Fred Pettus Concussion Lawsuit

The Grim Statistics
New Zealand journalist Ben Heather wrote a thorough exposé of the issue, speaking with current and retired rugby players about their experiences with injuries and treatment. He cited the following sobering statistics:

  • About 1,200 people suffer head injuries while playing rugby each year.
  • About two-thirds of these injuries are either concussion or brain injuries.
  • The figures do not account for ongoing health problems which cannot be directly linked to rugby injuries.
  • In total, more than 50,000 people seek medical attention for rugby injuries each year, costing about $60 million.
In 2011, Heather wrote, the Auckland University of Technology compared the number of catastrophic incidents (i.e., resulting in paralysis or death) in rugby with other sports between 1975 and 2005. It found that with the exception of England, rugby incidents worldwide showed 4.6 catastrophic injuries for every 100,000 players annually.
"I used to read all the articles about C.T.E., all the stories about football players committing suicide. I’d skim the comments to see remarks like: “They know what they signed up for” and “Of course football is bad for the brain, everyone knows that.”

But when all those big hits happened and the fans cheered, did they cheer despite knowing a man just greatly increased his risk for dementia? Was anyone worried about an A.L.S. diagnosis or a C.T.E.-related suicide at 40 after their favorite player suffered repeated blows to the head on the field? No, they cheered and they celebrated because they didn’t know. And neither did we."

"As research continues to advance, players such as Williams at Deep Run will become increasingly aware of the risks that football can present. New tackling techniques and lighter practice schedules may be making the game safer, but the risk football poses to its players’ brains will continue to drive some athletes to choose other sports.

Cantu is on the side of players like Williams. Rather than play football until research shows exactly how dangerous it is, Cantu said players should do the opposite. “Until we know what level of banging of the head is safe, which we don’t now, it seems to me you shouldn’t be doing it,” he said."
we've got it, you want football to go away. someday you may get your wishes, I don't see it anytime in the near future. You have come onto the boards periodically for years with the same message, football causes brain damage, do away with it. I think most people are aware of the risks and many are studying the problem now. Changes have been made, more are coming. Progress has been made to keep the players more safe.

Why don't you try to be constructive once in awhile?
Costas and this guy are water boys for Pee Wee players.Does this guy work at UR?
If so,he better not be tenured nor should he paid over $15 per hour.Give us his name.
Time for some written shame.
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Walter Camp would be concerned about the obvious violence in this sport.These players need more protection.Wonder what our UR water boy thinks about this.I have a feeling that he may be frightented by these girls.These girls want to be around real men not ivory tower prepubescent-soprano pitched boys who coddle their tenured certificate.

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"I love football and believe it teaches great life skills. Self-discipline, postponing current gratification for future success, teamwork, courage, performance under pressure — these are all skills that can be useful in life. However, I value the ability of players to have healthy lifelong brain function more. The brain defines us as human beings — memory, judgment, ethics and awareness.

It is unrealistic to think that all risk can be removed from a contact sport, but there are various kinds of rules changes, helmetry, rapid assessment technology and nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals that can make the game much safer. This is an urgent priority."
humans ride motorcycles on interstates, jump off mountains in squirrel outfits, drive race cars, dirt bikes and play sports. none of us are getting out of this thing alive. have fun while you are here
ESPN Football Analyst Walks Away, Disturbed by Brain Trauma on Field

ESPN has been laying off people for about a year and half.He was next to go.

We should begin laying off some of the teachers at UR that are unproductive waterboys that hide in an ivory tower,produce nothing and suck their income from our benevolent endowment.
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