playing well, but do these fans come back, maybe, but quite obviously not right away.

Redskins face the same issue, their fan base has lost complete faith in the organization and now their stadium is half empty of good days and taken over by opposing teams fan bases on bad days. We do all of these schemes to keep out VCU fans for our one sold out game a year and yet half of the RC will be VCU fans anyway.

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