no signs Richmond will extend contract of hoops coach

That's not his job, he's not our PR department. You can put out all the positive articles you want.
Knowing I'm a Spider fan, the question people ask, over and over again, is 'What is going on with Mooney?"
Yes, we have a PR department at the University, they can put out all the puff pieces they want. JOC is a journalist with the RTD, his job is not to promote University athletics, but to report on them.
was there anything to report here? do other markets write articles about the 350 coaches that didn't get extended this year?
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I for one am glad JOC wrote this article. His job is to report on Richmond basketball and what is relevant to our program and what UR fans/general richmond public that follows local sports will be interested in reading about. Each sports writer across the country will have something unique to write about. They don’t all have to cover the same topics. To me, it is newsworthy that Mooney didn’t get a contract extension, which I was happy to read, since his employment as our head coach is a very talked about topic among our fanbase in case anyone hasn’t noticed. Also, given how Mooney has received a contract extension almost annually, the fact the fact he didn’t receive one this year is something newsworthy to make note of and indicative that all eyes are on him to start producing better results.
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almost annually? is once in the last 7 years almost annually?

I guess a totally casual fan might be interested in this article. If CM got an extension, then by all means write about it, question it, bash it, etc. But not getting one isn't news. It's like writing an article tomorrow that Trump wasn't impeached today.
almost annually? is once in the last 7 years almost annually?

I guess a totally casual fan might be interested in this article. If CM got an extension, then by all means write about it, question it, bash it, etc. But not getting one isn't news. It's like writing an article tomorrow that Trump wasn't impeached today.

I misspoke on the extension, thank you for correcting me. However, saying Mooney didn’t get a contract, is newsworthy in my opinion since that is the first public sign from athletic department that we aren’t okay with the status quo and his performance as of late. If there is a prevailing thought that things would remain as is (like Mooney continuing to be our coach) than any deviation from that “norm” would be considered newsworthy.
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...that is the first public sign from athletic department that we aren’t okay with the status quo and his performance as of late.
But there was no public sign! The athletic department didn't say anything like that, that we aren't okay with the status quo as you put it.

UR didn't make a public announcement that we weren't extending CM. JOC sent Hardt an email asking about Mooney's status. Hardt said he had no changes to announce or comments to communicate. That's it. Not that we aren't extending. Just that there's no news to report.

And JOC runs an article about that non-news. It's a complete fabrication disguised as UR hoops news.
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It’s perfectly and appropriate article at this time of year - read the first part again.

Last August, the University of Richmond and basketball coach Chris Mooney agreed to a one-year contract extension that stretched his deal through the 2021-22 season, or four seasons starting with the upcoming one.

That allowed Mooney to inform prospects involved in the 2017 early-signing period last November that he was under contract for all four of their Richmond seasons. Mooney, 46 and UR’s coach since 2005, may not be able to make a comparable claim while recruiting for the early-signing period beginning this November.

It’s the first time that’s been the case in about a decade.
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almost annually? is once in the last 7 years almost annually?

I guess a totally casual fan might be interested in this article. If CM got an extension, then by all means write about it, question it, bash it, etc. But not getting one isn't news. It's like writing an article tomorrow that Trump wasn't impeached today.
When coaches have less than 4 years on a contract they almost always request an extension. The old 'I need 4 years in order to assure recruits I'll be here' rationale.
my point is they didn't have anything of substance to write here. the AD didn't make any statement about Mooney or his contract. if he did make a statement, you absolutely write about it. otherwise, this should have been a 3 sentence paragraph at the end of the next RTD UR Hoops article.
Respectfully, disagree, I'm glad JOC wrote about it. I wanted to know that there wasn't a contract extension, it tells me that the admin is going to wait and see how this year goes before doing anything. At least as of today anyway.
At least as of today anyway.
That's my point. We want to know that there's no contract extension planned, but after this article what do we know? Nothing. Hardt just said he has nothing to announce today. If he actually said we're not extending, that would be news.

Anyone praising the article for giving us clarity on Mooney's status didn't read it carefully and only saw what they wanted to see.
my point is they didn't have anything of substance to write here. the AD didn't make any statement about Mooney or his contract. if he did make a statement, you absolutely write about it. otherwise, this should have been a 3 sentence paragraph at the end of the next RTD UR Hoops article.
Given the timing and rationale for our extension last year, it is certainly appropriate for JOC to contact UR and ask the status for this year. In fact, I would say it not only appropriate but it is JOC's job's as a journalist to ask that question and similarly report out the finding of his inquiry to the public.

If it was critical for him to have 4 years last year to sell recruits does he not need a new 4 years this year? Something obviously has changed, since it was critical last year but he is not being extended last year. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what has changed.
yeah, we had a 12 win season.

even pro-Mooney fans don't think he should get an extension. nobody could rationalize that.
That’s a fairly strong statement.
Funny. The Ulla noted some time ago that Coach Mooney and AD Hart were meeting at 9:00am many mornings. These conversations were held shortly after the end of the season. I support our coaches, but our new AD has been active for quite some time, as I stated some time ago. Nothing new here if you were listening to my posts.
Funny. The Ulla noted some time ago that Coach Mooney and AD Hart were meeting at 9:00am many mornings. These conversations were held shortly after the end of the season. I support our coaches, but our new AD has been active for quite some time, as I stated some time ago. Nothing new here if you were listening to my posts.
Mooney has to be on a real short leash. Any other D1 coach at a school with NCAA tourney aspirations would have been gone already. He'd better show up with a surprisingly good season if he's to keep his job. AD isn't going to be able to save after years of not getting it done. Fact or opinion? .
Funny. The Ulla noted some time ago that Coach Mooney and AD Hart were meeting at 9:00am many mornings. These conversations were held shortly after the end of the season. I support our coaches, but our new AD has been active for quite some time, as I stated some time ago. Nothing new here if you were listening to my posts.
To my knowledge it’s the first time Hardt has commented on Coach’s contract but I could have missed it.
To my knowledge it’s the first time Hardt has commented on Coach’s contract but I could have missed it.
T, it is the first public commemt. My point is that this has been discussed in private a long time time ago between Hardt and Coach Mooney.
T, it is the first public commemt. My point is that this has been discussed in private a long time time ago between Hardt and Coach Mooney.
Well I'm sure they've discussed a lot of stuff in private and thus isn't material any of us are privy to. I think it's significant he's publicly stating that wins and losses are important, and that one can infer that Hardt isn't going to accept the "must have four years" notion.
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T, it is the first public commemt. My point is that this has been discussed in private a long time time ago between Hardt and Coach Mooney.
That's the point to go public means the AD felt the private conversations needed to be bumped up. Once you go public, everyone is watching and now the ADs credibility is also on the line.
Great segment this morning on Black and Drew about Richmond basketball expectations and accountability. It seemed a lot more candid discourse from Bob Black and Wallace, as well as a great phone call interview with a fan. Kudos to him, he brought up the right concerns.

Go to 8/22 date, 9 am segment, and start listening from 4:45 minute mark - 23 minute mark.
The Program is a mess and everyone except Ulla knows it. Nice to finally hear our AD state that CM needs to win NOW.
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#OneRichmond AD John Hardt this morning on Coach Mooney not receiving an extension this offseason, "Chris and I talk about this regularly. We're at a point where we need to have more success. We need to have more positive progress in the wins and loss column."

You mean this one. :D
If you listen to the entire broadcast, it is clear that AD Hardt strongly supports Coach Mooney and is ready to help in anyway. He just mentioned that there should be more wins. Sort of a no brainer.
Hardt will publicly support Mooney until the day he fires him. That is how this works. But Hardt just publicly said our program needs more winning and more success. That is hardly a ringing endorsement of a coach in its 14th year and in fact is publicly setting some bars that need to be met this year.

Now, the question I have is "more wins" 15-17 wins this year or more on the 20+ wins category. I don't expect or need that answer because that answer will show itself on how this year plays out.

One thing is for sure, if Mooney rolls out another 12-13 year season, he is done. I personally think he needs probably to hit around the 20 win mark (which still is not even an NIT worthy season) to even make Hardt think hard about keeping him on another year. If the new players we brought in are as good as you say Ulla, 20 wins should be easily attainable.
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It’s in John Hardts best interest for the men’s basketball coach to be successful, if he isn’t, John won’t be here in five years I suspect. So he doesn’t have a long runway to show progress (whatever that is). Maybe that happens faster with CM but could be faster with another coach, but of course he’ll help whatever coach is in place as it’s logical to do so.