FOREcast for SLU - Thursday in Brooklyn

One thing that was right on target by the announcer. Towards the end of the game, and I think when we were down but w/in striking distance we took a long shot, and there was a long rebound. The announcer pointed out that the rebound came right to the spot where Yates had been standing but that Yates had already taken off down court. We could really have used that free rebound, but CM prefers the prevent defense. Let it be known this is not a criticism on Yates because he's just playing his role in Mooney's scheme.

SLU showed what the value of 2nd chance points are. I doubt it would ever open up Mooney's mind to change up his system to actually emphasize offensive rebounding & second chance points. Will see it in play once again next year.

Our guys played hard last night, and I thought just maybe we could hold a lead and win this one. But the same pattern and outcome played out again & again. Have been seeing it all year. If Hardt can't find it to bring in a new coach, jeez...maybe he insists that Mooney try some new approaches?

Hardt to Mooney: "Now go into your office and get Dick Tarrant, Nancy Leiberman, and Coachfezz on a conference call, and don't come out until you have it all figured out!"