why do some feel that they are so important, in their tiny-tinee views, that they have the right of drowning out a meeting. have detested these people since i was old enough to understand who they were. absolutely OK to have your own views but not to feel that they are the only views and that you have to scream and shout at others who differ and not accept those who differ. this is why there is no discourse, acceptance, cooperation. they just need to attend their own meeting where they can sing and chant and talk about how great and wonderful they are.
I know what you mean.
little i, certainly not saying that at all, they have the right in our free country to do whatever. the fact that they do and in that obnoxious way, shows who they are and why we are so divided.
yep, the first time i can remember that those kind of people actually got mad enough to act like the leftists and if what they are doing now continues, then we are going to have a very bad situation because they will step up again. two sides and if they both act that way, could get really ugly and maybe that needs to happen to quell the current stupidity. one group reacting to a bill not wanted by the majority being forced down their throats while the other group is rejecting a free and fair election, two way different things.
Tom, do better. On the outside chance that you still check here, let it be known that, as a fellow Spider, I have high expectations for you, and spending even a second of your time meeting with white supremacists is a second too many. Again, do better.
Thanks, Fan2011. It's time to start being PROactive, and not REactive. This is where we are, right now, and I am glad to see that these are his words, right now. I would love to see Tom take the lead on something with teeth as a result of this. On the other hand, I also hope he finds a better vetting person so he doesn't meet with these vile animals ever again.
Weaver, I understand your concern. From my readings, his meeting back in March was a non-scheduled meeting and he didn't know who the individuals were at the time. Personally, I think it's great he's spending time with his constituents. Unfortunately, some of them are going to be bad people, as well as good people. This was an example of where some were really bad dudes.

Personally, I think his response to this has been fantastic.
I admit, not being in the area, that I likely am not seeing everything. So I do appreciate seeing more from you all. But I appreciate being allowed to let it be known that I demand more.

Thanks, 05.
My representative is capable of making informed choices on his own. To label any human being "a vile animal" reflects more on the person making that assessment than the ones at whom it is directed. Every human is created in the image of God and while some many not "measure up" to another's standards every human being has intrinsic worth. It is better to stand up for one's own beliefs than to cast aspersions on those with whom one disagrees.
Tom himself referred to the guy as a "horrible person" and a "clown" on his Facebook page in what I thought was a very well-explained post. It was the type of genuine sentiment many of us would have liked to hear from our president, but I guess that would have been too "politically correct" for him.
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trump did say that Eight and in spades but he also spoke the truth, which some do not wish to hear, that the other violent people there were wrong as well. it speaks volumes that some, the media, the democrats have said nothing about those in the streets, blocking traffic, destroying property and attacking people violently ever since the election.
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My representative is capable of making informed choices on his own. To label any human being "a vile animal" reflects more on the person making that assessment than the ones at whom it is directed. Every human is created in the image of God and while some many not "measure up" to another's standards every human being has intrinsic worth. It is better to stand up for one's own beliefs than to cast aspersions on those with whom one disagrees.

Informed is the key here, and what I was getting at when I mentioned that he "do better." I have not one qualm casting aspersions at the KKK and neo-Nazis, who I strongly disagree with (and quite frankly, I would believe God does as well). If that reflects poorly on me, then so be it. I feel comfortable enough in my own skin to carry that cross. Tom, as a fellow UR grad, represents all of us in some way, and I hope that he moves ahead from this terrible moment working to bring people together - doing better, as I originally implored.
A lack of humility and a missing willingness to recognize goodness in those with whom we disagree politically has poisoned our country's political discourse.
A lack of humility and a missing willingness to recognize goodness in those with whom we disagree politically has poisoned our country's political discourse.
I agree 100%. And it would be nice if the person in charge of the country behaved like an adult to help set the tone, instead of calling news he doesn't like "fake" and taking pot shots at members of his own party if they dare disagree with him. There are plenty of quality humans in politics on both sides. They need to drown out the unfortunate example set by the president, in my humble opinion.
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love that trump has been calling out the media since he began his campaign and since taking office. we all know that the media is a partner with the Democrat party and they attack Republicans and protect the Democrat. he treats them like an enemy because they are. not being a politician, he speaks his mind as opposed to just saying what the media and PC people want to hear. this is very refreshing unless you are a swamp person, no matter which party or media or Democrat. while in a waiting lounge with my car had to watch CNN and it was just obnoxious, all attack, all negative, not one positive on the things he has done or doing. any citizens watching any media are getting crap and fake and have no idea what is really going on, sorry to say. should not be this way in our country but it is.
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Spinner, hope everything your way is as good as it could be. Sorry that you have to go through such a terrible storm. Hope the recovery is as quick as it could be given the circumstances.

I'm loathe to argue about the media much more, but I guess all I am trying to say is that I wish Trump acted like a gentleman and a president, that's all. Even if he were 100% accurate about all members of the media being liars and intentionally reporting everything inaccurately 24 hours a day, there's a dignified way to convey that message and a completely undignified way to do so. He has chosen the latter, which is simply unfortunate and in my opinion a terrible example to the nation.
Eight, thanks for the kind words for all of those who lost so much. monday night the corps of engineers gave my neighborhood a voluntary evacuation notice but we stayed the night. the next morning was awakened by a blackhawk hovering over my house and neighborhood at about 200 feet. came outside and a c-130 came out of the clouds over my house at about 500 feet refueling another blackhawk. thought, it is about time to get out which we did. my neighborhood and many others go up to the edge of george bush park, an area of about 8000 acres which normally is a huge recreation deal, jogging, biking, walking trails, soccer fields, baseball fields, a model plane flying area, a firing range and a great bark park, huge amount of wildlife, have seen wild pigs, coyotes, etc. during times like this, it becomes a reservoir with waters kept in by an earthen dam which is supposed to protect the city from waters coming from the north and west of houston heading for buffalo bayou which empties into the shipping channel and then out to the gulf. the reservoir is way over its capacity, the corps has opened a spillway to let water out but has to do so slowly since the water goes down the already filled bayou through the city so neighborhoods flood in that direction. the water also begins to go back upstream, my way and has flooded some close neighborhoods. my part of the neighborhood is at 107 feet above sea level but many areas upstream are at only 97 feet and they are under water. when i bought my home, love the fact that we were so close to the park, did not know it was a reservoir but at least, in my mind, would much rather be upstream from an earthen dam than downstream. the two dams were built in the late 40s but would not matter if they were built last year, would not have been built to to withstand 30-50+ inches of rain which we just had. the sun came out yesterday afternoon, no more rain but the waters continue to rise from areas north and west of houston so still some trouble ahead but the worse is over. it will take months, a year to recover and am sure public schools will be closed for at least a month, some are being used as shelters and some got water in them. my house and streets remain dry and get most places now but so many were not so lucky and one family of six drowned in their vehicle when swept into a bayou, a guys said he could hear the kids screaming but they could not get out. everything else, football, politics, anything, is way down the list at this point and the fam is out volunteering to help in any way we can with those who are in need. we have a group, less than 1% who are looting, causing trouble but the other 99% are helping others, that is what america does.
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It is usually during disasters that we see the best in people, and I really appreciate that. I have had the opportunity to see people helping people as well in my country over the past year and a half, after significant earthquakes, and, again, these are honestly the moments to remember when we get down in the weeds with politics and other things.

Good luck to you and your family, Spinner, as well as all of those around you.
thanks K and it also reminds me that these white hate groups represent about one tenth of one percent of americans and the other 99% don't hate and we need to remember that, our country is not as bad as some think or make it out to be. you are right, when things are tough and bad, people help people and just wish we all got along like that most of the time.
Rep. Garrett's emotional retirement message

Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA) said he won't run for re-election this year because he wants to seek treatment for alcoholism, becoming the 44th Republican in the House to retire ahead of the 2018 elections. Read the full story
Very sad. I hope he gets the help he needs. He sounds like a very decent person by all accounts I've heard.
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