The Biden Doctrine

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The Biden Doctrine summary

Total retreat in Afghanistan
Total appeasement towards Russia, China, the Taliban and Iran.
Total capitulation to Al Qaeda.
Humiliation of Allies
Complete surrender of National Sovereignty
Complete open borders, regardless of effect on Americans.
Complete disregard for the spread of communicable diseases by immigrants.
Political attacks on those not receiving vaccines.
Withholding life saving COVID treatments from states that did not vote for Biden.

Anything missing?
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Yes you did.
.Biden couldn’t stop the retreat from Afghanistan because of Trump’s agreement with that
broken country. But, he sure didn’t mind breaking a promise to the French. A long time friend an ally of the US that even recalled their ambassador because they know what a loser he is.
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Neither piling on nor agreeing with all assertions above, but.....wouldn't (versus couldn't) extract all our citizens and allies from a foreign country while willfully refusing to prevent foreigners from illegally entering our own doesn't appear a recipe for success. Myriad of other issues, but those two are core functions expected of any government. Protect your own. Protect your border.

Like every new Prez, rooting he/she (or preferred pronoun) move us all forward. Regrettably, not seeing it so far.
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Biden has destroyed his domestic agenda.
"Individual Democratic members looking for ways to break with Biden in hopes of convincing their voters that there is some significant distance between themselves and Biden. (Side note: This attempted distancing almost never works.)

All of it is bad for Biden and his party in Congress. The confluence of his faltering poll numbers with the single most critical week, legislatively speaking, of his presidency creates a vicious cycle that makes a positive outcome for Democrats less and less likely."
The administration is covering up the number of Americans left in Afghanistan.

"Out of 60,000 Afghan nationals evacuated during the withdrawal, a mere 16% are U.S. citizens or Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders.

A generous interpretation of this news would be to say that America rescued countless Afghans from the Taliban. But a less charitable interpretation might be to point out that we left behind hundreds of American citizens and thousands of Afghan interpreters—and instead rescued tens of thousands of military-aged young Afghan men who may or may not be fully vetted."

The result is child rape and spousal abuse, both Federal crimes. Nice.

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The Daily Beast unloads on how Biden acts like Trump by burying information.

Biden’s administration, not unlike the last one, puts more emphasis on spinning or burying bad news than it does on generating good news. This administration focuses on message control, while hoping that someone else will handle the details. The bad news is that nobody else is competently managing the logistics.

Biden must have not taken Econ can he say his economic plan is going to cost nothing? He can say it because he is used to being glib ....without regard for objective truth.....................
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Great fuzzy math - project the cost for five years or less and project the funds raised by tax increases for ten years, but ignore how tax law changes will cause different economic actions that will result in no where near the projected taxes to actually be collected.
Welcome to Bidenville, human infrastructure


Looks like it's all cleaned up.


Guess Biden is about to be banned from Twitter for false tweets?

My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars. Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in working America. And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.

8:34 PM · Sep 25, 2021·The White House
Day 28...

The hostages are still there. Is it now the policy of this country to leave our citizens behind?

"The State Department is working to facilitate the departure of approximately 100 American citizens and legal permanent residents ready to leave Afghanistan, a senior State Department official said Monday."

So now top Generals testify to Congress that they told Biden they wanted 2500 troops to remain in Afghanistan......but Biden said he didn't receive advice to leave any troops in Afghanistan...............who is an American citizen supposed to believe? It is all so confusing.......................
Gen. Milley conceded leaving 2500 troops would’ve never resulted in a durable Afghan government/army: “The end-state probably would’ve been the same” no matter when we left, Milley said.

How many more soldiers did you want to die there? All you people who say we "abandoned" the Afghans never answer that question. How many more deaths?

So now top Generals testify to Congress that they told Biden they wanted 2500 troops to remain in Afghanistan......but Biden said he didn't receive advice to leave any troops in Afghanistan...............who is an American citizen supposed to believe? It is all so confusing.......................
We’re getting to the bottom of the barrel for leaders. No intelligent person wants the jobs. Only the
narcissistic stooges.
BTW- I‘m with Charles Barkley - both parties have screwed up America
Speaks for itself.

And Milley said the result would have been the same, even had troops remained. Again, answer my question, you want troops to remain, how many more do you want to die on a doomed mission? You guys never answer that.

Lots of generals said we were winning in Vietnam. And in Iraq. And in Afghanistan. We have civilian control of the military for a reason.
The Generals Contradict Biden.

"The hearing underscored that the President acted against the advice of the military in yanking the residual U.S. force from the country. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. Kenneth McKenzie both made clear in their testimony that they recommended that about 2,500 U.S. troops stay in Afghanistan to delay a Taliban takeover....

That’s not what Mr. Biden said he was told. Asked in an ABC News interview days after the August fall of Kabul if his military advisers urged him to maintain America’s small footprint in the country, Mr. Biden said, “No one said that to me that I can recall.”

And Milley said the result would have been the same, even had troops remained.
If that was the case, why did every of of his top generals advise President Biden to leave 2,500 troops in Afghanistan?
Again, answer my question, you want troops to remain, how many more do you want to die on a doomed mission? You guys never answer that.
My answer- less than the 13 killed at the Kabul airport, because of Joe Biden.
In his own words, the transcript from Biden's interview with Stephanopoulos

STEPHANOPOULOS: But your top military advisors warned against withdrawing on this timeline. They wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops.

BIDEN: No, they didn't. It was split. Tha-- that wasn't true. That wasn't true.

STEPHANOPOULOS: They didn't tell you that they wanted troops to stay?

BIDEN: No. Not at -- not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a timeframe all troops. They didn't argue against that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no one told -- your military advisors did not tell you, "No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that"?

BIDEN: No. No one said that to me that I can recall.

If that was the case, why did every of of his top generals advise President Biden to leave 2,500 troops in Afghanistan?

My answer- less than the 13 killed at the Kabul airport, because of Joe Biden.
Who knows. But Milley said it would not have changed the outcome one iota. It's on the video.

Again, by your logic Ronald Reagan is responsible for 250 deaths in Beirut, and Bush far, far more for his invasion of Iraq searching for those non-existent WMDs.

You guys should be far more concerned about the Orange Cheeto and his henchmen trying to overthrow the government last January, and his constant campaign to undercut the country's faith in elections by continuing to harp on non-existent fraud, which your idiot base is swallowing hook, line and sinker.
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Who knows. But Milley said it would not have changed the outcome one iota. It's on the video.
You suffer from the fallacy of equivocation. Millie said that the government of Afghanistan would have fallen, regardless of when they pulled the troops out. Millie`s advice was to not pull the troops out.

Are you and 32 counter still joined at the hip?
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Simply trying to figure out if there is any relationship between Joe Biden and the truth concerning the botched Afghan withdrawal? But then again he doesn't rank very high in the "recall department" when it comes to questions he refuses to answer.
Are you and 32 counter still joined at the hip?

No more so than you and the other members of QAnon on this thread.

I saw a CIB on Milley the other day. Nice that you can make fun of someone who served in combat by calling him Millie.
Are you and 32 counter still joined at the hip?

No more so than you and the other members of QAnon on this thread.

I saw a CIB on Milley the other day. Nice that you can make fun of someone who served in combat by calling him Millie.
As he sat before Congress under sworn testimony, and admitted (with other generals) that he and others had suggested to Biden to keep troops in Afghanistan. Whoops, The Commander in Chief doesn’t remember that.
As he sat before Congress under sworn testimony, and admitted (with other generals) that he and others had suggested to Biden to keep troops in Afghanistan. Whoops, The Commander in Chief doesn’t remember that.
Deflect, deflect. You should listen to Liz Cheney today. A Republican who doesn't put the Orange Cheeto ahead of country.
Deflect, deflect. You should listen to Liz Cheney today. A Republican who doesn't put the Orange Cheeto ahead of country.
I’m not deflecting anything. You are, by trying to move this to a Trump situation.
I totally agree with Liz Cheney. The Republicans that don’t are mistaken.
The Dems are just plain lost.
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Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, in hearings on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, stated that there are still US citizens in Afghanistan, but the number is less than 4,000.