Robins Center Attendance Watch

I did not make it to the game. My tickets sold on StubHub for $50/each on Tuesday night. They are good tickets, in the nice seats just a couple rows from the visiting team. I'm assuming that they were bought by an ODU fan. I don't think any UR fan would buy them at that price.

I sell a lot of tickets on StubHub. I have season tickets to both VCU and UR that I sell when I can't go. So far this year I've sold my tickets to every UR game. From a low of $10/seat to a high of $50 for the Wake and ODU games. Because I sell a lot of tickets on StubHub, I can see their metrics. They provide this to help sellers set their price. At game time there were only 6 legit tickets for sale. They all looked to me like they were overpriced or neglected sales (seller not paying attention). That is the lowest number I've seen left at the time of tip-off all year.

I also visit the ODU board a lot. From reading there I think there were a lot of ODU fans in attendance. At one point there were several hundred tickets listed on StubHub, and as I said, only six at game time.

I have tickets for sale to seven more games. The rest have already sold or I'm going to use them. I've actually already seen my A-10 Conference games start to sell. Looks like visiting fans can't wait to catch a game at UR.
So they can laugh at us!
What's his company? Cause I want to boycott it.

You can't. He is wrong. I retired in 2011 at 53. I do this on my own.

I have been buying the four or five game plans the last couple years to get a ticket to the VCU game. I'd buy for the VCU tickets and sell the rest. I NEVER have lost money on one of the Plans.

This year I decided to try and do it with the full season ticket. I joined the Spider Club and was able to get really great seats right behind the visiting team seats. They are prime seats for anyone coming to a game from out of town. As of this morning I'm $18 from breaking even with the purchase, with seven conference games to go. So I'm sure I'll make money on UR again this year.

As a bonus, I got to buy 10 extra Priority tickets to the VCU game. They have already been sold to VCU fans. I sold them for my cost, so I did not make any money on them.

I'm not the only VCU fan who does this. I know several who do the same thing as I do. It's fun at parties to tell people who know how big a fan of VCU I am that I'm a member of the Spider Club.
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You can't. He is wrong. I retired in 2011 at 53. I do this on my own.

I have been buying the four or five game plans the last couple years to get a ticket to the VCU game. I'd buy for the VCU tickets and sell the rest. I NEVER have lost money on one of the Plans.

This year I decided to try and do it with the full season ticket. I joined the Spider Club and was able to get really great seats right behind the visiting team seats. They are prime seats for anyone coming to a game from out of town. As of this morning I'm $18 from breaking even with the purchase, with seven conference games to go. So I'm sure I'll make money on UR again this year.

As a bonus, I got to buy 10 extra Priority tickets to the VCU game. They have already been sold to VCU fans. I sold them for my cost, so I did not make any money on them.

I'm not the only VCU fan who does this. I know several who do the same thing as I do. It's fun at parties to tell people who know how big a fan of VCU I am that I'm a member of the Spider Club.
We define fun differently.
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You can't. He is wrong. I retired in 2011 at 53. I do this on my own.

I have been buying the four or five game plans the last couple years to get a ticket to the VCU game. I'd buy for the VCU tickets and sell the rest. I NEVER have lost money on one of the Plans.

This year I decided to try and do it with the full season ticket. I joined the Spider Club and was able to get really great seats right behind the visiting team seats. They are prime seats for anyone coming to a game from out of town. As of this morning I'm $18 from breaking even with the purchase, with seven conference games to go. So I'm sure I'll make money on UR again this year.

As a bonus, I got to buy 10 extra Priority tickets to the VCU game. They have already been sold to VCU fans. I sold them for my cost, so I did not make any money on them.

I'm not the only VCU fan who does this. I know several who do the same thing as I do. It's fun at parties to tell people who know how big a fan of VCU I am that I'm a member of the Spider Club.

As I'm sure that you make the minimum donation to the Spider Club - thank you for that btw - but you wont get those seats next year as the RC will be reseated and years of giving, amount given will be used to prioritize
Well, I get that. I don't think if I was a UR fan it would be fun to tell people I was a "Spider's" Club member either.
So being retired I suppose you're on a fixed income and do it for the money.
Well, I get that. But it sounds pretty sad to me. Can you not bag groceries?

And, FWIW, it's "Spider Club," not "Spider's Club." Rivals gets a lot wrong. However, a knowledge of basic grammar allows most to figure out things of that nature. But as a VCU fan, I'd recommend you not attempt an understanding of grammar. It may be too much of a challenge.
For you, I'd recommend that you just read your membership sticker.
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I buy six season tickets to VCU games every year. I am a longtime member of the Ram Athletic Fund. I never attend any games there. I sell all my tickets every year on the dark web to VCU fans who can't figure out how to work the regular internet. So far, I have netted $42,765 doing this. Next year, I may retire to do this full time.
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next year as the RC will be reseated and years of giving, amount given will be used to prioritize

If this is true, it is the surest sign that we will get a change after the end of the season. Doing a reseating while in the midst of another year of this slog would be suicidal.
Why would anyone buy UR tickets on stubhub when you can just get them for $5 or $10 from the school and sit wherever you want?

You would really be surprised.

First, many people would never just "sit wherever you want". They want a seat.

Then you figure that if you are traveling from Olin or Pittsburgh, you want to be sure you get a good seat. The cost of the ticket is just part of the overall trip. I travel a lot to basketball games. I always buy the BEST ticket I can get at a reasonable price. I paid $60 each for two seats at center court, 5th row when we played at Texas.

The location of the seats is important. Many people who are traveling into a hostile environment want to be close to other fans from their school. Right behind the visitor's bench is prime.

And you don't have to pay big money for seats on StubHub. I see some corner seats selling for $6 or so every game.

I think it would be a great way for a UR fan who does not want to go to every game, but wants to maintain their seats in case thing turn around in the future. Buy season tickets, sell them on StubHub if you are not going to the game, and go to just the games you want to go. You can change your mind on StubHub at any point prior to the ticket selling.
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Well, I get that. I don't think if I was a UR fan it would be fun to tell people I was a Spider's Club member either.

(Sorry, could not pass that up).
A VCU fan joining the Spider Club would be like a Richmond fan joining JMU Dukes Club. Just the thought of that makes me want to vomit!
So being retired I suppose you on a fixed income and do it for the money.
Well, I get that. But it sounds pretty sad to me. Can you not bag groceries?

And, FWIW, it's "Spider Club," not "Spider's Club." Rivals gets a lot wrong. However, a knowledge of basic grammar allows most to figure out things of that nature. But as a VCU fan, I'd recommend you not attempt an understanding of grammar. It may be too much of a challenge.
For you, I'd recommend that you just read your membership sticker.

Well, I never got the sticker. Nor did I get the T-shirt they promised me. Being on a fixed income, I could use the free shirt to wear to the dump, saving my good stuff for Golden Coral. Bag groceries? They would make me take a shower for that. At least that is what they told me last time I went shopping.

Spider Club or Spider's Club, who really cares? All I know is that it got me better seats. I always love when people drag out the grammar stuff on an internet message board where half the posting is done drunk. You always know when you are getting to people when they pull out the grammar card.
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As I'm sure that you make the minimum donation to the Spider Club - thank you for that btw - but you wont get those seats next year as the RC will be reseated and years of giving, amount given will be used to prioritize

Well, we'll see. When I bought the tickets the person told me that the way things were going, I would have no problem getting the seats I wanted. And how many people stopped buying this season? Will I be in front of them? If you don't get a new coach (I'm hearing he is still safe), how many will drop out next year?

But I'll still get some ticket. Remember- there is no General Public sale of tickets to the VCU game. So any ticket I get is better than nothing. I'm sure I'll still be able to sit between the baselines on one side or another. Plus, as a season ticket holder, I'll still get the option to buy extras!

Humble Brag
A form self promotion where the promoter thinks he is, almost subliminally, bragging about himself in the context of a humble statement or complaint. Everyone listening thinks he a jackass.

The lowest, most despicable and loathsome form of self promotion, often delivered in a terse one or two fragmented sentences on social networking sites. A typical and popular approach is to use a disingenuous complaint about something, a self-deprecating statement or a comment on something completely innocuous, as a vehicle to deliver the real message, which invariably shows the person in a favourable light. In fact it shows what an attention seeking and insecure person they really are.
This is something that has been in the works for a while and has nothing to do with current situation, either good or bad.
I have no idea what this means to season ticket prices and location but the ticket office is pulling out every trick in the book right now to get bodies in seats. Reduced prices, BOGO, free kids Club like every game, I presume come February, they may be paying us to actually come to the games.

If the plan is to keep Mooney and drastically overhaul the season ticket packages, that would a the definition of a kamikaze mission. I hope someone over in the Athletic Department realizes this.
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I'm sure this is revisionist history,
but I always remember that...
We started spider points
had a reseating
raised prices
and eliminated discounts (senior, youth)
After Mooney's 8-22 second season.
When I go to the games it feels like a practice and not a game. I feel no energy on the home floor. All I hear is the visiting team and losing.
I like my seats. It's easy to get in and out of B3/C70 lot. We give more than the min but not enough to get up in the terrace. We're average donors, but we've had season tix for 10 years. Hope they don't forget the loyal folks if they do this reseating.
I like my seats. It's easy to get in and out of B3/C70 lot. We give more than the min but not enough to get up in the terrace. We're average donors, but we've had season tix for 10 years. Hope they don't forget the loyal folks if they do this reseating.
I don’t think loyalty considerations factor very deeply in their plans. Parking lot donation used to be $100 now it’s $200. I’m pretty sure it’s just an actuarial exercise.
Gonna be a lot of tumbleweed blowing through the aisles next year if they raise prices at all, assuming no coaching change.
You can't. He is wrong. I retired in 2011 at 53. I do this on my own.

I have been buying the four or five game plans the last couple years to get a ticket to the VCU game. I'd buy for the VCU tickets and sell the rest. I NEVER have lost money on one of the Plans.

This year I decided to try and do it with the full season ticket. I joined the Spider Club and was able to get really great seats right behind the visiting team seats. They are prime seats for anyone coming to a game from out of town. As of this morning I'm $18 from breaking even with the purchase, with seven conference games to go. So I'm sure I'll make money on UR again this year.

As a bonus, I got to buy 10 extra Priority tickets to the VCU game. They have already been sold to VCU fans. I sold them for my cost, so I did not make any money on them.

I'm not the only VCU fan who does this. I know several who do the same thing as I do. It's fun at parties to tell people who know how big a fan of VCU I am that I'm a member of the Spider Club.


Really? That is the best you got?

It is not like the cost is overwhelming. Fact is I bought two UR tickets close to the floor behind the visitors bench where the rows are numbered (Nice seats by the way. They did a good job on the upgrade) for the cost of one VCU ticket.

If the reseating takes place I will most likely have to move further back. But my guess is that if they don't fire Mooney, that won't be a problem yet.
He's a VCU fan. His company sponsors UR, hence the tix and him selling them.

So that's suppose to make nearby fans feel better? His company is a sponsor then why does he need to sell the tickets? Give them to friends, family, other basketball fans, under privileged kids etc. Not sell them on Stubhub.
You would really be surprised.

First, many people would never just "sit wherever you want". They want a seat.

Then you figure that if you are traveling from Olin or Pittsburgh, you want to be sure you get a good seat. The cost of the ticket is just part of the overall trip. I travel a lot to basketball games. I always buy the BEST ticket I can get at a reasonable price. I paid $60 each for two seats at center court, 5th row when we played at Texas.

The location of the seats is important. Many people who are traveling into a hostile environment want to be close to other fans from their school. Right behind the visitor's bench is prime.

And you don't have to pay big money for seats on StubHub. I see some corner seats selling for $6 or so every game.

I think it would be a great way for a UR fan who does not want to go to every game, but wants to maintain their seats in case thing turn around in the future. Buy season tickets, sell them on StubHub if you are not going to the game, and go to just the games you want to go. You can change your mind on StubHub at any point prior to the ticket selling.
Except your seat neighbors who go to the game will be miserable and probably won't forget it. Anybody to pay $50 to see a Spider game you can get to see for $6 has a math deficiency. This is the kind of stuff having a bad coach and a losing team forces the ticket office to sell cheap packages because fan demand is so low.
I like my seats. It's easy to get in and out of B3/C70 lot. We give more than the min but not enough to get up in the terrace. We're average donors, but we've had season tix for 10 years. Hope they don't forget the loyal folks if they do this reseating.

Speaking of this - when will the Spider Club share the changes that are coming to how you access ($) pay for the stuff that now comes with your donation? It was alluded to in a letter they sent out a few weeks back.

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