The Biden Doctrine

And what makes The Babylon Bee so "good" is that both the left and the right have at various times claimed it was "fake news" not getting the irony of the satire.
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The hostage situation continues.
Americans, U.S. residents and endangered Afghans are still scattered throughout the country. The Taliban have effectively taken hundreds hostage at the airport in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif. Some Americans have been told to travel to Kabul, but no one knows how many can do so safely.

According to the State Department:
The United States has pulled every lever available to us to facilitate the departure of these charter flights from Mazar,” a State Department spokesman said.

This helplessness is humiliating, and across Afghanistan a massive tragedy is unfolding.

The Biden Administration wants nothing more than to wash its hands of the debacle in Afghanistan, and it has a political incentive to play down or obfuscate the number of trapped

Some good Spiders here have done their best, frequently bending into Gumby positions, to defend this obvious disastrous withdrawal "strategy". A national disgrace recognized as such by the international press. You never leave fellow citizens behind. Never.
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Some good Spiders here have done their best, frequently bending into Gumby positions, to defend this obvious disastrous withdrawal "strategy". A national disgrace recognized as such by the international press. You never leave fellow citizens behind. Never.
This is very sad.
This is very sad.
To say the least. And folks here trying to protect an obvious disaster on political sentiments is disheartening. Obvious to anyone looking at the data that withdrawal was a cluster F of our own making. Not overly partisan, but do recognize the data when it stares me in the face. This was a strategic and tactical blunder of the first order.
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CNN is spot on.
The chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, where Biden strangely declared an "extraordinary success," has made his administration look inept. The US has appeared weak and disorganized.

According to the State Department, no planes have left Mazar-e Sharif airport.
Ned Price at the Statement Department said this:
The Biden administration has “pulled every lever available” but that the Taliban still refuses to allow the flights to leave the ground....
“I am not aware that any international flights, charter flights or otherwise, have left Mazar-e-Sharif."
The article concludes:
"The answer, then, is that the passengers for those flights, among them Americans, are still on the ground, and the Taliban is not allowing them to leave."
At least we got payback on the Isis-K "Planner" for the bombings at the airport, right? ...Right?

Great Friday afternoon news dump today.
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The gang that literally can't shoot straight.

Then see we bought millions of booster shots that FDA panel voted 16-2 as unnecessary except for high risk and those over 65. Follow the science? Naw, can't wait for that.

As in Afghanistan, making mistaken decisions before all the data is in.
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The gang that literally can't shoot straight.

Then see we bought millions of booster shots that FDA panel voted 14-2 as unnecessary except for high risk and those over 65. Follow the science? Naw, can't wait for that.

As in Afghanistan, making mistaken decisions before all the data is in.
The Taliban was the source of the Intel on that great hit on an aide worker and a group of chilren.
Yep. The Administration's new frenemy gave false info to embarrass and humiliate us and we bought it hook, line and sinker bc we had to prove that "over the horizon" was an operative strategy.
More people that died needlessly and tragically. The old maxim - "haste makes waste". Why was it so important to Joe Biden and his minions to orchestrate such an ill conceived hasty withdrawal?
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Saw where the Taliban opened a used military weapons store and are calling it Traitor Joe's.

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"On Friday, a chartered flight was finally allowed to leave Mazar-i-Sharif's airport carrying hundreds of people -- Americans, legal US residents and Afghans, according to US-based advocacy group Allied Airlift 21. The advocacy group said about 400 evacuees were aboard the Kam Air flight, which arrived in Doha on Friday, and that some of the passengers will eventually be resettled in the United States."
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So, the phony "hostage crisis" is over?

And our American president just redirected $60+ billion in future submarine-building business from France to the United States? You'd think the party that supposedly supports American business would be happy about that.

BTW, how did the domestic terrorist convention in DC go yesterday? Hopefully they all gave each other the virus.
The gang that literally can't shoot straight.

Then see we bought millions of booster shots that FDA panel voted 16-2 as unnecessary except for high risk and those over 65. Follow the science? Naw, can't wait for that.

As in Afghanistan, making mistaken decisions before all the data is in.
You do realize there are 54 million Americans age 65 and over, right? Millions more are high risk. Looks as if we will need those boosters, especially if the bubba crowd continues to not get vaxxed, keeping Covid alive.
You do realize there are 54 million Americans age 65 and over, right? Millions more are high risk. Looks as if we will need those boosters, especially if the bubba crowd continues to not get vaxxed, keeping Covid alive.
You do realize that the least vaccinated group in the US are African-Americans? I’m assuming you’re referring to white
southern voters when you talk about bubbas. You look pretty foolish with your remarks, since the black voters usually vote Democratic.
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You do realize there are 54 million Americans age 65 and over, right? Millions more are high risk. Looks as if we will need those boosters, especially if the bubba crowd continues to not get vaxxed, keeping Covid alive.
You make decent arguments at times but I stop reading when you single out individuals, segments of the population based on color, geography or anything else that doesn't suit your narrative.
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"On Friday, a chartered flight was finally allowed to leave Mazar-i-Sharif's airport carrying hundreds of people -- Americans, legal US residents and Afghans, according to US-based advocacy group Allied Airlift 21. The advocacy group said about 400 evacuees were aboard the Kam Air flight, which arrived in Doha on Friday, and that some of the passengers will eventually be resettled in the United States."
Day 20. There were 4 planes at Mazar. One plane left, the others are still there. The article admits there are still thousands left behind.

How much did Biden pay to have these people released? How many pallets of cash?
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You do realize that the least vaccinated group in the US are African-Americans? I’m assuming you’re referring to white
southern voters when you talk about bubbas. You look pretty foolish with your remarks, since the black voters usually vote Democratic.
The largest number of unvaccinated people in this country are white. By an overwhelming number. So are the most vociferous spokesmen for the anti-vaxxers, like Faux News, DeSantis, Abbott, Patrick, etc. And the states with the lowest vaccination rates are Trump states.

Louisiana, South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia all rank 41st or below in the percentage of vaccinated residents. Sounds to me as if a certain geographical area in our country bears a large part of the blame for Covid not going away.

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You do realize that the least vaccinated group in the US are African-Americans? I’m assuming you’re referring to white
southern voters when you talk about bubbas. You look pretty foolish with your remarks, since the black voters usually vote Democratic.
The percentage of Black people who have gotten vaccinated may be lower than the percentage of white people who have, but the problem is there are a LOT more whites than Blacks in this country, so there are a lot more unvaccinated white people; 57% of all eligible unvaccinated adults in the country are white, according to this.

And if you look at individual state totals, especially in the Bible Belt, you'll see that it's whites who are actually lower in percentages by race, too. There are a lot more white people, AND they are getting vaccinated at a lower rate.

Mississippi – 1.73 million white people, 772,000 vaccinated with at least one dose (44.5% of all white people), 1 million unvaccinated; 1.1 million Black people, 526.000 vaccinated with at least one dose (47%), 574,000 unvaccinated.

Alabama – 3.35 million white people, 1.27 million vaccinated (38% of all white people), 2 million unvaccinated; 1.3 million Black people, 507,000 vaccinated (39% of Black people), 793,000 unvaccinated.

Louisiana – 2.86 million white people, 1.29 million vaccinated (45% of all white people), 1.57 million unvaccinated; 1.48 million Black people, 680,000 vaccinated (46% of all Black people), 800,000 unvaccinated.

Just in those three states alone, that's 4.57 million unvaccinated whites and just more than 1.16 million unvaccinated Blacks. This is a huge problem.
Personally, I think anyone that doesn’t get vaccinated is not making a smart choice.
But, I object to Wood Hall trying to blame white voters as the reason for the problems.
It sounds like a pretty racist attack just because of his political beliefs.
That’s the sort of thing that just adds to the decisiveness going on in this country.
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Annap, just because someone breaks down vaccinations by race doesn't make doing so racist. If it did, then mentioning the stat about Blacks that you cited a few posts ago makes you racist, too.

The importance of breaking things down by race and by percentages within each race (among many other categories) is that public health officials need to get a sense of trends, possible blind spots and other roadblocks that might exist. If they found that everyone was getting vaccinated but Asians, or that everyone but people in their 60s were, that would be useful information to investigate. Their job is to protect the health of the public, and in this case nothing does that better than vaccination.

You can obviously draw parallels between the very low vaccination rates among whites in southern Republican states and low vaccination rates among Blacks nationally. That doesn't mean every unvaccinated southern white Republican is unvaccinated because they think covid is a hoax or that every unvaccinated Black person is unvaccinated because of long-standing mistrust of government health programs, but it suggests trends in both cases.

Generally speaking, the higher the level of education completed and the higher the level of personal income, the more likely someone is to be vaccinated. That's not a shot at the uneducated and poor, it's just the truth. Southern states tend to have lower overall levels of education and large areas of extreme poverty than some other regions. There are lots of overlapping factors at play here.
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It is sad that anyone uses politics in connection with vaccinations. Very thankful that we have vaccinations to combat diseases, Learned long ago when standing on the hangar deck of a Navy ship that if the Navy thought it was in my health interest to walk down a shot gauntlet line where the shots were injected by an air gun that was the way it was going to be. Would have two sore arms the next morning but knew I was immunized against the most prevalent diseases in the area where we were headed. Have a tough time understanding why people don't choose to be immunized against Covid unless there is some valid medical reason for that decision.
Annap, just because someone breaks down vaccinations by race doesn't make doing so racist. If it did, then mentioning the stat about Blacks that you cited a few posts ago makes you racist, too.

The importance of breaking things down by race and by percentages within each race (among many other categories) is that public health officials need to get a sense of trends, possible blind spots and other roadblocks that might exist. If they found that everyone was getting vaccinated but Asians, or that everyone but people in their 60s were, that would be useful information to investigate. Their job is to protect the health of the public, and in this case nothing does that better than vaccination.

You can obviously draw parallels between the very low vaccination rates among whites in southern Republican states and low vaccination rates among Blacks nationally. That doesn't mean every unvaccinated southern white Republican is unvaccinated because they think covid is a hoax or that every unvaccinated Black person is unvaccinated because of long-standing mistrust of government health programs, but it suggests trends in both cases.

Generally speaking, the higher the level of education completed and the higher three level of personal income, the more likely someone is to be vaccinated. That's not a shot at the uneducated and poor, it's just the truth. Southern states tend to have lower overall levels of education and large areas of extreme poverty than some other regions. There are lots of overlapping factors at play here.
Eight Legger,
He didn’t call them white Republican voters. He called them bubbas.
Also, I said African Americans overwhelmingly vote Democratic.
How do you see any correlation in what he said, and what I said?
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this is a controversial topic and emotions are running high. Both sides of the argument have used terms to categorize those "on the other side of their argument" -- remember that does not convince anyone and only tends to harden their position of opposition. There have been posts by both sides I have started to delete but I try to give more freedom on off topic. My request think about how the opposition will interpret before you hit the post reply button
this is a controversial topic and emotions are running high. Both sides of the argument have used terms to categorize those "on the other side of their argument" -- remember that does not convince anyone and only tends to harden their position of opposition. There have been posts by both sides I have started to delete but I try to give more freedom on off topic. My request think about how the opposition will interpret before you hit the post reply button
The vaccine discussion is a distraction from the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
Day 21. How many of our citizens were left behind?
None of the leftist take into account natural immunity. What happened to following the science?
None of the leftist take into account natural immunity. What happened to following the science?
The hypocrisy is stunning. Biden has allowed 2 million people through our southern border during a pandemic, while attacking Americans for being unvaccinated. Those pouring across our border have COVID, TB, small pox, measles, meningitis, and leprosy.
Where is the humanitarian concern for Americans?