Beat VCU

Vegas/people are saying little chance you got beating VCU. Chop, did you think VCU would be this big of a fav? I sure didn't. No respect and best way to get it is to beat those guys.

Oh and just talking about the Spiders added motivation. Nothing to do VCU at all ..... their just probably enjoying the fact that most think the Spiders will be our bitches once again.
That doesn't answer the question. This is our biggest/local rival. We are tied for 3rd in a league that is likely to get 3 bids at most. Do you really think the Rams were preparing for this game, and then when the line came out they were like...."oh yeah, we got this one easy?" Or the Spiders were lacking motivation until the line came out and then said..."wow, I really want to win now." I don't think either team gives a whit about the point spread.

No, I didn't think the line would be that high.
Point spreads have nothing to do with "respect" or what "most people think."

If the line is so ridiculous, the people it should "motivate" are those that live where sports betting is legal.....say SouthJersey? load up on the Spiders.

As far as what most people think, 2/3 of the wagers are on the Spiders, and the line still moved the other way.
How could the line move the other way if 2/3 of the wagers are on us? That is not how Vegas works.
I thought I did answer the question. Of course UR just think it could be used as added Mo if coach plays his cards right. And haven't placed a bet but seriously thinking about it. Yes, you're right, numbers betting UR, but line going other way. That's what makes hesitant on betting on UR, few betting VCU but maybe big $$$ amounts?Those people on a scale of 1-10 are 10 while I'm a .5 on pregame knowledge.

Sorry, but did I write "ridiculous" in reference to line? The respect part is the narrative Mooney might use with team? Just don't want the Spiders ever again get beat up before and during the game like against Kansas. Sad having to endure looking at KA and Justin on the bench late in game. I was PISSED.
I thought I did answer the question. Of course UR just think it could be used as added Mo if coach plays his cards right. And haven't placed a bet but seriously thinking about it. Yes, you're right, numbers betting UR, but line going other way. That's what makes hesitant on betting on UR, few betting VCU but maybe big $$$ amounts?Those people on a scale of 1-10 are 10 while I'm a .5 on pregame knowledge.

Sorry, but did I write "ridiculous" in reference to line? The respect part is the narrative Mooney might use with team? Just don't want the Spiders ever again get beat up before and during the game like against Kansas. Sad having to endure looking at KA and Justin on the bench late in game. I was PISSED.
EL called the line ridiculous. I was responding to you both.
I really think you're overestimating their awareness of the spread. This ain't "Blue Chips."
Besides, I wouldn't want a coach - especially a college coach - using point spreads as a motivator as part of a "no respect" narrative.

There's plenty of motivation already.

As to your first paragraph, that's certainly something to consider.
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EL called the line ridiculous. I was responding to you both.
I really think you're overestimating their awareness of the spread. This ain't "Blue Chips."
Besides, I wouldn't want a coach - especially a college coach - using point spreads as a motivator as part of a "no respect" narrative.

There's plenty of motivation already.

As to your first paragraph, that's certainly something to consider.
Well, he could say "beating the spread strengthens my strong A** offer".
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I really think you're overestimating their awareness of the spread. This ain't "Blue Chips."
Besides, I wouldn't want a coach - especially a college coach - using point spreads as a motivator as part of a "no respect" narrative.

The players probably have little knowledge so I would suggest Mooney casually let them know. My mistake, we're talking about a coach whose top priority is "competing" at the highest level. God forbid talk of betting in the presence of UR athletes. Let us not corrupt them.
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The players probably have little knowledge so I would suggest Mooney casually let them know. My mistake, we're talking about a coach whose top priority is "competing" at the highest level. God forbid talk of betting in the presence of UR athletes. Let us not corrupt them.

I think the players all know about spreads. U can find them listed on mainstream sites right in the previews. On phones & internet constantly how can u not. But I agree coach Mooney & others aren’t bringing up Vegas & spreads nor should they. However what all coaches do regularly incl the pros is tell em we r underdogs nobody thinks we can win etc. that is quite common.

I don’t think the spread is incentive by itself, the no respect underdog mentality broadly could be. Saying the vcu game is incentive enough nah everyone needs motivation. Again look we r 6-18 under them vs Mooney. It is NOT working. Of course we should be looking at all ways to motivate (outside of formal betting terminology) that’s a big part of coaching.
our kids live in Richmond ... and have played in the undeniable shadow of VCU for their whole careers.
sure, a coach needs to motivate. but if our guys aren't self-motivated for this at their place, then we have the wrong kids. I don't think we do.
our kids live in Richmond ... and have played in the undeniable shadow of VCU for their whole careers.
sure, a coach needs to motivate. but if our guys aren't self-motivated for this at their place, then we have the wrong kids. I don't think we do.

I imagine they're self motivated too for most part. Not everyone is equal there though. I guess you've played on sports teams where everyone is self motivated & needs nothing more even in big games, I'd say that is rare. and look they're not all 6-18, but Mooney is. Self motivation is important no doubt but being mentally prepared and motivated by your coach is a bad thing? Of course not it can help this is team sports.
I played on teams where we certainly needed to be motivated sometimes. and sometimes nothing you could do would get through to us. but never against our rival.
I played on teams where we certainly needed to be motivated sometimes. and sometimes nothing you could do would get through to us. but never against our rival.

Did you only win 25% against your rival too?
If you believe we'll win the game outright, there are places - if you live somewhere where this is legal, of course - that you can get Spiders +365 to win.
That's more than quadruple your investment! That's pretty incredible; I consider this game a coin flip, and only because it's downtown.

95% of the ML wagers are on the Spiders.
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to load up on the Spiders.

Choppin, lol load up. Only a recreational wagerer and have stayed away from betting UR games. So I played Spiders +5 1H. No expert but feel line can only go to +8.5 or in this case +4.5. For the most part I believe UR has played well this season during the 1st 20. Along with not having enough confidence in the last 10 minutes that Mooney won't turn a winning play into a loss makes me not bet +9.

Three positives for me in order of significance
1) Defense has been extremely better than I could have even imagined
2) The confidence level of team is sky high
3) Offense has lived up to the preseason hype plus some

Small worries is missing the Blake attitude bucket that could put both VCU's players and fans in their place. Also I hope the bunny Burton missed last game and GG's short arming his bunny are just anomalies in big game situations.

Mooney's team must have their A game in making VCU go one-and-down on the defensive boards so not to get the crowd going. Though UR has performed well at a faster pace, maybe slow the pace down a bit to neutralize any idea VCU is going to create up and down the court havoc. Also VCU not big by any means so please attempt to go inside. The team that shoots FTs well like UR could make it a priority. If the Spiders hold them to a minimum of inside baskets don't see VCU beating them from deep. Maybe just being a homer but just don't see that much of a gap between these teams. Go Spiders!
Anyone knows if channel 6 is showing this game on 6.3? Or whether it will actually be viewable through the CBS Sports app (which historically is complete garbage)?

Looking on the app now, it appears you have to sign up for another service to stream the game, but maybe not.
Don’t use FloSports, rip off. Advertise $12 a month for an annual plan , but if you cancel after one month the charge is $30.
Lol. Stripes calls 10 seconds on Gilly after 6 seconds and then Evans hits a phantom foul 4 point play