Khwan Fore

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We will sweep VCU again next year. Mooney owns Rhoades. Can’t wait to see their dumpster burning when they miss the tournament again next year.

Would you rather have Mooney owning Rhodes or someone GOOD who can own Rhodes AND Paulsen AND Ford AND just about anyone else in the league? I'd take the latter.
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Would you rather have Mooney owning Rhodes or someone GOOD who can own Rhodes AND Paulsen AND Ford AND just about anyone else in the league? I'd take the latter.
If we get the foot soldiers, the General can command the army. Times a changing.
This is very bad news. I am trying to be positive, trying to turn a new leaf. I believed all the Mooney truthers that said: This is just internet gossip, show me the facts. I BELIEVED YOU. You led me astray. I feel a change coming on, I am trying to fight it off - but it is hard. I fear I am back, I am very fearful.

Yea just one man’s opinion — and I am not the only one talking about KF being a high quality 6th man. You’re a basketball guy too, so you watched Villanova’s 6th man just drop 31 in champ game ...

I appreciate your creativity of thought, but please answer this: when was the last time Coach Mooney took an experienced and productive upperclassmen and shorted him minutes in favor of unproven younger players?
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Would you rather have Mooney owning Rhodes or someone GOOD who can own Rhodes AND Paulsen AND Ford AND just about anyone else in the league? I'd take the latter.

I wasn’t reacting to our situation. I was reacting to theirs and the fact that they are commenting about us after we swept them with our worst team in more than ten years. As with us, 2011 may as well have been 1911 for them. They are falling back and will resemble Mason before too long.
Coach Rhoades has been in close contact. This would be similar to Cam Johnson to UNC (grad transfer within ACC immediately eligible) or Spike Albrecht to Purdue (same thing). If Mooney is big enough man like Stallings and Beilein, he will allow this move and unleash Khwan's "KWAN" - and put him in the system made for him: Havoc. Yes, Havoc. Please Khwan, come to the black and gold at the end of the rainbow. You will be rewarded, Coach Rhoades is recruiting real grad transfers as we type. This is your destiny, Join us.
I appreciate your creativity of thought, but please answer this: when was the last time Coach Mooney took an experienced and productive upperclassmen and shorted him minutes in favor of unproven younger players?
Jacob Gilyard, Grant Golden, Demonte Buckingham, Nick Sherod. Need more?
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Let’s wait and see.
Can you tell us how much longer the wait is? Its been 7 years since he won a major battle and next year's(battle) faces long odds if you want to use military parlance. The evidence shows that there is not a lot of confidence in the Commanding General as demonstrated by the combat performance(tactics and success) and the # of deserters along with the inability to attract quality volunteers( recruits). The Peter Principle applies here!
Can you tell us how much longer the wait is? Its been 7 years since he won a major battle and next year's(battle) faces long odds if you want to use military parlance. The evidence shows that there is not a lot of confidence in the Commanding General as demonstrated by the combat performance(tactics and success) and the # of deserters along with the inability to attract quality volunteers( recruits). The Peter Principle applies here!

I heard Season Ticket Holders may be getting care packages from the USO around the holidays next year.
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If I played for Richmond reading this board and seeing how pathetic the fan base is would be enough for me to want to transfer...
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It is really sad to me that a good amount of you seem to want the program to fail just so that you can be right about certain things. It really is awful to see. I was asked by a mod if I could recruit some of my fellow alums from my class to join the message board to get some younger Richmond views but after reading through none wanted any part of this board. We're in our young 20's. The majority of you are grown men acting like pre-teens.
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It is really sad to me that a good amount of you seem to want the program to fail just so that you can be right about certain things. It really is awful to see. I was asked by a mod if I could recruit some of my fellow alums from my class to join the message board to get some younger Richmond views but after reading through none wanted any part of this board. We're in our young 20's. The majority of you are grown men acting like pre-teens.

This sounds an awful lot like another personal attack to me.
No offense Plydogg, but you started watching a 2-hour murder mystery an hour and 45 minutes into it and wondered why everyone was afraid, since you personally haven't seen anyone get murdered.

If the murder mystery was 2 hours long I would have technically been watching for about 51 minutes given it has been 6 seasons since I started at Richmond.

When I read a post I know exactly who is going to be the one who liked it (I knew who would like yours as soon as I read it). The same people liking things on one side as the people liking things on the other side. All I have noticed is that the people on the fire Mooney side outnumber the people on the other side so they feel it gives them the right to mock and bully people who disagree with them. You aren't one of those people. Others are and as mentioned in the post above I won't name any names because I do not want to make a personal attack on any posters despite the fact that that post above yours claims I made a personal attack despite making a broad statement.
Kid’s got a point fellas. I’ve been on this board for nearly 15 years and the tone has become so negative it’s a Bataan death march some days to wade through it all.

I get the frustration but I continue to question the value of constant crabbiness. It doesn’t seem to be moving any needle except the one measuring board participation and enjoyment.
Kid’s got a point fellas. I’ve been on this board for nearly 15 years and the tone has become so negative it’s a Bataan death march some days to wade through it all.

I get the frustration but I continue to question the value of constant crabbiness. It doesn’t seem to be moving any needle except the one measuring board participation and enjoyment.

So a starter left today. Reset the conversation for us. What should we have discussed today?
If the murder mystery was 2 hours long I would have technically been watching for about 51 minutes given it has been 6 seasons since I started at Richmond.

When I read a post I know exactly who is going to be the one who liked it (I knew who would like yours as soon as I read it). The same people liking things on one side as the people liking things on the other side. All I have noticed is that the people on the fire Mooney side outnumber the people on the other side so they feel it gives them the right to mock and bully people who disagree with them. You aren't one of those people. Others are and as mentioned in the post above I won't name any names because I do not want to make a personal attack on any posters despite the fact that that post above yours claims I made a personal attack despite making a broad statement.

If it makes you feel better, I'll like your post too.

There, I liked it.
Also. I'm not saying all of this to try and call people out who disagree with me. We all have our own opinions and they're all valued.

I joined this board barely over a month ago after reading it for almost 4 months on the daily. The information I found on here compared to everywhere else on the web was second to none. I heard about potential recruits and things going on in the program here before anywhere else. That's why I signed up. It just seems I signed up as the season was ending and the frustration boiled over instead of earlier on when the more valuable discussions were happening.

As far as wanting Richmond to become a power I may have not been around and a fan as long as most or all of you but that doesn't mean I don't want it as badly. This year marked the 10th year in a row I've been to the Final Four. Do you know how many times I've had to sit through Kentucky and Duke and UNC and Kansas make it? Way too many. Enough to make me puke. And do you want to know what is even worse? I had to see VCU in the Final Four. It disgusts me. At least they lost. I PAID to see our biggest rival in the final four. I wish I could see Richmond there. Hell I wish I could see Richmond there or even in the tournament. I just wish we could have some discussion or where the majority of the daily posts on the board aren't either trashing the current administration/coaches or speculating that everything will go wrong and what excuses the coaching staff or fans will use when things do go wrong instead of discussing what is actually happening or discussing recruits more than a post saying we are interested.

I feel like a lot of people want Mooney fired to bring sanity back to the program but I think that would be the worst thing to happen for this board. Tons of people saying they knew it would happen vs. the people saying they wish it hadn't happened. It terrifies me given how cut-throat it already is. Nobody can even post anything, on either side, without being mocked by the other side. I'm Pro-Mooney but BOTH sides take part in this mocking and neither side is right. It feels like we're stooping to VCU levels here (although of course at least we have more than the napkin that is a VCU "diploma"). It pains me when I feel like someone on either side puts forward a good talking point and it gets mocked into oblivion.

I don't mind getting slaughtered by a few of you. I deserve it. I've been here a month and one day. I've made over 200 posts. Posting that often I'm bound to piss a few people off. But I'm here to stay. If this forum exists in 2050 I'll still be here. I just want to make sure you all know I'm not just some idiot. I'm some idiot who is a Spiders fan. I'm sorry for those of you who I know I've upset during my time here. I know I've instigated and responded in ways I shouldn't have and instead should have closed my laptop and come back after cooling off. But it is what it is and I apologize. I really hope this offseason goes well, as we all do, not only for the program but also for this board to return the prominence of some of the great posts and analysis I've looked back and read from the past few years.
If it makes you feel better, I'll like your post too.

There, I liked it.

This just misses my point entirely though. This can be called "The Mooney Divide" but our critical thinking should be more than thinking those who agree with us are right and those who disagree with us are wrong. It just doesn't seem to be that way. And liking a post doesn't mean anything here obviously, but we see the same 2-3 names liking every Pro-Mooney positive post and the same 2-3 names liking every anti-Mooney negative post.
This just misses my point entirely though. This can be called "The Mooney Divide" but our critical thinking should be more than thinking those who agree with us are right and those who disagree with us are wrong. It just doesn't seem to be that way. And liking a post doesn't mean anything here obviously, but we see the same 2-3 names liking every Pro-Mooney positive post and the same 2-3 names liking every anti-Mooney negative post.

I'll like this post too. There. Liked.
You forgot to mention George Mason making the Final 4. People always bring up VCU. It's like the Mason trip never happened.
You forgot to mention George Mason making the Final 4. People always bring up VCU. It's like the Mason trip never happened.

My first trip to the final four was 2009, Mason made it before I had ever gone (I was in 6th grade when they made it)
I'll like this post too. There. Liked.

I mean I just posted about mocking people's posts instead of responding to the substance and then you do exactly that. Twice. I feel like no matter what I say the only way I can get through to you without being mocked is so say fire mooney or blindly agree with you. The only other times you've ever responded to my posts are to mock them.
I mean I just posted about mocking people's posts instead of responding to the substance and then you do exactly that. Twice. I feel like no matter what I say the only way I can get through to you without being mocked is so say fire mooney or blindly agree with you. The only other times you've ever responded to my posts are to mock them.

Lighten up ply, it's just a message board. People post their opinions, not facts. I feel like you are taking things way too seriously.

I have no problems with opinions brotherman. None of what I just said is a debate on opinions vs. facts. It is just an opinion of showing common courtesy vs. mocking others for disagreeing with you.
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