Mooney should break the all-time U of R record for wins either later this year or early next year. This is obviously a tremendous accomplishment. Which of the following would you like to see happen and would you be willing to contribute time or monetarily to show your appreciation for this achievement.
1. Organize a dinner where members of the basketball board would share Mooney’s major accomplishments as a coach and how he has impacted our lives?
2. Mooney Appreciation day. This would require many of the people on the forum to meet at his house to cut the yard, rake leaves, wash his car?
3. Life size statue in front of the Robins center?
4. Large picture on wall above stands between ECR and Johnny Newman?
5. Pay raise on existing contract of at least 50%
6. 10 extension of contract?
7. Rename the building to Mooney-Robins Center (might be going a little too far)
8. Other-please suggest other ideas that would be appropriate?
We don’t have to limit ourselves to just one! Please share your views.
1. Organize a dinner where members of the basketball board would share Mooney’s major accomplishments as a coach and how he has impacted our lives?
2. Mooney Appreciation day. This would require many of the people on the forum to meet at his house to cut the yard, rake leaves, wash his car?
3. Life size statue in front of the Robins center?
4. Large picture on wall above stands between ECR and Johnny Newman?
5. Pay raise on existing contract of at least 50%
6. 10 extension of contract?
7. Rename the building to Mooney-Robins Center (might be going a little too far)
8. Other-please suggest other ideas that would be appropriate?
We don’t have to limit ourselves to just one! Please share your views.