CORONAVIRUS - What are the consequences?

Not taking sides here, but in the interest of factual accuracy, Hillary Clinton won only 52% of the college educated vote in 2016. Safe assumption that some sizable portion of the remaining 48% watch Fox to some degree.

I wouldn't say only 52%. The gaps of 52% Clinton, 43% Trump for college grads and 52 Trump, 44 Clinton for non grads were the biggest gaps since 1980.
Math of the day:

Over 7,500 people die in the United States every day. So we're over 660,000 YTD.
It's statistically impossible that there's no overlap between the 2,147 COVID-19 deaths (not all of which had COVID-19 as the cause of death - many of them were COVID-19 positive but not listed as COD) and the 660,000. The vast majority have a serious co-morbidity.

For each 1% increase in unemployment, 40,000 more people die.
Agent Orange Hoax Followers and Fox Undereducated viewers with Red Hats at Gibberish Rallies.

Refrigerated trailers that will be used as makeshift morgues were set up outside two hospitals on Thursday in New York City.

Also with do-nothing Agent Orange ratings:

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Another Agent Orange/FOX hoax

New York neurosurgeon who separated conjoined twins dies from complications of Covid-19

Dr. James T. Goodrich, the neurosurgeon who allowed CNN inside a remarkable operation to separate twins Jadon and Anias McDonald, died on Monday after complications related to Covid-19, according to the hospital where he worked.

Read in CNN:
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Where’s the HOAX now,Agent Orange?

Coronavirus: US death rates v China, Italy and South Korea

The US has seen its virus cases spike dramatically and these graphs show what could be in store.
From NYC's Daily Data Summary (forum won't let me post the image):
Of the 1,397 "coronavirus deaths" reported in NYC, 18 did not have a serious co-morbitity.

From NYC's Daily Data Summary (forum won't let me post the image):
Of the 1,397 "coronavirus deaths" reported in NYC, 18 did not have a serious co-morbitity.

Sorry., I just posted today's totals. Didn't see your post. Amazing statistic though, eh. Don't get that news from Governor Cuomo or Deblasio. They are in this so deep.
Apparently, the way you talk about people and to others on this site, neither do you.
I mean nothing cynical or disrespectful by this post, but do you (plural) not actually believe that Trump's vile behavior had nothing to do with some paragons of Conservatism are now calling the "inevitable Trumpocalypse?"

A podcast worthing our ear: "David Frum on the Trumpocalypse"
About this Episode--
"On today's Bulwark Podcast, David Frum joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss the everchanging defenses and rationalization of President Trump's poor handling of COVID-19, America's status in the world, and his new book."

A few articles also worthy of perusal: " Trump Has Broken the Republican Party—and Conservatism—for Good
There is no going back.

An Open Letter to George W. Bush and Barack Obama
America needs your leadership now—more than ever."

Com'on Trump supporters, you can't have it both ways. Be at least intellectually fair even if you can't bring yourself to admit that you admire Trump that you wouldn't want your momma to know about.
Do you not realize who these people are and the principles they stand for?
I'm referring to William Kristol, Charlies Sykes, Jonathan V. Last, A.B. Stoddard, Sarah Longwell, Jim Swift, George F. Will, David Brooks, Max Boot, Michael Steele, Rick Wilson, et al. Think about it. They all represent basic inalterable principles with which, as a Republican and/or as Christians or Jews, you would surely agree. I may not buy everything each of them says, but I am familiar with their past service to the ideals of the Republican Party and I know enough about their faith and religious values to appreciate their knowledge and intellect when they have something to share with the public regarding politics and government.
I doubt that I can anyone's mind who's already locked into about Trump at this point, but I thought it worth my effort since I so strongly believe that Trump is and will continue to be a disaster to our way of government.


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Some specifics about the deaths in NYC. Of the 1562 deaths in nyc, 24 did not have underlying health conditions. That means there is a .048% death rate among healthy people.
I apologize, but I am trying to understand your thinking, so please bear with me and respond once you get a chance. Are you suggesting that we do not count as "valid" or disregard the deaths or the possibility of treatment of those our citizens who already have an illness or disease? Or not attribute their deaths to the Coronavirus? Do you have a system in place which would allow specific comorbidities, but eliminate others? Would you make use of the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index(ECI)?
It seems to me that it would undoubtedly be suitable to the Charlson index since there is much less of an age factor coming to bear upfront, and many of these unfortunate soon-to-be-former-citizens won't be around in many cases long enough for a proper period of observation. And, of course, one could always add an age factor to the ECI once the Indexer "lays eyes on, as it were.
Plus, with proper use of the ECI, there would be such a broad range (thereby providing the indexer a more extensive pool of comorbidity determinanees and thus expanding the size of the group).

Under your system, how do we determine those who we do not treat and which we do include in your CVID-19 death count?

Perhaps, you are suggesting that all this data we seem to be gathering is unimportant? Whatever your views, they sound interesting. Please tell me more. Some on this board think that you may be on to something.
I apologize, but I am trying to understand your thinking, so please bear with me and respond once you get a chance. Are you suggesting that we do not count as "valid" or disregard the deaths or the possibility of treatment of those our citizens who already have an illness or disease? Or not attribute their deaths to the Coronavirus? Do you have a system in place which would allow specific comorbidities, but eliminate others? Would you make use of the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index(ECI)?
It seems to me that it would undoubtedly be suitable to the Charlson index since there is much less of an age factor coming to bear upfront, and many of these unfortunate soon-to-be-former-citizens won't be around in many cases long enough for a proper period of observation. And, of course, one could always add an age factor to the ECI once the Indexer "lays eyes on, as it were.
Plus, with proper use of the ECI, there would be such a broad range (thereby providing the indexer a more extensive pool of comorbidity determinanees and thus expanding the size of the group).

Under your system, how do we determine those who we do not treat and which we do include in your CVID-19 death count?

Perhaps, you are suggesting that all this data we seem to be gathering is unimportant? Whatever your views, they sound interesting. Please tell me more. Some on this board think that you may be on to something.
He just posted a statistic from the NYC Dept of Health. Where did he propose a system?
Some specifics about the deaths in NYC. Of the 1562 deaths in nyc, 24 did not have underlying health conditions. That means there is a .048% death rate among healthy people.
Sorry, I don't follow you. Please explain the system. I think what was posted is enticing, but not nearly complete enough to implement without further elucidation. Perhaps, you could expand, hypothetically, of course. Maybe you could pretend it is your wife, mother, or your child who is infected and under consideration for treatment. Maybe, Whampas could add to the model you so clearly envision or find so evident from the post. But even if not surely you have something in mind yourself. So please, please share a more detailed version of your vision. Many of us eagerly await your complete paradigm for consideration. After all, we need to get America back to work and reinstitute our sports programs for essential entertainment as soon as possible, regardless of the unnecessary loss of
He just posted a statistic from the NYC Dept of Health. Where did he propose a system?
I may have misunderstood, and, if so, I apologize, but it seemed to me that he was suggesting through his post that the current methodology was way over the top for the minimal death toll attributable to this virus given the age and preexisting medical conditions (and, perhaps, age) of most of the victims. Sometimes some of us are able to reasonably infer a message (or most of it) without it being spelled out in monosyllables. What you refer to as a "statistic" happens to be a full page of several statistics from which many suggestions as to the need for a different system would be reasonably inferred.
No offense to your personal view or interpretation, but I do not agree with your conclusion.
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Finished Tiger King, bounced back here, saw you responded to my post. As my grandson said, “Really”?
So your grandson is an epidemiologist or a bioethicist? I am impressed that he had the ability to discuss such a complex topic. My advice to him would be to watch to the extent that he can the person he puts in charge of his healthcare decisions (unless he has a death wish) and that he should at all costs avoid placing his grandfather in that position. Obviously the two of you have a different notion of "healthcare."
In any event, I wish your grandson health and longevity.
You only challenge post to which you disagree, with questioning others postings? Do you have any post supporting your thoughts or beliefs? Your stuff is getting old quit.
You only challenge post to which you disagree, with questioning others postings? Do you have any post supporting your thoughts or beliefs? Your stuff is getting old quit.
How would you know my thoughts or beliefs? I have only asked for information and not made any implications about the current system or a replacement system.
I do not consider it fair to make up things and still expect to have a fair and honest discussion. However, if I were to suggest authority in support of what you think I might have suggested, I might, for instance, say that I agree with the Surgeon General, the Director of the CDC, and the other members of the medical community which constitute the so-called medical and/or scientific persons on the COVID-19 Task Force. Hypothetically. So how would you address such a suggestion if I were to make it? Would you want to buy some black market chloroquine? I have an inexpensive source. If interested, just email me at Please be discreet in your language. I'll make it right for you.
We can work out the details later.
This is what you get with a guy with a 5th grade education at best running our country:

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Peter Navarro is Dumber than a bunch of rocks and way,way over his head.Procurement czar from Prof of Econ at UC Irvine.
That’s right,not Stanford,not MIT,not Harvard,not UC Berkeley,not UCLA.

We are ****ed.

Listen to what this disciple of Agent Orange says.He says NOTHING.No depth,no nothing.He’s a hack in a very dangerous time.

Time to lawyer up,FOX

Hannity. Rush. Dobbs. Ingraham. Pirro. Nunes. Tammy. Geraldo. Doocy. Hegseth. Schlapp. Siegel. Watters. Dr. Drew. Henry. Ainsley. Gaetz. Inhofe. Pence. Kudlow. Conway. Trump.

Today, we salute the Heroes of the Pandumbic.
Fauci on FOX.FOX Commentators are dumb as rocks.Dr.Oz v Dr Fauci.Dont make me laugh.Is Dr Phil next?

So, where are the statements about blocking the Chinese people from entering the US is racist?
And how does a country as diverse as the US, and only Has 375 million people win out on a non-diverse country of over a billon people?
You’re constant haranguing only proves the point that you seriously need help. Your TDS has made you a miserable person that should seek out counseling.
I’m sorry for you 32. Your posts on the other forums are excellent, but you really need help when you come to a sports site and feel the need to constantly put up political comments, as if anyone gives a damn what you think.
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Bill Gates v Agent Orange-comparison of intelligence,insighfulness and cohesive thought processes..Boy,that’s easy.

Friday, April 3

Yale grad,Alibaba founder,Brooklyn Nets owner,Barclays Center Owner,Yale Benefactor helping NYC.

What’s Agent Orange got to say about all this “Chinese” Help.

Tsai Foundation Donates Extensive Medical Supplies to New York

The billionaire owner of the Brooklyn Nets donated millions of masks and ventilators to New York's struggling hospitals (Ellen Cranley)
INSIDERApril 5, 2020

Brooklyn Nets

  • Joe Tsai, the co-founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and owner of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team, and his wife Clara Wu Tsai, have donated millions of masks, protective goggles, and ventilators to New York as the state grapples with the novel coronavirus outbreak.
  • The couple donated 2.6 million masks, 170,000 protective goggles, and 2000 ventilators as part of several big-name donations aimed at easing the pressure on New York's strained healthcare systems and workers.
  • The state, which is the US epicenter of the outbreak, marked a grim record over the weekend as it recorded the most deaths in one day so far.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
Joe Tsai, the co-founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and owner of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team, donated 2.6 million masks, 170,000 protective goggles, and 2000 ventilators to New York as the state struggles to address the novel coronavirus outbreak.

The Tsais sent the supplies in two shipments, according to CNN, the first of which arrived on Thursday at New Jersey's Newark Liberty International Airport as the second arrived on Saturday at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
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