Everything is good news to VT4700. If Gilyard or Grant left tomorrow, he would spin that as some positive that we have another scholarship offer open and obviously they weren't that good since they played on a team that won 12 games last year.
Some of you complain about the negativity on this board, at least, our negativity is rooted in lots of facts, observations, and experiences over the past seven years and in particularly the last 12 months.
I get that negativity is annoying to some, but what is annoying to me is for the "truthers" always talk about the positives that WILL occur in the future, and then they don't occur, they shrug it off and just move the goal posts and the timeline down the road a little bit farther.
They basically just tried to reset an entire year on us and put off for now another year of any realistic postseason play for our program. And sorry, that is just a bunch of B.S. and there are a number of us and that number is growing, who just aren't going to take being lied to anymore.
I would love to talk about our new recruits, X&O's and the such and that is why I initially came to this board, but now it just a few Mooney loyalists trying to convince the rest of our fanbase, something that everyone deep down knows is just not true. I mean, my god, our own sports media department is basically not even trying to hype this crap anymore. Our program is a mess. We won 12 games last year, had a 40% roster turnover in the past 5 months, and brought in a bunch of guys who on paper are no where near the recruiting level that we had in the past (which was the reason we are in the position we are now, bad recruiting by Mooney).
Win now this year Mooney, take this team to postseason play (NIT or NCAA), or get the hell out of our program and let us try someone new.
I don't enjoy being the "Negative Nancy" about a program I love and care about deeply but I'm sure not just going to sit idly by and be fed a load of horse crap either.