Re: UR Marching Band


Graduate Assistant
May 10, 2003
Anybody in here a former member? Why can't we get another one started? They could march through campus before game , the stadium pregame and halftime. Could it be a mix of alums and students? A scramble format?
Anachnoid I don't want to be a downer, but we can't even get a pep band together and the students don't come to the games, how could
we get enough students to participate in a marching band?
The large schools provide scholarships, or have traditions so engrained that it's "cool" to be in the band.
We don't.
Big schools have marching bands. We are not a big school. To have a decent one, one out of every 25 students at a school our size would have to be a member. Not realistic.

Ive never missed having one and don't really think it deteriorates one bit from our football program. I appreciate a good band but dont think we need one.
Hire out the VCU band and have them wear red uniforms.The VCU band is very good.They can get a crowd fired up.Sorry Lamb haters but just telling like it is.
I think the last time we had a marching band was 52-56 and we had about 35 - 45 players. The drum major was 7 feet tall. In those days, if you played an instrument in HS, it was the thing to do. We had members from both john Marshall & Thomas Jefferson HS in the city making up a large part of the band.
maybe drop football and add a band, cut down on injuries, coaches, travel, etc. we tailgate, fill the ROB, the band marches, plays a few of our favs, then we all go back out and tailgate or play with our inflatable sex toys which would be given out either in the parking lot or at the gate.
Interesting that yesterday we had a high school band there, but they did not perform at halftime. Halftime was just the crowning of King and Queen. Only three candidates for each. There were a fair number of students present in the first half (maybe 150 - 200), but virtually none after half time.
Next time, we might want to check the colors of the HS band we invite to make sure that they are not the exact same colors of our opponent....
the King looked great in his burms, flip flops and rolled up sleeves. Glad to see they really are working hard to maintain a tradition that goes way back when. That statement just showed my age. Oh, well!!!
1960 - 1964 there was a U of R Marching Band. Approximately 50 members, did not perform on the field at halftime but certainly added to the game atmosphere. Surprisingly there was also the ROTC band (not a drum and bugle corp.). This band was larger than the U of R band and had up to 65 members....marched in dress green Army uniforms. The ROTC band won a few awards marching in parades and may have performed at a few football games. The only way there will be a band is if the students promote the idea.....not just an administrative decision. It also would require more funding than most people realize.

If you want more students at football games, move their seating to the east stands behind the visiting team. The end zone bleacher seats are awful. Duke basketball gives the best seats in the house at Cameron to the students!
It can be done at small schools. For those of you that travel to Elon next week will get to see the Fire of Carolina which is Elon's Marching Band. They have an enrollment of 6,000. Last year at Gardner Webb they had a marching band that played before, during and after the game and even paraded through the tailgate area. There enrollment is just over 4,000. Both of these schools are smaller private schools.
Re: Elon drumline cadence

Smail HS's can find a way to have a marching band, if the Administration wanted one so could we. But I do like the Elon group
We had a marching band in 68, the year of our Tangerine Bowl win. Not sure of how many years past that. Why not offer some schlorship money and some incentives to get one going. There might be more alumni & friends interested in playing than you think.
Elon is small, but it's still twice as large as we are. I think that makes it a little easier to field a decent band. I'm not opposed if we ever do it, but I don't really see it happening.
personally would like to hire ZEKE AND THE SOUL SETTERS and have them playing the entire game, no marching needed.
would have to lose the dorky guy cheerleader but yes, would work and want to sit in the section with them. that guy standing out there with all of the usc gals makes me think of the congressman a few years ago who wanted to force HOOTERS to hire men on the wait staff, where do these idiots come from or are they drinking too much zima up in our cap city?

This post was edited on 10/20 12:26 PM by WebSpinner
Decision for a band is more about the students than administration......our student profile is more than a little different than Elon, Gardner Webb. We could however have a very fun, classy, over sized pep band...anyone remember that renegade band at UVA for many years.
Is it my imagination, or are the USC Band and Cheerleaders a littler short on diversity?
If you want a good marching band - get Southern University's Marching Band. Now there's a band
that draws a crowd, and deservedly so. (hazing aside)
when talking about cheerleaders and pompom girls, who cares about diversity, horn section or percussions, or any other section of the band, have at it.

Go to a game in the LA Coliseum.See what you think.Interview all the Latinos,Asians and Blacks and Eastern Europeans in the USC band and give us a report as a comparison to the Southern band of diversity.Word of advise,don't get distracted by the USC cheerleaders.Many accidents have occurred due to retina degeneration along with fixed eyelids as a result of a lot of East Coast starring.I know that they have a way to go to get up to Southern''s or Terp notoriety but they keep trying.
No band is better than a pathetic band. I believe Gardner Webb has a large music department (and it's not chamber music) Why can't we just enjoy who we are. A tiny spider who makes big things happen.

The only thing we need to do is find a way to get butts in the seats. Maybe we should make attendance a criteria for getting your same tickets?
Lots of spirit in USC's cheering squad. Whole lot of bouncing going on there
I love Caribbean steel bands, I think they might work well in a football environment.

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