Really? We don't know yet whether any of Verbinskis, Cayo, Ford or Schneider can both dribble and chew gum at the same time. I certainly hope that they all contribute, but if they do, it will be a new experience for our program based upon a comparison of recruits drawn from similar pools.
I would not consider myself a pessimist, but with respect to our BB program, I feel that a safer, sounder approach is to view the water level of the glass as right where it was in years past plus rainfall, less evaporation, realizing that rain levels have been down and evaporation has soared.
My attitude has changed because I am tired of disappointment and excuses. When things change in the program, so will my attitude. Meanwhile, I find it dangerous to take Voltaire literally. There are times when one needs to temper his Candide with The Blood of Others (Simone de Beauvoir).