CORONAVIRUS - What are the consequences?

32, I was worried about you, over 24 hours before posting never trumper stuff. You keep this site alive. Don’t agree but better than nothing. Stay safe!
Broccoli-Listen and learn.No Redneck,no hillbilly,no Evangelical,no dog breeder,no underage punk,no internet thug among these 2 folks.

These 2 give Agent Orange his only form of credibility.Even with that,Dr Dolt still flourishes with his idiotic and dangerous statements at his bully podium.A continual embarrassment for all to witness.

Q&A with Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Deborah Birx discusses coronavirus on "Face the Nation," April 19, 2020
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Fauci has been spectacularly wrong on this thing from the beginning. Remember when he went on Meet the Press in late February and said "sure...go on a cruise if you want?" How about when Oprah went on her show during the AIDS pandemic and said that one in five heterosexuals would die from HIV within three years, based on the scaremongering of Fauci and others? How's that AIDS vaccine coming along - his main job for the last 30 years?

Birx was asked twice in the past week about all these serological tests coming out all over the country - including the one Cuomo released from NY - in which every single one is showing much higher rates of infection than the numbers being reported - "Doesn't this mean that the virus is less lethal than originally claimed by a factor of 10..15....50 to 85?" She doesn't answer (because the answer is "yes"). Instead she pivots to the dangers of asymptomatic infection - yes, that's true, but that wasn't the question.

Orange Man Bad has been awful, sure. But he's also getting advice from these two clowns.
Fauci has been spectacularly wrong on this thing from the beginning. Remember when he went on Meet the Press in late February and said "sure...go on a cruise if you want?" How about when Oprah went on her show during the AIDS pandemic and said that one in five heterosexuals would die from HIV within three years, based on the scaremongering of Fauci and others? How's that AIDS vaccine coming along - his main job for the last 30 years?

Birx was asked twice in the past week about all these serological tests coming out all over the country - including the one Cuomo released from NY - in which every single one is showing much higher rates of infection than the numbers being reported - "Doesn't this mean that the virus is less lethal than originally claimed by a factor of 10..15....50 to 85?" She doesn't answer (because the answer is "yes"). Instead she pivots to the dangers of asymptomatic infection - yes, that's true, but that wasn't the question.

Orange Man Bad has been awful, sure. But he's also getting advice from these two clowns.
Birx is a clown, I think that much has been evident. Fauci is one of the top infectious diseases experts in the world. He didn't just happen into his role. That he has been "wrong" about some things is likely more reflective of the fact that we didn't know a lot about this virus and are still learning a lot about it daily – scientists included. They react and make statements based upon what they know scientifically in the moment.

On March 30, he predicted between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the US. So far that seems pretty accurate.
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I found this article interesting on a number of levels. Not intending to make a political statement by posting it, just thought others might find the two pandemic responses, roughly 50 years apart, of interest in developing a balanced view. Enjoy.

Thanks for sharing.

Here's another pandemic from our past:
No way this guy is the President of US.No way.Is the bar really that low?Can this guy even pronounce his self medications?

Note to Hillbillies and Rednecks:

Don’t take with Lysol or Bleach.

“All right, that was stunning,” Cavuto gasped after Trump’s remarks concluded. “The President of the United States just acknowledged that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, a drug that is really meant to treat malaria and lupus. The president insisted that it has enormous benefits for patients either trying to prevent or already have COVID-19.”

The veteran Fox News anchor went on to note that while the president in the past has said “what have you got to lose” regarding taking the drug, several recent studies showed that vulnerable people do “have one thing to lose—their lives.”

Cavuto highlighted the results from clinical trials and extensive studies that revealed no noticeable efficacy in treating COVID-19, including a recent government-funded Veterans Affairs study that found more deaths associated with coronavirus patients who took the drug as a treatment.

“The VA study to which the president alluded wasn’t a loaded political one, it was a test on patients there,” Cavuto declared. “And those who took it in a vulnerable population including those with respiratory and other conditions, they died.”

“I want to stress again, If you are taking this as a preventative treatment to ward off the virus or in a worst-case scenario, you are dealing with the virus, and you are in this vulnerable population, it will kill you,” the Fox host strongly stated. “I cannot stress that enough. This. Will. Kill. You.”

“As far as our treatment of COVID-19 patients, whether you are slightly ill or very ill, we have seen no effect whatsoever with this drug,” St. Joseph University Hospital Chairman Dr. Bob Lahita said, expressing additional concerns about the potential for fatal arrhythmia.

Medical Journal Urges American Voters to Not Re-Elect Trump, Slams Him for Coronavirus Response:
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The fact that White House doctors aren't stopping him from taken that drug is also interesting...
The Prez makes himself an easy target on a regular basis, but his presumptive opponent appears to be suffering from a concerning level of cognitive impairment.

I'll say what I said in 2016....In a nation of 328 million, these are the two best candidates we could find?
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I found this article interesting on a number of levels. Not intending to make a political statement by posting it, just thought others might find the two pandemic responses, roughly 50 years apart, of interest in developing a balanced view. Enjoy.


Yes, life went on as normal 50 years ago and about 100,000 died in the US from that pandemic. We will soon be at 100,000 US deaths for this pandemic without life being normal. It is scary to think how many deaths we would have if we just let life be normal. I fear we are currently starting things up too soon, and in way too much of a hurry to get things back to normal.
It is scary to think how many deaths could have been avoided had NY not seeded their nursing homes with COVID+ patients.
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Yes, life went on as normal 50 years ago and about 100,000 died in the US from that pandemic. We will soon be at 100,000 US deaths for this pandemic without life being normal. It is scary to think how many deaths we would have if we just let life be normal. I fear we are currently starting things up too soon, and in way too much of a hurry to get things back to normal.
We have flattened the curve, but the goalposts moved. Now some appear intent on flattening the economy.
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No one's goal is to flatten the economy. That's ridiculous. The curve may have flattened, but we still have a long way to go before we live normal again. Why not wait at least a little longer till we can at least see the cases per day or week dramatically lowered? To open everything back up at once, and act like everything is fine would be an absolute disaster right now.
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We have flattened the curve, but the goalposts moved. Now some appear intent on flattening the economy.
"Fifteen days to flatten the curve."

The Karens don't seem to realize that the area under the curve stays the same even when you flatten it. That's math you don't even need a "degree from the University of Richmond" to understand.
No one's goal is to flatten the economy. That's ridiculous. The curve may have flattened, but we still have a long way to go before we live normal again. Why not wait at least a little longer till we can at least see the cases per day or week dramatically lowered? To open everything back up at once, and act l everything is fine would be an absolute disaster right now.

I'm here:
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Ding! Ding!
When the restrictions started has been the most determinant factor for success. A recent Columbia University study cited in the NYT supports this.* Been saying for weeks the R0 had bent lower before the lockdowns went into effect.
Extending the lockdowns only extends the pain.

*To be fair, the Columbia study used flu parameters for their scenarios. This virus spreads mechanically differently than the flu.

Georgia has been partially open for nearly six viral generation cycles. Where's the spike?
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Birx is a clown, I think that much has been evident. Fauci is one of the top infectious diseases experts in the world. He didn't just happen into his role. That he has been "wrong" about some things is likely more reflective of the fact that we didn't know a lot about this virus and are still learning a lot about it daily – scientists included. They react and make statements based upon what they know scientifically in the moment.

On March 30, he predicted between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the US. So far that seems pretty accurate.
That's kind of like saying your basketball coach is one of the best in the world because he's been in the job longer than anyone else. :)
That's kind of like saying your basketball coach is one of the best in the world because he's been in the job longer than anyone else. :)
Nah, I didn't say anything about Fauci's longevity suggesting that he is the best. I think his body of work suggests he is someone who should be trusted to provide fair and impartial fact-based analysis at any given moment in time, as well as fact-based scientific projections about various things that could happen in the future.
I wish him well too! He is 58 so based on current statistics , assuming no underlying chronic medical condition, his chances of survival exceed 99% so that is good.
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His chances might be good, but being 58, male, and black make his chances a little less than the 99% you mentioned. Let's hope he will be okay, but he needs to stay away from people for awhile because their chances might not be as good as his. That is what so many people seem to ignore when discussing this. It is not just about you individually, it is also about who you might give this to. So, be smart, not selfish.
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I wish him well too! He is 58 so based on current statistics , assuming no underlying chronic medical condition, his chances of survival exceed 99% so that is good.
Actually, the CFR for a black male in his fifties in the US is under 1%, and with no underlying co-morbidities, closer to 0.1%. I wish him well.
I guess DC's strict lockdown policies didn't protect him in this case.
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King Dolt more nonsense gets extinguished.

Separately, the Food and Drug Administration appeared to end a polarizing debate over hydroxychloroquine by yanking its emergency use designation. The drug was once touted as a potential “game changer” by King Dolt in the fight against COVID-19, but has since been linked to deadly side effects.
Agent Orange while in retirement can use these for his Family’s headaches after the November election and their exile to nowhere.


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