

Graduate Assistant
May 8, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Could we either completely delete those that have been offensive on this board, or allow them back on.
It seems ridiculous that some of the regular contributors on here have to be opened by special request.
Often it will be half way through the thread and then you open someone like Webspinners post (which is frequently
Interesting and I don't know the guy) and it sends you back to the beginning of the thread. It's a drag
and probably not producing the results you hope to achieve, but annoying regulars.
not sure what is happening to you, is similar happening to anyone else
Based on the description, Annap must be viewing the board through the outdated view (can't remember what it's called) where you have to click on each post to open and read rather than the 'tile' view where you click on a thread and then read all the posts under that thread.
Not sure, maybe Annap blocked someone accidentally or something?
I blocked SpiderTrap a while ago due to a clumsy thumb on my phone. Have never been able to undo it even when following the basic instructions here.
Originally posted by Eight Legger:
Call Will Wade. He knows how to fix everything.
Will Wade invented the block feature.

He also invented the internet for a 1st grade school project (not Al Gore)

He will be the successor to Coach K after winning 2 national championships at Havoc/Chaos nation.
I called Bill Wade and he told me to sign out and then sign back in again. That seems to have done the trick.
Guess I was too loyal to the old site.

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