CORONAVIRUS - What are the consequences?

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Agent Orange would rather squeeze State and local governments dry.So he could be King Dolt,Agent Orange.”Bow before me and kiss my ass and rings even though I don’t know anything about being the president.I wanna be Don the Kingpin.”

Senators Propose $500 Billion State and Local Government Rescue

Barr sleeps with Agent Orange,so no surprise.Barr works for King Dolt,not 330,000,000 US citizens.

AG Barr Says the DOJ May Take Legal Action against States if Lockdowns Are Deemed Excessive

wait a minute, the decision is up to the states, to be made by the "great" governors, (you know the one's charged with protecting the health, safety, and welfare of their citizens) who shoulder all of the responsibility, because it's not up to the Trump Administration (because he's not responsible), but if the Governors don't walk the narrow Trump line, whatever that might be, they will face legal action!!!! I cannot even come close to seeing any consistency in this position.
What real world jobs has Kudlow had besides CNBC commentary? With privileged Prep school(Dwight Englewood) scarfs and a Rochester undergraduate degree work well with the common folk.

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If the World isn't holding China liable, why should we hold our own companies liable?

Boeing and GM won’t go backrupt for sure but the many little coffee shops on 26th Street and family owned diner on 34th and 6th Ave and the 50,000 other little guys are another story.Good luck with that one.

Agent Orange and his merrymen have no crisis management experience including Kudlow who is nothing but a general macroeconomist with TV experience.
Boeing and GM won’t go backrupt for sure but the many little coffee shops on 26th Street and family owned diner on 34th and 6th Ave and the 50,000 other little guys are another story.Good luck with that one.

Agent Orange and his merrymen have no crisis management experience including Kudlow who is nothing but a general macroeconomist with TV experience.
32, think we may be miscommunicating here. My comment was specific to limiting liability for US businesses (provided they comply with the recommended mitigation measures) large and small. Seems we agree.

My larger point was, if China is not held accountable for being far, far less than forthcoming, at best, about how highly contagious this viral pneumonia is, particularly when they halted all domestic flights in/out of Wuhan while allowing international flights in/out to continue, then it seems absurd to pile the liability on domestic businesses, large or small.

Should be a reckoning. This didn't have to be as globally devastating as it has become had China acted responsibly.

I defer to you and others to critic the domestic response once it reached our shores.
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You should not expect a truthful response, other than URfan1 and a couple others, the never trumpers here will only post cherry picked half truths, fake news, etc attempting to support their agenda with left wing blogs, NYT, WP,WSJ, AP, agenda crap. Recall ventilators, we need ventilators. DT screwed us without ventilators,ventilators. An abundance of ventilators were delivered, many returned or sent overseas. Mask, mask we need mask. Trump effed up, we have no mask. Millions of mask were delivered. Testing, we need testing, Trump effed up we have no test, Same story. Oh, Trump should have reacted earlier, but criticized for shutting travel from China, then Europe. I dont like the person, typical loud mouth, braggart, egotistical a-hole from NYC. Reminds me too much of my son in law. Bottom line, Trump could invent the cure for all cancers and the never trumpers would respond, he should have done so sooner. Expecting a few never trumpers to post never trumper responds.
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You should not expect a truthful response, other than URfan1 and a couple others, the never trumpers here will only post cherry picked half truths, fake news, etc attempting to support their agenda with left wing blogs, NYT, WP,WSJ, AP, agenda crap. Recall ventilators, we need ventilators. DT screwed us without ventilators,ventilators. An abundance of ventilators were delivered, many returned or sent overseas. Mask, mask we need mask. Trump effed up, we have no mask. Millions of mask were delivered. Testing, we need testing, Trump effed up we have no test, Same story. Oh, Trump should have reacted earlier, but criticized for shutting travel from China, then Europe. I dont like the person, typical loud mouth, braggart, egotistical a-hole from NYC. Reminds me too much of my son in law. Bottom line, Trump could invent the cure for all cancers and the never trumpers would respond, he should have done so sooner. Expecting a few never trumpers to post never trumper responds.

Agent Orange is terribly over his head.A dolt.He’s a buffoon,a liar,an actor in his own reality show,has no idea what he says minute-to minute.Sorry that I cherry picked this obvious idea about the dumbest guy we’ve ever had in the White House.Ever.26,000,000 million people unemployed and counting would be a real challenge for a competent team at 1600.Dr Dolt has surrounded himself with lightweights and he likes it that way.He’s the Big cheese.The All-knowing Dolt.
Agent Orange is terribly over his head.A dolt.He’s a buffoon,a liar,an actor in his own reality show,has no idea what he says minute-to minute.Sorry that I cherry picked this obvious idea about the dumbest guy we’ve ever had in the White House.Ever.26,000,000 million people unemployed and counting would be a real challenge for a competent team at 1600.Dr Dolt has surrounded himself with lightweights and he likes it that way.He’s the Big cheese.The All-knowing Dolt.
Yep he may be a dolt, buffoon,liar. An actor. Etc,etc,etc, but you never responded to your pick for better leaders? Biden, Obama, Hillary, criticism is
bullsh#t unless you have a solution?
Yep he may be a dolt, buffoon,liar. An actor. Etc,etc,etc, but you never responded to your pick for better leaders? Biden, Obama, Hillary, criticism is
bullsh#t unless you have a solution?

Solution-He should abdicate his throne.Get someone in there NOW to run the country.NOW.He’s a hack.
We are the world’s North Star headed toward a signicant recession(likely depression).He is not capable nor does he have the bandwidth to run the show.He’s a duplicitous buffoon.He causes Bankruptcies.He doesn’t prevent them.His magic shows of macho crap against Mexico,EU,China,Iran,North Korea have worn really thin.He plays off Red v Blue at any opportunity.He has the Evangelical and undereducated crazies as supporters but he can’t quote a psalm,has never read the Bible,couldn’t recite the ‘Our Father’.Navarro’s attempt at import duties has destroyed Farming.Supply chains are now screwed.

Agent Orange will NOT have the luxury of giving a corporate tax cut of 25% which cost John Q public $1.5 trillion.That tax cut propelled the Stock Market which made Agent Orange look like a hero.That era is GONE.Corporate tax cuts are Gone because revenue has disappeared overnight.

Time for a NEW manager to run the team with a new lineup.The Orange experiment is a complete FAILURE.Time for brains and brawn and leadership not macho,overbearing and intimidating nonsense like his Apprectice show.He is the Apprentice with no management or crisis management skills.
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Yep, expected,more bullsh#t, but no solutions. Again, pick your superstars for leaders? Nevertrumpers have all the criticism but never a solution. Anything? Anybody? Perhaps you?
Solution-He should abdicate his throne.Get someone in there NOW to run the country.NOW.He’s a hack.
We are the world’s North Star headed toward a signicant recession(likely depression).He is not capable nor does he have the bandwidth to run the show.He’s a duplicitous buffoon.He causes Bankruptcies.He doesn’t prevent them.His magic shows of macho crap against Mexico,EU,China,Iran,North Korea have worn really thin.He plays off Red v Blue at any opportunity.He has the Evangelical and undereducated crazies as supporters but he can’t quote a psalm,has never read the Bible,couldn’t recite the ‘Our Father’.Navarro’s attempt at import duties has destroyed Farming.Supply chains are now screwed.

Agent Orange will NOT have the luxury of giving a corporate tax cut of 25% which cost John Q public $1.5 trillion.That tax cut propelled the Stock Market which made Agent Orange look like a hero.That era is GONE.Corporate tax cuts are Gone because revenue has disappeared overnight.

Time for a NEW manager to run the team with a new lineup.The Orange experiment is a complete FAILURE.Time for brains and brawn and leadership not macho,overbearing and intimidating nonsense like his Apprectice show.He is the Apprentice with no management or crisis management skills.
Take a deep breath 32 and eat some more ice cream.
Yep, expected,more bullsh#t, but no solutions. Again, pick your superstars for leaders? Nevertrumpers have all the criticism but never a solution. Anything? Anybody? Perhaps you?

Anything or anybody would be better. But, if you want names, we would be way better off with Hillary, Obama, Romney, Bush, Clinton, or pretty anyone else right now. I cannot think of anyone who would have handled this virus as poorly as dumb ass. Past leaders and plenty of current ones would have cared more about our country instead of themselves. And, what is worse is we all know he is clueless, but his ego makes him have clueless people with him in his administration. Anyone with any brains is usually gone the minute they disagree with him. The result is what we are seeing. A bunch of lying, cover ups, and absolutely no plan. No plan whatsoever. It is heartbreaking that so many people have died because dumb ass was downplaying this virus and holding freaking rallies instead of listening to the numerous warnings. He failed us big time. Bigger than any past president has ever failed us.
I eat cake and have been for years and will continue to eat cake.Hopefully,this is not over your head-
"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"
Do you put a little of Pelosi's ice cream on your cake when you help her solve the world's problems? And by the way, I'm not too concerned about you throwing too much over my head.
"ils préfèrent avoir une tarte"
Do you put a little of Pelosi's ice cream on your cake when you help her solve the world's problems? And by the way, I'm not too concerned about you throwing too much over my head.
"ils préfèrent avoir une tarte"

Try this on your google translator :

le président des états-unis est un idiot
Try this on your google translator :

le président des états-unis est un idiot
Spent 4 years in France. I'd tell you to go screw yourself but I'm afraid you would be terribly disappointed. Eat some more cake dude.
Anything or anybody would be better. But, if you want names, we would be way better off with Hillary, Obama, Romney, Bush, Clinton, or pretty anyone else right now. I cannot think of anyone who would have handled this virus as poorly as dumb ass. Past leaders and plenty of current ones would have cared more about our country instead of themselves. And, what is worse is we all know he is clueless, but his ego makes him have clueless people with him in his administration. Anyone with any brains is usually gone the minute they disagree with him. The result is what we are seeing. A bunch of lying, cover ups, and absolutely no plan. No plan whatsoever. It is heartbreaking that so many people have died because dumb ass was downplaying this virus and holding freaking rallies instead of listening to the numerous warnings. He failed us big time. Bigger than any past president has ever failed us.
No doubt your pig didn’t live four years at VT.

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