
Yeah, KE, don't forget about the little people now that you're famous! :cool:

But seriously, a great piece. I think it showed that Mooney heard the complaints and was willing to adjust and get buy-in from his players. Most of us were ready to go another direction, and certainly I was too. I give him a lot of credit for turning things around. That said, unless we win a national championship this year, it's time for a new coach.

I kid, I kid.
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I don't have Athletic subscription so only read the header and tweets. Like the press we're getting, there can be more to come. KE Spider you're famous ha. But did the article say anything about us still trying to get to the NCAA tournament for 1st time in 10 years? Bc I don't think u can't write that article without that background if your premise is what it looks like.

Our board and fanbase is more patient than many. We had a good season for sure. Some even saw it coming. But how you end the season means a lot it always has in sports, we didn't get that. I just hope there isn't a feeling of accomplishment, it's better if we play with a chip on our shoulders with a lot to prove which we do. It's still 10 years at the end of the day. But if the Spids do their thing and take care of business then they can say whatever they want. Maybe some of that was in there but I kinda doubt it.
Ok I got to read it. Good, fair article. Again I do think they gloss over it's been a decade without a bid. At a school that provides more resources than most (minus admissions) and has a pretty good 20 year history preceding Mooney. 10 years is a really long time. Mooney is a smart guy he'd be better taking ownership of that point. & yes we got screwed last year, but unfortunately you can't just count it. Dayton got screwed even worse.

Talking more about big picture stuff, that article was focused on last few years which I totally get. I do think some stories put too much emphasis on a 1 day billboard. I didn't like the billboard, said it from the get go. But if there was never a 1 day billboard people would probably say Mooney had one of the cushiest jobs out there & there would need to be another angle. Don't want to take away from this team at all, I loved last year's team love this year's. I was more optimistic than anyone on the board last year, don't think I've ever mentioned that before ha. No NCAA does increase the pressure this year but this team is up for it. Let's just hope it doesn't get derailed again.
people would probably say Mooney had one of the cushiest jobs out there & there would need to be another angle
Correct, I think the cushiness of the job played a big part in our long long drought. I have told this story a few times on here. But here goes again, a couple years removed from our NCAA season, was at an AAU tourney and ran into a coach wearing a UVA jacket, so asked him about it. He was a former asst there, and was a head coach in D1 for a short time as well. When I told him I was a Richmond fan, first thing hes said was that Mooney was very lucky to be there, for the pay and tradition he thought it was the cushiest job in the country, specifically saying for the pay there was little pressure to win from the admin. I though Hmmm. I do think it was an issue. Hopefully Hardt keeps the screws turned on him next year and the following years.
Glad Mooney and the players like the article because all I see are higher and higher expectations Preseason rankings don’t mean anything and the way I remember the end of the 2019-2020 season, the Spiders had work to do to make the tournament. I thought they deserved to be in, but I am a UR fan and they were firmly on the bubble. The article didn’t shed any new light on anything in my opinion, but I am sure the FMM guys are loving it because their efforts sure get mentioned a ton. Every mention is a return on investment.

Hope the team makes some real noise and sweeps the UK invitational. Go Spiders!
The article made me like Gilyard even more. I didn't think that was possible.

I love his quote about expectations.
As far as my favorite quote from the article:”How can we more consistently be at this level?” Mooney says. “That’s the challenge.”

Answer: Do what Dayton did in A10 last year and what Coach Grant did with his recruiting this year. Definitely a challenge.
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Billboard=Mooneys wakeup call. We were patient, but it took a drastic act on our part to shake things up.
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I did not read the article as I don't have a subscription so I am just going off of the title and commentary here. We have not accomplished anything yet. Yes, we had a better season last year (but still might not have made the tournament depending on how the A10 tournament went). Yes, we seem to be positioned for a great run this year. Yes, Mooney finally made some positive adjustments last year. But how do we know he doesn't fall back into his old ways? How do we know we will win as many games as we should? I hope no one is patting themselves on the back at this point. We are 0-0. We could end up 0-27 or 27-0. No one should be writing an article about a program turnaround when we haven't actually had any success yet.

To answer the the article title's question - I once liked Mooney and then I thought he overstayed his welcome by several years. I still think we should have fired him. Hopefully he proves that Hardt made the right decision. I am very excited for the season, hope we get to see the entire thing played, but until we are at least 9 games in I don't think anyone can heap praise on Mooney or the team.
Billboard=Mooneys wakeup call. We were patient, but it took a drastic act on our part to shake things up.
Rick as wrong and embarrassing as that bill board was, it was a wake up call to Mooney and AD that Spider fans were losing patience and demanded more out of our program. We were tired of a good team every 10 years. Yes we might have 2-3 solid starters but nothing to build around them. Now it looks like recruiting is turning the corner and having a very strong competitive team for several years, to come. The issue was not with majority of starters, it was our depth which was a direct reflection upon the staffs recruiting efforts.
That is a good read. The only quibble is no mention of Sherod's injury -

The Athletic puts out some great stuff. Definitely worth the subscription if you like quality long-form sports writing.
I managed to get mine for $1 a month for a bit and don't plant to cancel when that rate expires. One of the few instances in sports (and in general) where journalism isn't dead.
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The Athletic is worth the subscription fee. Great writing, extensive coverage of all things sports.
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Wilk, well said above. I'm happy for Mooney to take some victory laps once we make the tourney and win a game, and then he follows it up like VCU did and Dayton seems poised to do. But based on his last 8 years he is getting a lot of credit for being in position to possibly make it and have pre season hype. Hope he delivers,
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The most important paragraph, to me, is the one describing the meeting with Hardt where Mooney acknowledged that it may be time to make a change (the defense). Of course, it is written in such a way that the reader doesn't know for sure whether Hardt put the question to Mooney to change something, or if Mooney came up with it himself.
Had Mooney been too rigid, Hardt might have gone in a different direction.
Yeah that was an interesting way to put it. Presumably he wasn't just theorizing that Hardt was going to make a move in such a case, though if he had something more concrete I wish he would have written it more clearly.
Yes, a pot shot at our fans with no tangible results from Mooney to date.

yes as been said b4 I’ve never ever seen a program take a victory lap for going 9 straight years without NCAA. i didn’t agree w the billboard - a 1 day billboard that for all we know might have been purchased by 1 person - bc my fear was exactly what occurred. Blinded ppl to fact he’s been treated & rewarded fantastically. Mooney is a good guy and above average coach. But they r are all over the place.
I have to say I'm really starting to understand the way 23 thinks. I feel incredibly frustrated with Mooney right now. I had excuses for him in the past, but those same things are still the problem with this team and he has not shown a willingness to fix those holes. Starting to really lose patience with him and beginning to feel irritated that things like free throws and offensive rebounds are still the reason we lose a close game.
Now it looks like recruiting is turning the corner and having a very strong competitive team for several years, to come. The issue was not with majority of starters, it was our depth which was a direct reflection upon the staffs recruiting efforts.

carolina I have to disagree here. Think fair to say the recruiting is suspect. Weir flames out after less than a semester & the other two can’t find the court even with our depth taking big hit recently. Mooney played Ced Lindsay 16.5 mpg on a s16 team. I have no issues w relying so heavy on our top 6 bc if Mooney thought ready they would get more time.

and next year class to me was underwhelming coming off last year. I’m glad for anyone to choose the Spiders & rooting for them hard but besides Nelson lot of unknown. Possibly some reaches. Two of them didn’t start as juniors on their high school team, one of the hs programs Gonzaga I know quite well.
I have to say I'm really starting to understand the way 23 thinks. I feel incredibly frustrated with Mooney right now. I had excuses for him in the past, but those same things are still the problem with this team and he has not shown a willingness to fix those holes. Starting to really lose patience with him and beginning to feel irritated that things like free throws and offensive rebounds are still the reason we lose a close game.
Welcome to the dark side.
My problem with Mooney is simple. We are 100% a reflection of the coach. He is a good creative offensive coach and we are a good offensive team and have been for awhile - - even when we aren’t a great shooting team. But we are a system team and require experienced guys with skills that fit the system. that’s a narrow window to operate in. And it creates a culture and personality. We are skilled but not tough (mentally or physically) as a group. And to be clear I put this on the coach!

We achieve this stellar offense at the expense of most everything else. He seemingly cares about little else. And while I am sure he does, it’s never at the expense of his offensive system. Here is a prime example: Golden. A few years ago, he was struggling with getting into foul trouble regularly. What he needed to be taught was how to play better defense without fouling and held accountable to do that. Instead he was taught simply to not foul because of his importance to us (where he is important only to our offense). Now, he provides almost no inside presence at all defensively and not much rebounding for someone of his size. But, he hasn’t been in foul trouble much at all! To me, he was taught to be soft although we no doubt don’t think of it that way. But he plays like he was taught.

We have struggled defensively for many years and rebounding is flat horrible and there is little accountability for these things. Players earn their minutes (and even their recruitment) almost 100% based on their offensive fit and skills. It’s fine to say we aren’t going to send a lot of people to the offensive glass, but how can we not understand that we have clearly created a culture that simply doesn’t value rebounding as much as it’s needed and watch it cost us games year after year. And to be clear, it costs us big games against good teams. Exactly the games we need to win more of. This group is very skilled and experienced offensively and we run a very good offense and that’s going to win us a good number of games (even struggling from 3), but we sure seem to be the same team as most of the last 8 years, but just happen to have caught a single class where that offensive skill is going to be enough most night to make us for that lack of defense and rebounding that’s become every bit as cultural as our excellent offense.

What I can’t figure out right now is last year. We were defensively much better and we had found the happy place of rebounding where we didn’t get any offensive rebounds, but managed to be about average on the defensive glass. i can see with the eye test that we look much more like prior teams than last year and the stats/analytics clearly bear that out too. Last year certainly looks like the anomaly right now because our defense and rebounding right now look very much like they did the previous 6 years.
I realize that no team can focus on being great at every component of the game, except for the elites, but our lack of focus on rebounding has created a lack of toughness for sure over the years. We were "out-toughed" yesterday. How's many times did Bona miss its first shot down the stretch but then get its own rebound? And that's when we were on defense! Except for Burton, we can't even grab a defensive rebound when it matters, much less an offensive one.

Our offensive rebounding is so atrocious that when we got three on that one possession yesterday I literally thought to myself "Has that EVER happened in a UR game the past 15 years?"
Welcome to the dark side.
To stay with the Yoda theme, "Fear the path to the dark side…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering. "
Do not follow the path of anger.
Remember great practices are ahead and your anger and suffering will end.
I’m trying to figure out who is Yoda in this analogy, and what the Dark Side represents. It all feels a little backwards.
I’m trying to figure out who is Yoda in this analogy, and what the Dark Side represents. It all feels a little backwards.
If you think of it as the dark side of the Moon, does that help?
"Pass the bong and turn up the volume" said every Pink Floyd fan ever...

PS: I have a "Dark Side of the Moon" tee-shirt, as well as "The Wall" and "Wish you were Here".
Favorite album though is "Division Bell"

track #6 "Coming Back to Life"
Crank It Up!

Ironic choice of albums.

"Wearing the Inside Out" might describe SLU's gameplan against us.

"High Hopes" might describe our season theme on September 1.

And "Cluster One" might describe it on March 15.
To stay with the Yoda theme, "Fear the path to the dark side…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering. "
Do not follow the path of anger.
Remember great practices are ahead and your anger and suffering will end.
A great practice would be changing something that isn't working. An even better practice would be to part ways with employees who don't meet expectations.
A great practice would be changing something that isn't working. An even better practice would be to part ways with employees who don't meet expectations.
The fallacy of equivocation once again appears. Equivocating is unbecoming.

Thus ends this philosophy lesson.

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