Sadly to say I fell asleep with about 12 minutes to go. My wife actually stayed up to watch. Good win. It seemed like the VCU crowd wasn’t there in full force but it was enough to send a bunch of people home disappointed. Bet you can find cheap tix for todays game from a VCU fan if you want to battle the weather and go up there today.
This is the most red sweater post I’ve ever seen.
This is fun having teams playing in games that matter in March. Tech playing in the national spotlight with all the lights on tonight in the ACC championship game. Potentially to hand coach K a loss in his last ever ACC game. Then Richmond playing meaningful postseason basketball for the first time in half a decade. One more win and I’ll go to DC tomorrow.
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This is fun having teams playing on games that matter in March. Tech playing in the national spotlight with all the lights on tonight in the ACC championship game. Potentially to hand coach K a loss in his last ever ACC game. Then Richmond playing meaningful postseason basketball for the first time in half a decade. One more win and I’ll go to DC tomorrow.
Shouldn't a stop in DC just be a pit stop for you on the way home from NY? ;)
I feel the D is much better when Grace is in there. He moves much better than GG, always moving his feet, switches quicker, and is better at anticipating rebounds.
i dont have the stats but has his PT increased in the last few games?
Grant gave us more turnovers than points last night, but he did win the Rhode Island game for us. Grace has become less of a detriment, I will give you that.
I don’t ever remember us taking it VCU like that. Even when we’ve won it has always been with finesse, but we were banging bodies and beating them inside. In the second half Cayo was dropping them like flies. I didn’t think we would ever out physical VCU
Last game like this was when we built up a 30 point lead at RC back in KA and Justin Harper day.
Grant gave us more turnovers than points last night, but he did win the Rhode Island game for us. Grace has become less of a detriment, I will give you that.
Fans gave him a standing O at one point in second half when he went to bench. Announcers actually commented on that.
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Feels like Mooney has a set (tight) rotation at this point. I wouldn’t expect anyone except the starters, Grace, Sherrod, Wilson (sparingly), and Crabtree (sparingly).
I mentioned recently Mooney shortening the bench, and he’s done exactly that. Your post pinpoints this. 3rd game in 3 days with approx 15 or so hours turnaround from last night. Might need to go deeper, but I think we’re seeing the rotation.
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