Crutcher Update on AD Search and Leadership Reorganization


Spider's Club
Gold Member
May 5, 2003
Dear Friends,

The search for the University’s next Athletic Director will officially get underway as the new academic year begins in late August. Over the summer, we are laying important groundwork to ensure a successful search: selecting a search firm, identifying the search committee, meeting with key members of the Athletics team, and collecting input from the University community and alumni and friends, like you, who actively and enthusiastically support Spider Athletics. We are fortunate to have the leadership of David Walsh as Interim AD. I am grateful to him for taking on this important role.

I have asked Vice President for Business & Finance Dave Hale to lead the search for our next AD. Throughout his career, both here and elsewhere, Dave has worked closely with colleagues in Athletics, and I know that Dave shares my deep commitment to continuing to advance Spider Athletics and to recruiting an outstanding new AD.

I believe that the AD role at Richmond will be an enormously attractive opportunity for many exceptional candidates nationally. The next AD will build on a remarkable foundation developed over generations by talented and dedicated Athletics professionals, and others in the University family, including the members of our Spider Club. With you, I look forward to recruiting a new leader for Spider Athletics who will sustain and advance a tradition of athletic excellence at the University of Richmond.

I also wanted to inform you of an organizational announcement that I made today. Effective July 1, Athletics will report on a day-to-day basis through Dave Hale, who will become Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. The Provost, Jeff Legro, will likewise become an Executive Vice President, with other Vice Presidents reporting through him. This reorganization will enable me to spend a greater amount of time on external matters, such as alumni relations and enhancing philanthropic support for the University, including Spider Athletics.

I want to assure you that this reorganization in no way reflects a diminishment of Athletics’ stature at Richmond or the value and priority I place on it. As you well know, our Division I Spider Athletics program helps to enliven our campus, engage our alumni, and make the University of Richmond distinctive. I am immensely proud of all that our coaches, student-athletes, and Athletics Department staff have accomplished, and deeply grateful for the ways in which they represent the University. I am likewise grateful to the alumni and friends who strongly support Spider Athletics and the achievements of our student-athletes. I believe that this reorganization will strengthen further the mutually beneficial relationship between Spider Athletics and the University as a whole.

Betty and I look forward to continuing to cheer on the Spiders alongside many of you when the new academic year begins. Thank you for your outstanding support of Athletics at the University of Richmond.

Go Spiders!

Ronald A. Crutcher
I'm not close enough to things to interpret the actual meaning of this, but pulling athletics under the business and finance guy seems to suggest one of two vastly different motives:

• We are going to treat athletics a little more like a business, in a good way (and make sure that our expenditures are paying appropriate dividends because we expect significant returns for our investments and are determined to see them); or

• We are looking to justify trimming athletics expenditures because we're devaluing the importance of winning, and there's no better way to do that than by giving the finance guy authority to point out the fat.
Or, it means what he says. It allows him to raise money. He put athletics in the hands of someone he trusts to move things forward in a good way. I guess we should be glad he didn't put it in the hands of the chairman of the English Department.
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I read this as a very good sign for Richmond Athletics. I believe every word Dr. Crutcher said about how athletics is valued a lot here and "Dave shares my deep commitment to continuing to advance Spider Athletics". He did not have to write and email this message, but the fact that he did shows a lot. I don't remember Ayers being so public about the commitment of Spider Athletics

To me, I have no problem with the athletics reporting to someone else first. The president does A TON of things he need to be on top of. Fundraising and improving our school reputation nationally are two very important and time consuming things. At the end of the day, it comes down to us finding an AD who is the right fit, a visionary, and wants to progress Spider athletics, and not to keep he status quo. The fact that the president is advocating for this, means that the alignment between administration and athletics is occurring.
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Dave Hale(BS Colgate,MS NYU)came to UR from Colgate some 4 years ago.He has business-financial background.Hale's wife,Ingrid,helps out in Admissions.

With PQ in the background as part of the AD selection hopefully we'll evolve from a 'Mom and Pop' athletic administrative organization into a savvy marketing-revenue driven outfit while maintaining a strong student-athlete status.

The timing of this email to Spider Club members would also be indicator that Spider Club contributions due by July 1st have fallen off because of the Rocco-Gill mess.This email is an attempt to reassure fiscal calendar non-givers that "all is OK with Spider athletics"and that you have 10 days to write a check.
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With PQ in the background as part of the AD selection hopefully we'll evolve from a 'Mom and Pop' athletic administrative organization into a savvy marketing-revenue driven outfit while maintaining a strong student-athlete status.

This is my hope too, and what I had in mind with my first bullet point above. Let's hope it's the case.
Knowing some details of the situation, this is a very positive move for Spider athletics. Dr. Crutcher had a large cabinet reporting to him, including the AD, and as in many cases where you have a lot of people reporting to you, only the squeakiest wheels get greased. From what I hear, Keith was never very squeaky.

In this new alignment, the AD will report to the person who can:

A) get him the money he needs to build the program successfully, and
B) have a supportive leader who isn't predisposed/obligated to decide a prospective athlete's contribution to the university in exclusively academic terms

We should be very heartened by this re-alignment.
agree with whampas, the crutch will be out fundraising which is the lifeblood of a small, private, university and it has been lacking a tad lately. if this new alignment gets everyone on the same page, is more efficient, great.
The timing of this email to Spider Club members would also be indicator that Spider Club contributions due by July 1st have fallen off because of the Rocco-Gill mess.This email is an attempt to reassure fiscal calendar non-givers that "all is OK with Spider athletics"and that you have 10 days to write a check.

Or, because it just happened.

What is this mess you allude to? We hired a better football coach, after the previous one no longer wanted to be at UR. And the athletic director who many here derided constantly for not doing his job during the longest period of sustained football excellence since we moved to FCS is no longer employed.

Sounds to me as the 180-degree opposite of a mess.
The timing of this email to Spider Club members would also be indicator that Spider Club contributions due by July 1st have fallen off because of the Rocco-Gill mess.This email is an attempt to reassure fiscal calendar non-givers that "all is OK with Spider athletics"and that you have 10 days to write a check.

Or, because it just happened.

What is this mess you allude to? We hired a better football coach, after the previous one no longer wanted to be at UR. And the athletic director who many here derided constantly for not doing his job during the longest period of sustained football excellence since we moved to FCS is no longer employed.

Sounds to me as the 180-degree opposite of a mess.
Don't act like there was no mess. Yes we had a very successful period of football excellence but we could have done more. Losing a coach to an in conference team is not a good thing. There was clearly a huge rift between Rocco and gill and it was mostly gills fault. Also don't say Huesman is the better coach. We won't know until we start playing some games this fall.
The timing of this email to Spider Club members would also be indicator that Spider Club contributions due by July 1st have fallen off because of the Rocco-Gill mess.This email is an attempt to reassure fiscal calendar non-givers that "all is OK with Spider athletics"and that you have 10 days to write a check.

Or, because it just happened.

What is this mess you allude to? We hired a better football coach, after the previous one no longer wanted to be at UR. And the athletic director who many here derided constantly for not doing his job during the longest period of sustained football excellence since we moved to FCS is no longer employed.

Sounds to me as the 180-degree opposite of a mess.

"Or, because it just happened."

Sounds like you are into predeterminism or that the email was coincidental.I love folks that are into Eastern
philosophy.Burning incense and coming back as a butterfly in the afterlife works well too.
"Or, because it just happened."

Sounds like you are into predeterminism or that the email was coincidental.I love folks that are into Eastern
philosophy.Burning incense and coming back as a butterfly in the afterlife works well too.
I think he meant it just happened, as in chronologically. This was just formalized by Crutcher yesterday, the announcement wouldn't have come out any earlier.
I do not know the "players" involved here personally, including Crutcher. However, my psychology background does tell me to always watch out when someone tells you what they do NOT mean to say. In a surprising number of cases that is exactly what they DO mean to say. Hopefully, in this case the psychological interpretation is incorrect, and this really is a good sign for UR.

Given that we seem to have escaped our "mess" in better shape than before, (an upgrade as our new football coach, and a very likely upgrade at AD), I would have to say that President Crutcher seems to be on a "roll" so far. Hope it continues.
Geez is Crutcher a BS -er. I don't see how this improves anything but make him less accountable .
He's the president of the university, how is he not ultimately accountable for everything at UR? This assertion makes no sense.
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It's a good thing to divide roles when you have too much going on. This will likely be best for UR.
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He's the president of the university, how is he not ultimately accountable for everything at UR? This assertion makes no sense.
Kind of like a GM and head Coach. The GM simply has someone else to blame when the heat is turned up, just another layer of insulation. I'm hoping this move is a good thing, time will tell and I don't think it will take very long.
I read this as a very good sign for Richmond Athletics. I believe every word Dr. Crutcher said about how athletics is valued a lot here and "Dave shares my deep commitment to continuing to advance Spider Athletics". He did not have to write and email this message, but the fact that he did shows a lot. I don't remember Ayers being so public about the commitment of Spider Athletics

Ayers made many more similar statements and was a regular attendee and games etc. Does the 17 reflect how long you've been a Spider fan?
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Kind of like a GM and head Coach. The GM simply has someone else to blame when the heat is turned up, just another layer of insulation. I'm hoping this move is a good thing, time will tell and I don't think it will take very long.
This is why analogies tend to fail. A GM is accountable typically for the overall performance of a sports franchise as a business, the value of which is highly aligned with the team's performance or success. If the team fails, it's highly likely the GM has failed and may get sacked.

A University president is accountable for the institution, which is significantly fiscal, mostly academic, and in our case, peripherally athletic. We aren't going to hold a president accountable for athletic performance (unless it's truly dreadful/amoral/criminal) but we would dismiss an AD for dubious performance.

There's nothing about this move that suggests Dr. C is trying to be unaccountable, that's just nonsense.
It's a known fact, that company leaders, even Presidents (Jimmy Carter for ex.) fail
if they don't properly delegate. [business leadership 101]
This was probably long over due.
at a major power conf school, the prez has no worry, the athletic teams make more money than the school raises, he just needs to stay out of their way. in our deal, athletics cost the school money so they have to be involved to make sure the tail is not wagging the dog. education is the name of the game, athletics is really no different than the stamp club or kite flying group. put someone in charge with a vision and goals and let them do their thing.
at a major power conf school, the prez has no worry, the athletic teams make more money than the school raises, he just needs to stay out of their way. in our deal, athletics cost the school money so they have to be involved to make sure the tail is not wagging the dog. education is the name of the game, athletics is really no different than the stamp club or kite flying group. put someone in charge with a vision and goals and let them do their thing.

There are only ~20 schools in the country whose athletic departments make enough to stay afloat without subsidies from the school. The majority of P5 athletic departments are subsidized as are almost all non-P5 ADs.
He lost me w the Gill letter...was just a big PDA that didn't help us at all , unless it was to avoid a wrongful termination so the I would give him all the credit
He lost me w the Gill letter...was just a big PDA that didn't help us at all , unless it was to avoid a wrongful termination so the I would give him all the credit
Gill's contract was up in November regardless, he wasn't going to be renewed. This was a mutually convenient way to let him exit with some grace. If anything, it helps us a ton to not only have him
out sooner in order to get a better candidate in but also to demonstrate that UR operates with a high degree of diplomacy, which any good candidate would be looking for.
Can someone explain to me again why we are waiting so long to even start our search for the new AD?
Can someone explain to me again why we are waiting so long to even start our search for the new AD?

This is just a guess, but it may have to do with our confidence in the interim AD allowing us to take our time and make sure we get things right.
Can someone explain to me again why we are waiting so long to even start our search for the new AD?
Haste makes waste???

Idk, is there a compelling reason to move rapidly if Walsh is keeping things running? It sounds like they have a plan...
Dave Hale(BS Colgate,MS NYU)came to UR from Colgate some 4 years ago.He has business-financial background.Hale's wife,Ingrid,helps out in Admissions.

With PQ in the background as part of the AD selection hopefully we'll evolve from a 'Mom and Pop' athletic administrative organization into a savvy marketing-revenue driven outfit while maintaining a strong student-athlete status.

The timing of this email to Spider Club members would also be indicator that Spider Club contributions due by July 1st have fallen off because of the Rocco-Gill mess.This email is an attempt to reassure fiscal calendar non-givers that "all is OK with Spider athletics"and that you have 10 days to write a check.

On the heels of the Crutcher email yesterday which was a subtle plea for non paying Spider Clubers to send a check by June 30 after writing "all is ok with Spider athletics"there was a follow up email from Allison today.
What a coincidence.Dont make me laugh for the dopes that are into pre-determinism.How naive.Typical basketball posters who believe in the fairy godmother delivering a 6-9 transfer big man without 2 left feet.


I hope your summer is going well!
Just a reminder that our giving year ends June 30and I hope you will renew your Spider Club membership for the upcoming season.

Call me if you’d like to renew over the phone. Always great to chat with you. If you’d rather give online:

Thank you for your loyal support of our Spiders! Should be an exciting season!

FYI – for Spider Football we are planning Spider Tailgate parties before the Sam Houston, Delaware, and Villanova games.

Go Spiders!


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On the heels of the Crutcher email yesterday which was a subtle plea for non paying Spider Clubers to send a check by June 30 after writing "all is ok with Spider athletics"there was a follow up email from Allison today.
What a coincidence.Dont make me laugh for the dopes that are into pre-determinism.How naive.Typical basketball posters who believe in the fairy godmother delivering a 6-9 transfer big man without 2 left feet.


I hope your summer is going well!
Just a reminder that our giving year ends June 30and I hope you will renew your Spider Club membership for the upcoming season.

Call me if you’d like to renew over the phone. Always great to chat with you. If you’d rather give online:

Thank you for your loyal support of our Spiders! Should be an exciting season!

FYI – for Spider Football we are planning Spider Tailgate parties before the Sam Houston, Delaware, and Villanova games.

Go Spiders!


The absurdity of your posts never ceases to amaze me. The only "dopes" here are those who see some intricate conspiracy where none exists. What are you postulating, that SAF wouldn't have asked for your contribution had this announcement not come out? Put the pipe down, back away from the peyote...
The absurdity of your posts never ceases to amaze me. The only "dopes" here are those who see some intricate conspiracy where none exists. What are you postulating, that SAF wouldn't have asked for your contribution had this announcement not come out? Put the pipe down, back away from the peyote...

What you say?Gotta be a regular basketball poster whoever you are.Dont go near the Football board,please.We don't do postulations of any kind over there.Keep praying to the fairy godmother of roundball for a 6-9 big man without 2 left feet.Start a thread with an objective of 600 entries and 20,000 views of back-and-forth delusionalism.Already have one,well start another.
I think we just need to let the AD situation "breathe" a little bit. I'll wait until I see JOC's trial balloon with the final candidates before I can get upset.

And I don't understand the point of cutting and pasting the email from Allison. She's just trying to get final numbers in before the end of the year. Like anyone trying to hit her numbers would do - nothing more, nothing less.
Guess 32 hasn't informed Allison that he's done w Richmond, done w basketball board, done w Spider Club etc. Must be into pre-douchenism.
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On the heels of the Crutcher email yesterday which was a subtle plea for non paying Spider Clubers to send a check by June 30 after writing "all is ok with Spider athletics"there was a follow up email from Allison today.
What a coincidence.Dont make me laugh for the dopes that are into pre-determinism.How naive.Typical basketball posters who believe in the fairy godmother delivering a 6-9 transfer big man without 2 left feet.


I hope your summer is going well!
Just a reminder that our giving year ends June 30and I hope you will renew your Spider Club membership for the upcoming season.

Call me if you’d like to renew over the phone. Always great to chat with you. If you’d rather give online:

Thank you for your loyal support of our Spiders! Should be an exciting season!

FYI – for Spider Football we are planning Spider Tailgate parties before the Sam Houston, Delaware, and Villanova games.

Go Spiders!


He's the president of the university, how is he not ultimately accountable for everything at UR? This assertion makes no sense.

He has exec VPs now . I thought he was a lousy hire with a background that didn't fit .
Then he pats Gill on the back !?! We re being jobbed here by this knee jerk hire.