The Biden Doctrine

More falsehoods.

Compare that to post #22 in this thread.
In President Biden's desire to be out of Afghanistan by 9/11, he forgot about all of the equipment he left behind.
This is pretty bad.
American helicopters, U.S.-supplied M24 sniper rifles and M18 assault weapons, stacks of other small arms and materiel in unending piles and driving Humvees and other U.S.-made military trucks.
This is pathetic
The Taliban have seized airplanes, tanks and artillery from Afghan outposts and from evacuating U.S. personnel
It`s pretty bad:
The U.S. has also transferred anti-tank missiles, automatic grenade launchers, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to Afghan forces.
It gets worse :
The U.S. sent nearly 600,000 small arms, 76,000 vehicles and 208 airplanes to Afghanistan’s military and police from 2003 to 2016, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report, one of the few such compilations. The most recent quarterly report of the U.S.-led military coalition documented deliveries of 174 Humvees, nearly three million rounds of ammunition, and nearly 100,000 2.75-inch rockets during the period....

In case you were wondering, this came from the Wall Street Journal.

Taliban Seize, Stockpile U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan
More falsehoods.
Ok, More Falsehoods, if the US did not leave weapons behind in Afghanistan, where did the Taliban get this equipment?


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American helicopters, U.S.-supplied M24 sniper rifles and M18 assault weapons, stacks of other small arms and materiel in unending piles and driving Humvees and other U.S.-made military trucks.
This is pathetic
The Taliban have seized airplanes, tanks and artillery from Afghan outposts and from evacuating U.S. personnel
It`s pretty bad:
The U.S. has also transferred anti-tank missiles, automatic grenade launchers, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to Afghan forces.
It gets worse :
The U.S. sent nearly 600,000 small arms, 76,000 vehicles and 208 airplanes to Afghanistan’s military and police from 2003 to 2016, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report, one of the few such compilations. The most recent quarterly report of the U.S.-led military coalition documented deliveries of 174 Humvees, nearly three million rounds of ammunition, and nearly 100,000 2.75-inch rockets during the period....

In case you were wondering, this came from the Wall Street Journal.

Taliban Seize, Stockpile U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan
If I give you a gun as a gift, you go on vacation five years later and leave your house unlocked and someone comes in and steals it, how is that my fault?
This seems relevant. Do you want these guys to fly planes into our buildings? Oh, that is an old 20 years old. We are less safe now than ever.

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The Taliban show off dozens of US-made armoured vehicles and weaponry during victory parades which even feature helicopter air displays.​

Nice parade. It sure looks like our stuff. Is that a Taliban flag on top? Why dont we blow this up? Are we afraid of upsetting the Taliban?

If I give you a gun as a gift, you go on vacation five years later and leave your house unlocked and someone comes in and steals it, how is that my fault?
It is your fault if you dont care or you become complacent. Maybe you should care. Maybe we should all care.
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How is it your fault if they- the Taliban, ISIS or Al Qaeda- have airplanes or weapons they can use against us? Because you don't care or you don't think it would ever happen again. Until now, we have degraded their ability to attack us. We used Afghanistan as a buffer between us and them. Now we have only emboldened them. We have given them the weapons, the hardware and the means they will use to harm us. We have given them a safe haven to allow terrorists to train and plan to attack us. Expect attacks on the homeland to resume.
We should all care.
The point is that most of this stuff we gave to the Afghan government a decade ago. It's not like we just took it over there ourselves last week, were using it and abandoned it for no reason. I agree that it sucks, but why don't you blame the Afghans for abandoning it all? You also must realize that this is an inherent risk that comes with arming other nations. It's played out many times before in recent world history.
I agree that it sucks, but why don't you blame the Afghans for abandoning it all?
Who deserves the blame? It was Joe Biden's responsibility to make sure the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS did not get this stuff. He did not. He will not. He is afraid. What if they use it against us? What if they sell it and use the proceeds to attack us, like they did on September 11, 2001? What then? That should concern all of us.
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Here is a NY Times article that discusses what the US left behind.
More than equipment we left behind souls who are now at the mercy of the Taliban. We also left behind a reinvigorated Taliban Al Qaeda axis.

"A checklist of what America abandoned—most of all, “a whole lot of souls,” includes local allies, aspiring women and girls, young activists, as well as “our reputation as a reliable ally that will live up to its commitments.”

The human tragedy of Biden's policy, a pregnant woman, a US citizen, and A CALIFORNIA NATIVE was abandoned in Afghanistan by this President.


If I run into a burning house, is it the fire department's fault when I get hurt or die? Come on. She went to AFGHANISTAN, not Disney World. If you willingly made that trip three months ago, you understood the risks involved. I'm very sorry for her, but no one forced her to go into a war zone.
If I run into a burning house, is it the fire department's fault when I get hurt or die?
Did you read the article?
She flew to Afghanistan in June to visit family and get married. Biden pulled the rug out, the embassy told her to go to the airport, she was 15 steps away from the gate. They refused to let her in. The Taliban beat her.
Yes, I read the article. She willingly chose to go to Afghanistan in June. In the middle of a war. There are plenty of things you can blame government for in this whole thing. That's not one of them.
It's clear that EL, 32, and Wood are part of a very slim minority (I think the approval rating for how the withdrawal went is about 15%) that agree with Biden that withdrawal was a smashing success. Hard to believe, but it seems pretty clear. It's painfully obvious that our reputation around the world has been diminished, lives were and will be lost because the government failed to protect US citizens, and the Taliban is stronger and better armed than ever before. The world is a less safe place today because of Bidens terrible decision making.
It's clear that EL, 32, and Wood are part of a very slim minority (I think the approval rating for how the withdrawal went is about 15%) that agree with Biden that withdrawal was a smashing success. Hard to believe, but it seems pretty clear. It's painfully obvious that our reputation around the world has been diminished, lives were and will be lost because the government failed to protect US citizens, and the Taliban is stronger and better armed than ever before. The world is a less safe place today because of Bidens terrible decision making.
Not going to let you twist my words around like that. I literally just said there are plenty of things you can blame the government for, but Biden didn't force this pregnant woman to go to Afghanistan to get married three months ago in the middle of a damn war. Just stop.
Not going to let you twist my words around like that. I literally just said there are plenty of things you can blame the government for, but Biden didn't force this pregnant woman to go to Afghanistan to get married three months ago in the middle of a damn war. Just stop.
That is pretty heartless. Biden did intentionally withdraw troops and shut down our support of the government, which directly lead to a total collapse of the country. He did this without warning to anyone, including our allies, much less to this poor woman.

This woman's life was sacrificed for Joe Biden to score political points, so Biden could claim the war was over before September 11, 2021.
This Administration was hell bent on getting out of the country for a 20th anniversary 9-11 victory lap. Anything seen as a military escalation, even temporary, could not be seriously countenanced. So we did not destroy military wares and equipment as province after province fell even though we totally controlled the skies. Poor judgment.

Played out again when Taliban offered to permit Kabul metro area security to be in American hands during evacuation. Would have required more than the 6,000 troops (most rushed in to deploy at airport to avoid a complete disaster), we declined for the same reason. This confined our troops to only the perimeter of the Kabul airport with zero outer perimeter. Presto, a suicide bomber gets through a Taliban outer checkpoint killing 13 US troops and scores of Afghans. Poor judgment.

By admission the Administration was surprised by rapidity of Taliban advance. Even so, they refused to permit that to derail a previously decided upon politically driven withdrawal strategy. One that was unnecessarily rushed by a self imposed deadline and ignored basic military precepts to the detriment of our National interests and those of our allies. Poor judgment.

You either claim the withdrawal was an "extraordinary success or you admit it was badly bungled. Any politician would predictably opt for the former...but the World isn't blind.
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That is pretty heartless. Biden did intentionally withdraw troops and shut down our support of the government, which directly lead to a total collapse of the country. He did this without warning to anyone, including our allies, much less to this poor woman.

This woman's life was sacrificed for Joe Biden to score political points, so Biden could claim the war was over before September 11, 2021.
Are you planning any vacations in Iraq this fall? Maybe a leisurely trip to North Korea, to do some bird watching? Or a stop off in Syria to try some new restaurants? Come on dude. Personal responsibility.
Taliban Has Taken "Six Airplanes" Of Americans And Afghans "Hostage For Demands"

The State Department's delays are recklessly endangering American lives, three different individuals involved in the private evacuation effort explained.

Rick Clay, who runs the private rescue group PlanB said that the State Department is the only thing preventing the flights he's organizing from leaving Afghanistan.

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And what a great idea by these geniuses- let’s leave $89 billion of military equipment.
So, when we go back they have something to kill us with.
Pure genius.
This is a major issue. How will we be able to respond to a terror attack from Afghanistan? We will have to go back.
They murdered a pregnant policewoman in front of her family. Nice.

Yes. Taliban bad. I sure wish more US servicemen and women could die, or be wounded and maimed, fighting them to protect a country so vital to our national interest. Instead they are out of the country and safe. The horror.
Many Afghan and Iraq service veterans are having a very difficult time with all the emotions surfaced by the precipitous withdrawal. Discussion groups, hotlines, and therapy sessions attempt to avoid political discussions which do no good addressing the issues these veterans face. Main issues include thinking all the sacrifices were futile and questioning what was accomplished. It is particularly difficult for the fellow servicemen and women, friends, and families of those who paid the ultimate price. Thank any of these veterans you encounter and assure them of the seeds of hope and freedom they planted.
Many Afghan and Iraq service veterans are having a very difficult time with all the emotions surfaced by the precipitous withdrawal. Discussion groups, hotlines, and therapy sessions attempt to avoid political discussions which do no good addressing the issues these veterans face. Main issues include thinking all the sacrifices were futile and questioning what was accomplished. It is particularly difficult for the fellow servicemen and women, friends, and families of those who paid the ultimate price. Thank any of these veterans you encounter and assure them of the seeds of hope and freedom they planted.
I also have a veteran family member. Our hopes and prayers are with them.
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I also have a veteran family member. Our hopes and prayers are with them.
That is why I believe it is important to continue the discussion of what is happening over there.

This all but confirms that 6 plane loads of American citizens are being held for ransom at Mazar-e Sharif airport. One should be concerned about this Administration's preference to pay for the release of our people. Also, one should be concerned about suicide bombers targeting these planes.

A cynic may conclude the roadblock has arisen, because they are dickering over price.

Sen Richard Blumenthal (C, CT):

Sen. Richard Blumenthal took aim at the White House and State Department on Monday, saying he is “furious” over struggles to secure planes to evacuate a group of Americans and Afghan allies from Afghanistan.

He says that the White House and State Department to do everything in their power, absolutely everything, to make this happen. These are American citizens and Afghans who risked everything for our country. We cannot leave them behind.

Blumenthal said. “I haven’t yet spoken publicly about these efforts because we worried that heightened attention would only escalate tensions and put these people at even greater risk of being targeted,”

Efforts have run into roadblocks from the Biden administration, leaving the planes waiting in Mazar-e Sharif.

Yes my son is an Iraqi veteran and coordinates Veteran relations for his company. They had a number of veterans participate in a company wide video conference to discuss their feelings about how the events of the Afghan pullout related to their service. God bless every one of them and their families for their willingness to serve and their sacrifices.
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We had dinner last night with a woman whose son served in Afghanistan. She said he said he's glad as hell we are out and that we should have left immediately after the Taliban were run out of the country the first time, that there is nothing there of value for us at all.

Another day without any US servicemen or women in that country is a very good thing indeed.
We had dinner last night with a woman whose son served in Afghanistan. She said he said he's glad as hell we are out and that we should have left immediately after the Taliban were run out of the country the first time, that there is nothing there of value for us at all.

Another day without any US servicemen or women in that country is a very good thing indeed.
You be sure to tell the Afghanistan girls and women that. Hey ladies, this abuse is being brought to you
by an American, who sat at a hearty dinner, and ate food not prepared by a domestic chattel.
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We had dinner last night with a woman whose son served in Afghanistan. She said he said he's glad as hell we are out and that we should have left immediately after the Taliban were run out of the country the first time, that there is nothing there of value for us at all.

Another day without any US servicemen or women in that country is a very good thing indeed.
Many agreed with your opinion. I as well. Only time will tell if a terrorist breeding ground reoccurs. if so, we look like fools. The extractions of our military I agree, the humiliation of the process, I don’t.
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We should have gotten out,
but not like the bumbling idiots that the Russians(Putin) and others were easily able to make fun of.
But, maybe that’s what we are now days.
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That messy war should be owned by last four POTUS. Biden did botch the exit. There was no master plan to execute this exit plan. The plan started before you showed up. There is enough blame for leaving. I will not give a pass to Biden‘s predecessors . What we don’t have is legitimate reason as to why stayed as long as we did.
You be sure to tell the Afghanistan girls and women that. Hey ladies, this abuse is being brought to you
by an American, who sat at a hearty dinner, and ate food not prepared by a domestic chattel.
Maybe it's time they fought for their own country. I am not responsible for their inability to form a viable government, etc., after two decades of US support, or for their complete collapse in less than a week.

Your attempt to guilt-trip or shame me won't work. I could eat that hearty dinner because my ancestors fought for this country in 1776, 1812 and 1861.

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