Khwan Fore

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Sorry y'all didn't realize that Sal was rated that high. He might actually be worth a damn. To be honest I have gotten so used to these nobodies that Mooney brings in that I don't even look to see any of our new recruits ratings because I just assume that they are all gonna be like smithen, dielvoss, Cayo, ford, Schneider, verbinskis, Paul, and piotrowski. You know what the say about assuming; it makes an a$$ out of you and me. Looks like I just made an a$$ out of me.
Eight, nice that you feel that way but I think a kid in the recruiting class might find it disrespectful.
In his opinion many recruits aren't worth a damn. Those are his words. We may not agree with them, and I happen to disagree as it relates to Sal, but no, that's not disrespectful. That's his evaluation of a player, I presume not his evaluation of the kid as a human being. That's a big difference.

There's a way to go about evaluating and then there's the admittedly blind evaluation that VT does (see his post just above this one...) that translates to just bashing a kid.
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There's a way to go about evaluating and then there's the admittedly blind evaluation that VT does (see his post just above this one...) that translates to just bashing a kid.
Unfortunately it is pretty easy to guess what recruits are gonna be like with Mooney. I think we all know no the long list of recruiting failures by Mooney so to me unless they are rated really high I just assume every recruit is gonna be another failure.
I'm not discrediting you.

I'm discrediting the notion that "a good amount of you want the program to fail," and using your first post in this thread as an example of "This type of sentiment doesn't seem to be that uncommon."

The poster of the first statement wasn't referring to you (and can't provide a single example).

I believe the sentiment of wanting a mass exodus is very uncommon.

And to your question "Is it wrong of me...?" My answer would be yes.
I agree it is not widespread but I thought there were two not one just can not remember who. I thought I asked if the two choices were either win a national championship or Mooney leave that two said they would take the latter. I could be mistaken.
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Sorry y'all didn't realize that Sal was rated that high. He might actually be worth a damn. To be honest I have gotten so used to these nobodies that Mooney brings in that I don't even look to see any of our new recruits ratings because I just assume that they are all gonna be like smithen, dielvoss, Cayo, ford, Schneider, verbinskis, Paul, and piotrowski. You know what the say about assuming; it makes an a$$ out of you and me. Looks like I just made an a$$ out of me.
So you assume they will be Diekvoss, Dominaus, Pietrowski, Pistokache not Buckingham, Golden, Sherod, Gilyard?
Way too many people assume the first 4, way too many people assume the second 4.
There must be something in between...
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I'm discrediting the notion that "a good amount of you want the program to fail," and using your first post in this thread as an example of "This type of sentiment doesn't seem to be that uncommon."

The poster of the first statement wasn't referring to you (and can't provide a single example.
Actually, there have been multiple posts where CM detractors have indicated that they’d be ok with a variety of conditions that brought about his demise. I’m too lazy and too unsophisticated to know how to find and share them within this post, but off the top of my head there have been statements to the effect of (paraphrased):
1. They’d forego a trip to the NCAA this year if we won the A10 tournament if it meant our crappy record would get CM fired
2. They’d forego a deep tournament run if it meant we could fire CM
3. They’d be ok with a departure of indicidual/multiple starters if it meant blowing things up and starting over

So yes, this sentiment exists. I make no judgment as to the sincerity of the posts or their merit, but they’re out here.
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Actually, there have been multiple posts where CM detractors have indicated that they’d be ok with a variety of conditions that brought about his demise. I’m too lazy and too unsophisticated to know how to find and share them within this post, but off the top of my head there have been statements to the effect of (paraphrased):
1. They’d forego a trip to the NCAA this year if we won the A10 tournament if it meant our crappy record would get CM fired
2. They’d forego a deep tournament run if it meant we could fire CM
3. They’d be ok with a departure of indicidual/multiple starters if it meant blowing things up and starting over

So yes, this sentiment exists. I make no judgment as to the sincerity of the posts or their merit, but they’re out here.
I will admit that yes I did say some of those things. I would be fine if we made the NCAA even if it meant keeping Mooney. Basically as long as Mooney is winning again and taking us to the big dance I'm fine with him as our coach. I did say that I would be fine with players transferring if it means firing Mooney though. And I will admit that after our terrible start to the season I would root against us if a game was close because I wanted to see Mooney gone.
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Actually, there have been multiple posts where CM detractors have indicated that they’d be ok with a variety of conditions that brought about his demise. I’m too lazy and too unsophisticated to know how to find and share them within this post, but off the top of my head there have been statements to the effect of (paraphrased):
1. They’d forego a trip to the NCAA this year if we won the A10 tournament if it meant our crappy record would get CM fired
2. They’d forego a deep tournament run if it meant we could fire CM
3. They’d be ok with a departure of indicidual/multiple starters if it meant blowing things up and starting over

So yes, this sentiment exists. I make no judgment as to the sincerity of the posts or their merit, but they’re out here.

I can only think of one kid who has posted along those lines, and I intentionally excluded his rantings in my response to this
It is really sad to me that a good amount of you seem to want the program to fail just so that you can be right about certain things.
which was posted on this thread.

I really don't believe the "anti-Mooney" crowd that poster was alluding to wants the program to fail. There certainly isn't a "good amount" of them. It's a lie, just like the oft-repeated "vicious attacks on players" fallacy. Ever notice that when a poster of one of these bogus statements gets called out, they never cite an example?

I don't subscribe to the imbecilic notion of rooting for your favorite team to fail, no matter the endgame. Tanking doesn't pay in college sports.

I think the vast majority of the posters, on both "sides of the aisle," want the program to succeed.

Like I said, Khwan is a good young man and he has made his own evaluation of this program. He has decided he's better off moving on. If only it were easy for the fans to do the same.
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The funny thing is the folks who want Mooney gone want him out of here because of his relative lack of success. They actually want the basketball program to be better than its current state.
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It's a lie, just like the oft-repeated "vicious attacks on players" fallacy. Ever notice that when a poster of one of these bogus statements gets called out, they never cite an example?
If you want to call me lazy that’s fine, I’m too tired to rummage through endless threads where those notions have been offered to cite them, but don’t call me a liar. They exist, they’re definitely on the site. VT just copped to one above.
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If you want to call me lazy that’s fine, I’m too tired to rummage through endless threads where those notions have been offered to cite them, but don’t call me a liar. They exist, they’re definitely on the site. VT just copped to one above.

I'm not calling you a liar. In this thread, nobody was "rooting for failure."
If you honestly believe a great many people on this forum want to see this program fail, that's certainly your prerogative. Obviously, I disagree. I tend to assume the best in people.

VT is the one I was excluding. He's the only example I can think of. I guess I'm lazy too. :)
Back to Khwan; I will miss watching his explosive dunks. It was always one of the highlights of many of the games I watched this year. I will be pulling for him at his next stop. Assuming of course it's not an A-10 school.
I'm not calling you a liar. In this thread, nobody was "rooting for failure."
If you honestly believe a great many people on this forum want to see this program fail, that's certainly your prerogative. Obviously, I disagree. I tend to assume the best in people.

VT is the one I was excluding. He's the only example I can think of. I guess I'm lazy too. :)
Well, my stance is you can’t indicate that someone has “lied” and not be suggesting they aren’t also a liar. You seem like a smart guy, I’m gathering you understand that.

As I said previously, I’m not commenting on the merit of these statements, or the frequency/volume even, but there have certainly been multiple different posters who have made assertions of this sort. I don’t think it amounts to a tidal wave of any sort, but some folks seem prepared to blow it up.
Well, my stance is you can’t indicate that someone has “lied” and not be suggesting they aren’t also a liar. You seem like a smart guy, I’m gathering you understand that.

As I said previously, I’m not commenting on the merit of these statements, or the frequency/volume even, but there have certainly been multiple different posters who have made assertions of this sort. I don’t think it amounts to a tidal wave of any sort, but some folks seem prepared to blow it up.

Lie was a poor choice of words. I've been saying fallacy too often and wanted to change it up. When plydogg made his statement, he was commenting on the frequency/volume in this thread. And there simply was none of that evident.

Black and Drew were pretty negative about the transfer this morning. Of course, Bob tried to blame the grad transfer rule. Andrew, in particular, was more critical of the program than many of the posters in this thread - and called out Mooney's quote about "a very common practice" as an excuse. To follow plydogg's logic, Bob & Andrew must "want to see the program fail."

However, I do believe the "many vicious personal attacks on players" statement is a lie. I've never seen you make such a statement.

I think rooting for the team to lose is awful. Even if someone believed it would lead to Mooney's dismissal. (They're wrong - it wouldn't achieve their goal. We basically disqualified ourselves from postseason consideration after two games. If that doesn't heat the seat, finishing 8-23 vs 12-20 matters little.)

I'm ready to move on. I'm pretty sure you and I want to see the same thing in regards to the program.
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Random thought...
How many players graduate with a year of eligibility left and how many of those transfer?
Random thought...
How many players graduate with a year of eligibility left and how many of those transfer?
yeah, that's a good question. not sure how long the grad transfer rule has been in effect either. was it an option when Butler or Bucknor were playing?
all things equal, loyalty is awesome. but you've also got to do what you think is best for you.
Don’t know what this has to do with loyalty. Khwan spent four years at UR. Worked hard. Made significant contributions to the program. He has graduated and will move on. He has been exeedingly loyal. Thank you, Khwan. You other guys need to re-evaluate.
all things equal, loyalty is awesome. but you've also got to do what you think is best for you.
Don’t know what this has to do with loyalty. Khwan spent four years at UR. Worked hard. Made significant contributions to the program. He has graduated and will move on. He has been exeedingly loyal. Thank you, Khwan. You other guys need to re-evaluate.
agreed about Khwan. I was speaking more generally. grad transfers ... regular transfers ... job changes ... everything.
I guess I’m an old fogey and loyalty is an outdated virtue.
Loyalty also cuts both ways. These players are not guaranteed scholarships each year. I don’t fault any of them if they decide to roll out after four years.
I don’t think any generation has a monopoly on loyalty. Khwan did four years during which two of those years we were .500 or worse. He is going to graduate. If he leaves, it’s a bummer but I get it.
I don’t think any generation has a monopoly on loyalty. Khwan did four years during which two of those years we were .500 or worse. He is going to graduate. If he leaves, it’s a bummer but I get it.
T, just don't know what the team's record has to do with it.
T, just don't know what the team's record has to do with it.

Seriously? You don’t know what wins and losses has to do with it? Let me clue you in, players want to win and play in the NCAA tournament. We have a pretty impressive NCAA tournament drought going right now and won 12 games last year. Maybe he thinks he can do better elsewhere.
I don’t think any generation has a monopoly on loyalty. Khwan did four years during which two of those years we were .500 or worse. He is going to graduate. If he leaves, it’s a bummer but I get it.
T-Bone, I think that’s the underlying sentiment we all feel about Khwan. “It’s a bummer” sums it up for me. Very nice young man that we all hate to lose. We will see, but in my opinion both parties will be lessened a bit next year by parting ways.
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T-Bone, I think that’s the underlying sentiment we all feel about Khwan. “It’s a bummer” sums it up for me. Very nice young man that we all hate to lose. We will see, but in my opinion both parties will be lessened a bit next year by parting ways.
Agreed. Will be very interested to see not only where he ends up but how it plays out.
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