Robins Center Attendance Watch

No where does that article say that our basketball program is doing great because attendance is up. It’s flaunting attendance numbers, which included a record number of season tickets.

Saying we’re happy and proud of a record number of attendees and saying we’re happy and proud of the number of basketball wins are two different things.
yeah, I took it as pride in our upgrades and our efforts for a good atmosphere/game experience. of course nobody's happy with our record the past 2 years.
Wasn't there some scuttlebutt about a seat re-org as well?

If they think they're going to raises prices, possibly re-org seats AND retain Thin Skin they are off their rocker. The only way I could see that working is if they send Thin Skin down the road and make a great hire -- that could generate serious excitement and drive increased ticket sales.
Wasn't there some scuttlebutt about a seat re-org as well?

If they think they're going to raises prices, possibly re-org seats AND retain Thin Skin they are off their rocker. The only way I could see that working is if they send Thin Skin down the road and make a great hire -- that could generate serious excitement and drive increased ticket sales.
Yes, 05 might know more of the details, but I believe there is some reclassification going on of seats, prices, donation levels for next year.
If Bozo the Clown hadn't run the program into the ground then the Athl Dept wouldn't have to raise ticket prices. Now they have to work 3x as hard to find ways to earn back lost revenue from $5 tix and giving away truckloads of tickets every night.
Raising ticket prices to help pay off the reason that they are giving away more than they are selling?
The seating reorganization of the Robins Center has been discussed for several years. They kept having to put it off because the team's performance was crappy enough that they felt like they would have a hard time selling the change. They kept waiting for the perfect day where Mooney produced good enough results to sell the change.
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Why do they want to reseat the RC in the first place?
I presume to extract more donor money once again from season ticket holders. This is a time-honored tradition but it tends to work better when people actually want to buy/keep their seats.
Who are these people getting these "truckloads" of free tickets?

Not being snarky, just curious. How fortunate for them. How does one obtain a free ticket?
Who are these people getting these "truckloads" of free tickets?

Not being snarky, just curious. How fortunate for them. How does one obtain a free ticket?
You’d be shocked I think if you saw the promotions. It really is the cheapest ticket in town for the most part, VCU game aside.
Yep, ticket prices and parking spaces will be an issue. FB and BB ticket prices are increasing, and free parking based on tickets are obsolete. Why? New tax rules, so to allow donors to deduct annual gifts and not gain seating and parking privileges UR must demonstrate there is a disconnect. The result will be higher prices for tickets and charging for premiere parking. New world order here and every other university.
Who are these people getting these "truckloads" of free tickets?

Not being snarky, just curious. How fortunate for them. How does one obtain a free ticket?

Have a kid in an elementary school. Or church group. Or youth basketball league. Or...
I am going to climb on my soap box for a minute. I have been giving donations for close to 40 years. I have given probably more than I should have. I have been buying six premium football and basketball tickets for many years. This is because I have two kids who live in the Richmond area and will come to a game now and then. I have been told the prices of my tickets will be going up next year. I know I can choose to not buy tickets or buy cheaper tickets but that is not the point. It pisses me off that if I come to a game I have to pay more while the university is giving away free tickets by the buckets. Also, my wife and I can go to the terrace before a game but if a family member comes they can't. We can give away free tickets but are we worried a donor might end up with an extra hotdog one night.
Packer66, Agree 1000%, I too had 4 Premium tickets to both FB and MBB and give to the Spiders Club at the Rectors Club Level for many years, I have two children and when they turned 13 they were no longer allowed into the Terrrace so even though I buy 4 seats only two have access. Ridiculous rule.
Mo, could you be a bit more specific?

Sure. My kids go to a local elementary school. We got free tickets because they were identified as "scholastic scholars". To my knowledge, most everyone that attends the school was identified as a scholastic scholar.
Sure. My kids go to a local elementary school. We got free tickets because they were identified as "scholastic scholars". To my knowledge, most everyone that attends the school was identified as a scholastic scholar.
If they go to Tuckahoe elementary I'm pretty sure everyone there gets that "honor". Way back before I went to private school I went to Tuckahoe and I remember getting that same deal. I guess our basketball program truly does stand for complacency and not for accomplishing anything because they send that message to elementary school kids. Not everyone is a scholastics scholar, you have to earn it. Pathetic.
And anyone with kids can get free tickets by being in the kids club to a game or two. If that doesn’t work, 5 dollar Groupon tickets are available.
Kids club members ($5), have gotten free tickets all year.
That's a pretty standard promotion at many schools. For all games, or select games?

I got the impression someone was standing on the corner of Three Chopt and Bandy Lane and handing out handfuls of tickets.

It's also my guess that the individual elementary school determines who is eligible, not UR.
That's a pretty standard promotion at many schools. For all games, or select games?

I got the impression someone was standing on the corner of Three Chopt and Bandy Lane and handing out handfuls of tickets.

It's also my guess that the individual elementary school determines who is eligible, not UR.

Is there a difference between driving over to Crestview Elementary and handing out 300 tickets and standing at Bandy and 3 Chopt and handing out 300 tickets?
Yep, ticket prices and parking spaces will be an issue. FB and BB ticket prices are increasing, and free parking based on tickets are obsolete. Why? New tax rules, so to allow donors to deduct annual gifts and not gain seating and parking privileges UR must demonstrate there is a disconnect. The result will be higher prices for tickets and charging for premiere parking. New world order here and every other university.
Elections have consequences, or so we've been told.
Is there a difference between driving over to Crestview Elementary and handing out 300 tickets and standing at Bandy and 3 Chopt and handing out 300 tickets?
My guess would be that the school pays a nominal fee, or that UR receives some kind of tax break it would not receive simply by handing out free tickets to any Tom, Dick, Jarman or Trevor.
My guess would be that the school pays a nominal fee, or that UR receives some kind of tax break it would not receive simply by handing out free tickets to any Tom, Dick, Jarman or Trevor.

Is giving away tickets for supposed tax breaks somehow presenting an argument that we arent giving away tickets?
You asked a specific question: Is there a difference between driving over to Crestview Elementary and handing out 300 tickets and standing at Bandy and 3 Chopt and handing out 300 tickets?"

I answered. There is.

But yes, both are free. Many athletic entities believe that attracting young fans helps build brand loyalty at a young age, and helps create future paying customers.
Remember last yr Bob was on ESPN in afternoon slot giving away sets of 4 tickets to a game. Probably an exaggeration, but it felt like he was passing out sets of 4 every 10 mins.

At one point he says, "next person to call in and answer this question correctly will win 4 tickets". Guy calls in, provides an incorrect answer and Bob says, "hey, that answer is incorrect but you can have the tickets anyway." Ha
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That's a pretty standard promotion at many schools. For all games, or select games?

I got the impression someone was standing on the corner of Three Chopt and Bandy Lane and handing out handfuls of tickets.

It's also my guess that the individual elementary school determines who is eligible, not UR.

It’s at least for all weekend game minus VCU. Someone on here mentioned that it may have been extended to all games this year.

Edit - looks like weekday get in the door prices are $5/15 and weekends you can get kids in for free promotions.aspx
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Kids club members ($5), have gotten free tickets all year.
I haven't. Or are you referring just to the kids? My kids are in the club, but my understanding is that adults would need to buy equivalent tickets.

Not. One. Dime.

SKC has dropped the ball this year. I get no communication, and the SKC website lists the next event as the Maine football game.
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for those of us who've been on this board long enough ... many (myself definitely included) were pushing this idea of giving out tickets, especially to kids in local schools, to improve game day atmosphere and to hopefully build a new fan base. we bashed the school for not doing everything possible to improve attendance. the school listened and now we bash them for the give-aways.
Those look like the section reserved for visitors family, friends, etc.

Not true, family is right behind the opponent bench. The empty seat to the right of that, next to the UR player entrance is season tix holders. I know because the entire row missing and two more in the row above are mine.

As I said l before I bought my 6 seats because I do not want to lose them. But I told Hardt that unless there are major changes I will dump them next year along with my Spider a club donation. I have also said that I might attend a few games but when I have other conflicts (my son has several of his own b-ball games at the same time) I will not attend.
Not true, family is right behind the opponent bench. The empty seat to the right of that, next to the UR player entrance is season tix holders. I know because the entire row missing and two more in the row above are mine.

As I said l before I bought my 6 seats because I do not want to lose them. But I told Hardt that unless there are major changes I will dump them next year along with my Spider a club donation. I have also said that I might attend a few games but when I have other conflicts (my son has several of his own b-ball games at the same time) I will not attend.
Vol, I thank you for your clear direction and instruction to Hardt. I hope he listens.
Not true, family is right behind the opponent bench. The empty seat to the right of that, next to the UR player entrance is season tix holders. I know because the entire row missing and two more in the row above are mine.

As I said l before I bought my 6 seats because I do not want to lose them. But I told Hardt that unless there are major changes I will dump them next year along with my Spider a club donation. I have also said that I might attend a few games but when I have other conflicts (my son has several of his own b-ball games at the same time) I will not attend.
The section originally referenced in post #345 was section 17, across from the benches and team entrance.
I thought the Robins family had the front row or two? Or did they switch with you? :D
I assume you are directly across from them.

How empty is the bottom 1/3 of section 17 these days? I assume these AREN’T the tickets being given away...

Edit: actually the teams don’t use the entrance from the locker room anymore. They come from opposite ends behind the baskets ever since the Xavier tussle.
The section originally referenced in post #345 was section 17, across from the benches and team entrance.
I thought the Robins family had the front row or two? Or did they switch with you? :D
I assume you are directly across from them.

How empty is the bottom 1/3 of section 17 these days? I assume these AREN’T the tickets being given away...

Edit: actually the teams don’t use the entrance from the locker room anymore. They come from opposite ends behind the baskets ever since the Xavier tussle.
XU is known for its thuggish behavior! How 'bout the huge brawl they had with UC a few yeats ago?
for those of us who've been on this board long enough ... many (myself definitely included) were pushing this idea of giving out tickets, especially to kids in local schools, to improve game day atmosphere and to hopefully build a new fan base. we bashed the school for not doing everything possible to improve attendance. the school listened and now we bash them for the give-aways.

That conversation also occurred before we dropped our capacity by close to 25%.

We need to stop with the smoke and mirrors with attendance and everything else. We can't generate enough pride in our own alumni to attend games. Why do we think school kids that are lured by free tickets and the promise of Sweet Frog are going to turn into raving fans?

Win consistently and they will come.
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Win and they will come.
of course. and win and more will be willing to pay full price.
but until then, keep letting kids come free to fill up empty seats. what's the downside? I feel the argument against is the fear of the perception that if attendance is good we'll keep Mooney. there's no way Hardt simply looks at attendance in a vacuum.
Yes, it's great that our marketing team can get people to come watch this crap. They all deserve raises, quite honestly. The complaint here is that we wouldn't need to be acting so completely desperate if we had a halfway decent product to promote. We no longer do, so they have to pull out every stop they can to get people to show up and act interested.
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Yes, it's great that our marketing team can get people to come watch this crap. They all deserve raises, quite honestly. The complaint here is that we wouldn't need to be acting so completely desperate if we had a halfway decent product to promote. We no longer do, so they have to pull out every stop they can to get people to show up and act interested.
no argument here.
for those of us who've been on this board long enough ... many (myself definitely included) were pushing this idea of giving out tickets, especially to kids in local schools, to improve game day atmosphere and to hopefully build a new fan base. we bashed the school for not doing everything possible to improve attendance. the school listened and now we bash them for the give-aways.

@spiderman: The bashings will continue until morale (and winning percentage) improves.
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