
never drink beer from a can, yuk
u shud never yuk da biers...
if it b necessary, i drink da biers frum da camode
ev n thru da straw...
i reely luvs my biers...tho i gottsta mit,
sumtimes i drink 2 miny biers...
Tariffs on oil imports?Thought Agent Orange wanted low oil/gas prices because it’s like a tax cut..Genius Navarro is irrelevant.
So now we’re going to artificially increase the cost/price of oil/gas because of the Saudi-Russian price wars which has driven down price/cost.

Save a US quasi monopolistic oil/gasindustry with phony import tariffs.Now I get it.
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Now we need the Chinese.Wait when the panademic subsides.They’ll be our best friends.

King Dolt and Navarro will have no portfolio in Beijing.Good luck.

Navarro is a waste of a position.All hand and arm gestures.No substance to the guy.Way over his head since inception.Go back to teaching High School Home Economics courses at Santa Cruz elementary school.

Navarro is going back to Santa Cruz Middle School to teach Home Economics 101 to 10 year olds.Use a ton of hand gestures and make believe you know what you are talking about.A joke.He and Agent Orange are from the same school-Ignorance University.

Agent Orange still doesnt understand Tariffs.His trade tool,Navarro,is even worse.

Trump vividly reminds us that he doesn't know how tariffs work

Navarro is the most clueless,the most unqualified cabinet member that I have ever experienced in my lifetime.Dumb as a bunch of rocks would be a complement for Navarro.