Robins Center Attendance Watch

The section originally referenced in post #345 was section 17, across from the benches and team entrance.
I thought the Robins family had the front row or two? Or did they switch with you? :D
I assume you are directly across from them.

How empty is the bottom 1/3 of section 17 these days? I assume these AREN’T the tickets being given away...

Edit: actually the teams don’t use the entrance from the locker room anymore. They come from opposite ends behind the baskets ever since the Xavier tussle.

Mite, I was referring to the poster who referenced the empty seats being the visitors family and friends section. I interpreted that as the empty seats in the picture near mid-court right next to the visitors section, which are my seats. Our team still enters and leaves the court in the mid-court tunnel because my kids, when there, are always leaning over the railing giving them high fives.
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for those of us who've been on this board long enough ... many (myself definitely included) were pushing this idea of giving out tickets, especially to kids in local schools, to improve game day atmosphere and to hopefully build a new fan base. we bashed the school for not doing everything possible to improve attendance. the school listened and now we bash them for the give-aways.
I agree in part with what you’re saying. Kudos that we have 5-6k instead of 4-5k. I think what bugs people is the conflation of attendance and success.

For my part, I’m glad for the extra fans so long as the ticket folks don’t use that as an excuse to bilk season ticket holders for higher prices and deeper donations just to maintain the status quo.
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Instead of raising ticket prices on Richmond's most loyal, long term alumni fans, how about charging a few bucks for all the freebies? Can I afford more on my retired police officers pension? Yes. But I get tired of being leaned on by a school that doesn't need it. I'm still frosted about not being refunded for the St. Francis football game.
Since this is the attendance thread and in honor of Saturday, “alumni from the class of ‘76 bring their grandparents day?“
Instead of raising ticket prices on Richmond's most loyal, long term alumni fans, how about charging a few bucks for all the freebies? Can I afford more on my retired police officers pension? Yes. But I get tired of being leaned on by a school that doesn't need it. I'm still frosted about not being refunded for the St. Francis football game.
Because it's easier to raise prices on people who actually care. Please get out your wallet now.
First email - 7:55am Subject "Purchase VCU Tickets Today! Spider Alumni ONLY!"

Second email - 7:56am Subject "Purchase VCU Tickets: Spider Club Members Only!"

Did you forget to graduate?:D

More emails today about buying up to 4 tickets for this game
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A really I felt like it was reasonably full. Maybe not 6600+ but well attended.
So, you buy season tickets to Richmond games and then use some of them but sell some of the others? Or you sell some of them and use some of the others? And you buy stock in VCU basketball with your profits? I'm confused. Can you explain this again, in much greater detail, fmrick?

Why? Seems to be way over your head.

For the record, I've bought UR season tickets. I sell some on StubHub. I planned on using games that did not sell, but did not not conflict with the VCU schedule. But every game has sold so far, except for St. Francis, which I gave away, robbing me of the pleasure of coming to a few of the UR games. I will be at the VCU game. That one is not for sale.

I also bought the extra 10 tickets for the VCU game offered to season ticket holders. Sold them to VCU fans at cost.

So far, as of today, adding up all my cost and receipts, I'm up $148 and have two games left to sell. They will sell, I'm not worried about that. I will donate the profits to VCU. It is the gift that keeps giving, I will get a couple extra donor points that never go away.

Since I won't make it to any other games due to VCU's conflicting schedule, I'll see you guys on March 2nd. No matter the record of the two teams, it always seem to be a great game.
Do you have much experience in trading Agricultural commodities? I just took a class on that at Tech last semester and it was the most fascinating class I have taken in college so far.

No, never have messed with commodities at all. The only real speculation I do is in small-cap biotech. I keep about 15% of my portfolio there. It is the "risk" portion of my portfolio. You have to really keep up with it every day. It consumes way too much of my time. But in some years the return can be exceptional.
Why? Seems to be way over your head.

For the record, I've bought UR season tickets. I sell some on StubHub. I planned on using games that did not sell, but did not not conflict with the VCU schedule. But every game has sold so far, except for St. Francis, which I gave away, robbing me of the pleasure of coming to a few of the UR games. I will be at the VCU game. That one is not for sale.

I also bought the extra 10 tickets for the VCU game offered to season ticket holders. Sold them to VCU fans at cost.

So far, as of today, adding up all my cost and receipts, I'm up $148 and have two games left to sell. They will sell, I'm not worried about that. I will donate the profits to VCU. It is the gift that keeps giving, I will get a couple extra donor points that never go away.

Since I won't make it to any other games due to VCU's conflicting schedule, I'll see you guys on March 2nd. No matter the record of the two teams, it always seem to be a great game.
Rick, we know you buy season tickets to our games and sell all the extras on stubhub. You tell us every year. Message received bruv.
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Why? Seems to be way over your head.

For the record, I've bought UR season tickets. I sell some on StubHub. I planned on using games that did not sell, but did not not conflict with the VCU schedule. But every game has sold so far, except for St. Francis, which I gave away, robbing me of the pleasure of coming to a few of the UR games. I will be at the VCU game. That one is not for sale.

I also bought the extra 10 tickets for the VCU game offered to season ticket holders. Sold them to VCU fans at cost.

So far, as of today, adding up all my cost and receipts, I'm up $148 and have two games left to sell. They will sell, I'm not worried about that. I will donate the profits to VCU. It is the gift that keeps giving, I will get a couple extra donor points that never go away.

Since I won't make it to any other games due to VCU's conflicting schedule, I'll see you guys on March 2nd. No matter the record of the two teams, it always seem to be a great game.
I'm almost there. Do you think you could explain it in Spanish, just to make sure I have a complete understanding of how you pull this off?
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I'm almost there. Do you think you could explain it in Spanish, just to make sure I have a complete understanding of how you pull this off?

¿Por qué? Parece estar muy por encima de tu cabeza.

Para el registro, he comprado boletos de temporada UR. Vendo algunos en StubHub. Planeé usar juegos que no se vendieron, pero no entré en conflicto con el calendario de VCU. Pero todos los juegos se han vendido hasta ahora, excepto San Francisco, que regalé, y me robaron el placer de asistir a algunos de los juegos de UR. Estaré en el juego VCU. Ese no está a la venta.

También compré los 10 boletos adicionales para el juego VCU que se ofrece a los poseedores de boletos de temporada. Se los vendió a los fanáticos de VCU al costo.

Hasta el momento, a partir de hoy, sumando todos mis costos y recibos, he subido $ 148 y me quedan dos juegos por vender. Ellos venderán, no estoy preocupado por eso. Donaré las ganancias a VCU. Es el regalo que sigue dando, obtendré un par de puntos de donante adicionales que nunca desaparecerán.

Ya que no iré a ningún otro juego debido al calendario conflictivo de VCU, los veré a ustedes el 2 de marzo. No importa el historial de los dos equipos, siempre parece ser un gran juego.

My best friend from High School was from Central America. He is also a UR Grad.
On a related note, I think part of the attendance problem is related to timing of games. Looking at the schedule, we only have 3 home games that have tipoff pre-6pm. As a parent of 4 kids who are all under the age of 6, there's no way for me to reasonably get all of them or even any of them to those games. Frankly, it makes zero sense for me to buy season tickets for my whole crew when I am usually going solo because my wife has to stay home with the kids on 6-7pm starts. RC needs to plan a bit more family-friendly game times if they want to get number up.

Oh, and we need to not lose as much, that would also help.
Looking at the schedule, we only have 3 home games that have tipoff pre-6pm.
I think we only had 1 weekend game with a tip later than 6PM.
might not work for you yet, but that's pretty family friendly.
On a related note, I think part of the attendance problem is related to timing of games. Looking at the schedule, we only have 3 home games that have tipoff pre-6pm. As a parent of 4 kids who are all under the age of 6, there's no way for me to reasonably get all of them or even any of them to those games. Frankly, it makes zero sense for me to buy season tickets for my whole crew when I am usually going solo because my wife has to stay home with the kids on 6-7pm starts. RC needs to plan a bit more family-friendly game times if they want to get number up.

Oh, and we need to not lose as much, that would also help.
Subjecting small children to this program is boderline child abuse and possibly worthy of reporting to Child Protective Services. And I say that as the parent of a 5-year-old who at this point is more of a fan than I am.
On a related note, I think part of the attendance problem is related to timing of games. Looking at the schedule, we only have 3 home games that have tipoff pre-6pm. As a parent of 4 kids who are all under the age of 6, there's no way for me to reasonably get all of them or even any of them to those games. Frankly, it makes zero sense for me to buy season tickets for my whole crew when I am usually going solo because my wife has to stay home with the kids on 6-7pm starts. RC needs to plan a bit more family-friendly game times if they want to get number up.

Oh, and we need to not lose as much, that would also help.
I know a great vasectomy doc. Let me know if you need his info. :)
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I know a great vasectomy doc. Let me know if you need his info. :)
All set bruv. Had my sights set on 3 and got twins on the last shot. Anyone who thinks there are economies of scale with kids is welcome to have their course corrected this weekend.
You are a stout defender of the status quo sir.

My guess is we probably do a little better with attendance on Sat evening as opposed to Sat afternoon historically. Could be wrong.

Also just wait until your kids are a few years older. From about age 8-14 you'll have kids sports etc. basically all weekend days and the night game will be all you can make.
My guess is we probably do a little better with attendance on Sat evening as opposed to Sat afternoon historically. Could be wrong.

Also just wait until your kids are a few years older. From about age 8-14 you'll have kids sports etc. basically all weekend days and the night game will be all you can make.
Sports? They are all slated for robotics camp.
You are a stout defender of the status quo sir.
just saying our weekend game times don't seem unreasonable for families. we can move them all to noon for all I care if you think that's better for the program.
just saying our weekend game times don't seem unreasonable for families. we can move them all to noon for all I care if you think that's better for the program.
Dude, I’m just getting after you because you have a propensity to knee jerk react to defend what the program is doing almost no matter the topic.

It is an observation, that’s all. We objectively will have had very few home daytime starts (3). One was on Tuesday at 11am. By comparison, seven of our road games had starts earlier than 6pm. I guess we have different demographics than every other basketball town out there.

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