CORONAVIRUS - What are the consequences?

Lonestar State undereducated hillbillies

These Texans say being forced to wear face masks harms their constitutional rights

Despite Texas recording a record high number of coronavirus cases, many citizens are refusing to wear masks. Sky News’ Alex Crawford reports on the resistance to wear masks.

I wish we could just literally split the country in half until November, and let dumb ass and his supporters do what they want and live how they want in their half, and everyone else can live their way on the other half. There is no hope for unity until November anyway, and it sure would make things better in the meantime.
I wish we could just literally split the country in half until November, and let dumb ass and his supporters do what they want and live how they want in their half, and everyone else can live their way on the other half. There is no hope for unity until November anyway, and it sure would make things better in the meantime.

I wish we could just literally split the country in half until November, and let dumb ass and his supporters do what they want and live how they want in their half, and everyone else can live their way on the other half. There is no hope for unity until November anyway, and it sure would make things better in the meantime.
You speak of unity and splitting the country in half all in the same paragraph. Sounds kinda dumb ass to me.
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Yep, I desperately want a united country, and cannot stand what has happened to us, but I know it is impossible for that to happen until at least November, or probably January, so, yes, I think we would be better off for the next few months if dumb ass and his supporters had their own half of the country. Sorry if my post was a little too difficult for you to understand.
Yep, I desperately want a united country, and cannot stand what has happened to us, but I know it is impossible for that to happen until at least November, or probably January, so, yes, I think we would be better off for the next few months if dumb ass and his supporters had their own half of the country. Sorry if my post was a little too difficult for you to understand.
Not difficult at all. Pot/black. Dumb, ass.
Yep, I desperately want a united country, and cannot stand what has happened to us, but I know it is impossible for that to happen until at least November, or probably January, so, yes, I think we would be better off for the next few months if dumb ass and his supporters had their own half of the country. Sorry if my post was a little too difficult for you to understand.
Which dumb ass? Trump or Biden?
De Blasio cancels all mass gatherings till September over Coronavirus. But will allow BLM mass gatherings because they are "historic" and there is apparently some soft of scientific mechanism which prevents Covid-19 from spreading at Racist Left Wing Political Gatherings.

Dumb ass retweeted this. He still refuses to take this seriously. Amazing how he says we should believe not only are we as a country lying, but about 200 other countries as well? We would be pretty much done with this virus with any past president and administration. It is really not that difficult for anyone with any decency. You think of your country before yourself. But, dumb ass has never and will never do that.

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Chuck Woolery

The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it.
10:17 PM · Jul 12, 2020·

Always go to the host of Love Connection for the truth.:D

Unreal, isn't it? He is running out of anyone with any experience and knowledge to retweet, so he has to find tweets like this. Look for Kayleigh at her next briefing, while looking down at her notes the whole time, to read Woolery's tweet, and say "See, we are right, media is wrong", and then do her childish walk off. It is so pathetic.
Not my graph.
But if anyone comes close to NY's worst-death-rate-in-the-world, I'll be sure to post an update.

"Flattening the Curve"

Too bad we are likely not to have football this Fall because of the Governors of Texas and Florida and other Hillbillie/Redneck states,not the Governor of New York.Big GDP hit,further lost jobs,big hits to universities and their budgets and further endowment erosion.

New coronavirus map shows more than half of all states are 'trending poorly' or have 'uncontrolled spread'

A new map highlighting the spread of the coronavirus shows more than half of all states "trending poorly" or grappling with an "uncontrolled spread".
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Too bad we are likely not to have football this Fall because of the Governors of Texas and Florida,not the Governor of New York.Big GDP hit,further lost jobs,big hits to universities and their budgets and further endowment erosion.

So your theory is that the 28,000 extra deaths in NY over Florida (roughly same population, btw) was "worth" it to try and get football going?

And the reality is not only was NY responsible for killing tens of thousands more than FL, it is also the home of the Lying Media, which means NY is the real reason there isn't going to be any football this season.

So, I guess "everything is just fine" in Florida, right? It will just "magically go away", right? Just "a big hoax", right? This type of thinking is exactly why we are still in this mess. It is inexcusable for so many states to be doing so poorly right now. Inexcusable. If only they would not have listened to someone so clueless who is wrong all the time.
So, I guess "everything is just fine" in Florida, right? It will just "magically go away", right? Just "a big hoax", right? This type of thinking is exactly why we are still in this mess. It is inexcusable for so many states to be doing so poorly right now. Inexcusable. If only they would not have listened to someone so clueless who is wrong all the time.
Who are you "quoting?"
Consistently standing up straw men, virtue signaling, disparaging ("d*** a**") - these are the warning signs of a sociopath.
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DeSanitizer In Flordia is already playing with the numbers.

Now Agent Orange will have his merrymen distort the truth up to November 3rd by creating a false reality.

Michael Caputo, HHS assistant secretary for public affairs, defended the administration's decision and said that CDC's system was too slow.

"The CDC's old data gathering operation once worked well monitoring hospital information across the country, but it's an inadequate system today," Caputo said in a statement shared with reporters. "The President's Coronavirus Task Force has urged improvements for months, but they just cannot keep up with this pandemic."

“Can’t keep up with the pandemic”- that’s the silliest rationale coming out of 1600 since Navarro wanted to levy a 20% duty on incoming air from the Pacific Ocean breezes.

Agent Orange has his vastly underqualified trade boy and now attack dog Navarro write a negative Op Ed on the shortcomings of Fauci.Part of the bigger plan to take stats away from CDC and get rid of trusted expertise-Fauci.Control the narrative for 108 days with nonsense and streams of misinformation.

Anthony Fauci has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on: Peter Navarro
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And that's only the beginning. It will get worse and worse. Wait till you see all the conspiracy theories about Biden. So desperate. It is pathetic.
And that's only the beginning. It will get worse and worse. Wait till you see all the conspiracy theories about Biden. So desperate. It is pathetic.
Conspiracy theories?

Are you speaking of three years of 24/7 misinformation from anonymous sources regarding Russian collusion when we now know there was none?
Good stuff from Fauci, and what a shame that we just have way too many selfish people in this country. It really sucks that so many people are so inconsiderate. Especially when talking about life and death.
Head of the CDC said if everyone wore masks we’d have the virus under control in 4 to 8 weeks. But I’m sure there are plenty of internet scientists available to explain why he’s totally wrong...

The CDC is becoming like Thomas Jefferson — saying things in such a way that everyone on both sides can agree with something.

“We never said not to reopen schools! We only said that if you open, everyone should wear a mask, stay some fairly decent number of feet apart and there should only be half as many kids on a school bus. Good luck!”
So, I guess "everything is just fine" in Florida, right? It will just "magically go away", right? Just "a big hoax", right? This type of thinking is exactly why we are still in this mess. It is inexcusable for so many states to be doing so poorly right now. Inexcusable. If only they would not have listened to someone so clueless who is wrong all the time.

A word wide pandemic is not something people would consider "fine" so I don't know where you get that. But Florida's response so far has been excellent. They successfully flattened the curve, deaths are nowhere near the disaster levels we saw in NY or even NJ, and we are on pace for the whole thing to be wrapped up in about four weeks or so. De Santis has provided a case study in to how to properly manage a situation like this, just as Cuomo provided a case study in what NOT to do.
Look at those Trump states. Those people would rather listen to Trump and die than do the right thing. And, it affects all of us. Yes, Trump loves the uneducated. But, the uneducated obviously don't love us. They are incredibly selfish just like the dumb ass they support.
A word wide pandemic is not something people would consider "fine" so I don't know where you get that. But Florida's response so far has been excellent. They successfully flattened the curve, deaths are nowhere near the disaster levels we saw in NY or even NJ, and we are on pace for the whole thing to be wrapped up in about four weeks or so. De Santis has provided a case study in to how to properly manage a situation like this, just as Cuomo provided a case study in what NOT to do.

Your reality ain’t reality.Get real.DeSanitizer has been bought and paid for by the hoteliers up and down the coasts of the Sunshine State.He won by a Nose hair In the last election.He’s a laizze faire Governor where all the responsibility for the pandemic response is at the County and/or City level.He’s a hands off manager, exactly like Agent Orange(alias Dr Dolt).I see it first hand in the Sunshine State.
Dumb ass retweeted this. He still refuses to take this seriously. Amazing how he says we should believe not only are we as a country lying, but about 200 other countries as well? We would be pretty much done with this virus with any past president and administration. It is really not that difficult for anyone with any decency. You think of your country before yourself. But, dumb ass has never and will never do that.

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Chuck Woolery

The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it.
10:17 PM · Jul 12, 2020·

Is it Contestant #1 or #2 or #3?How about none of the above.

Dr Dolt’s friend,Chucky Love Boy,just announced his son has Covid 19

Nobody lying now,Chucky.Wake up,dopes.

‘Love Connection ‘Chuck Woolery says 'everyone is lying' about coronavirus, then reveals son's diagnosis

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