Burton going through draft process again, no decision on returning to UR

This whole NIL debacle will just turn all the participants into a bunch of grifters. It was bad enough when only the top 20 teams were cheating and paying players, parents, pastors and coaches, but now it's all 354 teams involved in the sleazy bidding process. We haven't even begun hearing that the women's sports will want equal NIL money. This is and will ruin college basketball and college sports in general.
You are trying to change the subject. This board should take a leadership position in creating a NIL fund. Spider23 you also need to have thicker skin. If you are going to be critical of people, you need to be able to also accept some criticism.

It is interesting that over the past 5 years I have been one of the most positive posters on the basketball board and constantly attached by some of the people on this board and I am the arrogant one?

Yes, I do have a number of friends on the board and know Paul, but not that well. How is that bragging? Just, thought sharing some inside info occasionally would be helpful.
The inside information would be helpful if it were of a positive nature. Instead you come on here and tell people how hiw and mighty you are. And your inside information affirms the good old boy network is happy with mediocrity. Maybe you should get a thick skin and stand up to these guys and demand better.
As much as I love Spiders basketball, I would never give a dime for NIL. I support the $320,000.00 they receive in free education, room and board, but that is it. Paying the players, gifts to parents and AAU coaches is just too far for me. We all love college basketball over the NBA for a reason.
Get used to more losing then.
The inside information would be helpful if it were of a positive nature. Instead you come on here and tell people how hiw and mighty you are. And your inside information affirms the good old boy network is happy with mediocrity. Maybe you should get a thick skin and stand up to these guys and demand better.
I apologize if how I speak makes you feel inferior. Sounds like you have some self confidence issues. So anyone that does not agree with your views is unwelcome on the board?
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I have been on the boards forever. And I did not come on here on my first posts preaching and scolding. I wrote up nice detailed reports and banter very positive until moon just sucking the life out of the program. So no, I don't like your attitude johnny come lately.
So our voices on this board are not equal, they are weighted based on how long we have participated on the board?
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Hey, if you're not rich and not starting up an NIL fund to support our team, you are a terrible fan and a loser!!
That is not a nice thing to say about your fellow posters. Although, I disagree with your statement, I do think fans should try to support the basketball program in whatever way they can.
Anyone know how many people belong to the Spider Club? All I could find was 1500 people gave to athletics on giving day in 2022.

I am not sure we have enough big donors who are interested in athletics or enough small number fans (who donate) that could support an NIL fund, that would likely need close to $500K-1 million each year to fund properly and start "buying" players.
Anyone know how many people belong to the Spider Club? All I could find was 1500 people gave to athletics on giving day in 2022.

I am not sure we have enough big donors who are interested in athletics or enough small number fans (who donate) that could support an NIL fund, that would likely need close to $500K-1 million each year to fund properly and start "buying" players.
Could they get past admissions?
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Right, if we did start a NIL, it would be the completely Richmond thing to do for the NIL to pay a kid and then for admissions to deny him.
I know you are trying to be funny, but the NIL program would be run by pretty sharp alumni. I don't think we would have that issue.
Didn't you just tell us to start a NIL or we weren't good fans? Like yesterday. I think you said you would match donations to it. But now I see it would only be run the "sharp alumni", not us mouth breathers on the message board. Sorry, me a dummy
Well, the good news is there are a lot of people that support the program who do not participate on this board.
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doesn't ruin anything to me. did Gilly getting money last year affect your fandom in any way?
Very true in that situation but there will be plenty of (now legal) $ oportunities in the future for the best player at a smaller school like UR to get poached by a higher bidding power 5 with larger NIL backing. That shouldn't change anyone's fandom but it would simply suck (For lack of a more articulate explanation).
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Very true in that situation but there will be plenty of (now legal) $ oportunities in the future for the best player at a smaller school like UR to get poached by a higher bidding power 5 with larger NIL backing. That shouldn't change anyone's fandom but it would simply suck (For lack of a more articulate explanation).
sucks for the coach and the fans. it's great for the kid.
the rules were ridiculous where a team could get off a bus at 10:00pm with the cafeteria closed, and a booster couldn't even legally take them out for a pizza. then to transfer you had to sit out a year.

now it's more like the real world. a small investment bank takes a kid out of school and trains him. kid shows promise ... so Goldman Sachs offers him a 50% raise. kid never looks back.
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sucks for the coach and the fans. it's great for the kid.
the rules were ridiculous where a team could get off a bus at 10:00pm with the cafeteria closed, and a booster couldn't even legally take them out for a pizza. then to transfer you had to sit out a year.

now it's more like the real world. a small investment bank takes a kid out of school and trains him. kid shows promise ... so Goldman Sachs offers him a 50% raise. kid never looks back.
Absolutely. Of course a lot of the "big boys" have been paying football and basketball players forever but your point is very well taken.
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Back to the original topic - organizing NIL at UR. I just don't see it happening. I don't think we have enough big sports donors who care enough to start one, and I am not sure we have enough regular donors willing to fork over probably $250-$500 or more annually to join the NIL collective. On top of that - I would see the UR administration stepping in and making some crazy rules around it. Right now - they have not had to worry about it because we have had very little to no activity in the NIL space. But if we startd a collective and said - we want to give basketball player 150K - I just have a feeling they would try to step in and put stipulation and rules around it that would make it impossible.

I don't think UR wants athletics to be at the forefront of the University, and that would certainly include large NIL deals. They are okay if you want to pay Roche $100 to come to your kids birthday party, but they are not okay if you want to pay Quinn 75K to show up to a few "company" dinners.
Back to the original topic - organizing NIL at UR. I just don't see it happening. I don't think we have enough big sports donors who care enough to start one, and I am not sure we have enough regular donors willing to fork over probably $250-$500 or more annually to join the NIL collective. On top of that - I would see the UR administration stepping in and making some crazy rules around it. Right now - they have not had to worry about it because we have had very little to no activity in the NIL space. But if we startd a collective and said - we want to give basketball player 150K - I just have a feeling they would try to step in and put stipulation and rules around it that would make it impossible.

I don't think UR wants athletics to be at the forefront of the University, and that would certainly include large NIL deals. They are okay if you want to pay Roche $100 to come to your kids birthday party, but they are not okay if you want to pay Quinn 75K to show up to a few "company" dinners.
Agreed, UR just doesn't have NIL type fans.
But should we worry about large schools poaching our best players, IF that happens. Just like coaches, who cares as long as you replace and refill them.

I would be fine if we become a minor league farm system for the ACC conference and lose 2-3 players each year to the transfer portal - who always seem to be moving up or to better teams - that must mean we are doing something right. The key is - can we replace them and keep that train going forward.

Similar to VCU - they have weathered many coaching changes and keep making the NCAA tourney, no matter who the coach is - the key is they find the good replacement and they keep it moving. Same is now true with the players - keep it moving.
it would be really tough to hit on every replacement recruit to fill in for lost top players. we're not going to win the battles for top transfers so you're bringing in freshmen all the time.

we have to continue the team family feel and stress the value of the degree. we want our players to want to stay here even if they could make more money elsewhere. and we do need donors like PQ and others who are willing to financially support the program and at least provide some level of NIL.
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VCU is a different animal altogether. Kids can go there several years and never sniff a classroom or sweat an exam. Very easy to reload at VCU when there are no barriers to entry or requirements to stay.
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VCU is a different animal altogether. Kids can go there several years and never sniff a classroom or sweat an exam. Very easy to reload at VCU when there are no barriers to entry or requirements to stay.
I hate that excuse - cause those "barriers" you say are self imposed. They are not imposed by the NCAA or the A10, they are something UR has decided for themselves. So you can't use it as an excuse for why we can't reload. Because we could lower our admissions, we could create majors that are easier for our athletes, etc. I am not saying we should, but we have that option and we, as a school, have said - we will not do that. So if that is the case - then you gotta find a way to work around that and still be able to produce winners. If not - then like I have said before, maybe we are in the wrong league. Maybe Patriot league would be better - where academics are more of a priority in that league probably more than others outside of the Ivy league.
I hate that excuse - cause those "barriers" you say are self imposed. They are not imposed by the NCAA or the A10, they are something UR has decided for themselves. So you can't use it as an excuse for why we can't reload. Because we could lower our admissions, we could create majors that are easier for our athletes, etc. I am not saying we should, but we have that option and we, as a school, have said - we will not do that. So if that is the case - then you gotta find a way to work around that and still be able to produce winners. If not - then like I have said before, maybe we are in the wrong league. Maybe Patriot league would be better - where academics are more of a priority in that league probably more than others outside of the Ivy league.

You can have annually competitive, high-level basketball AND have academic standards at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. There are 13 kids a year out there that can play A-10 basketball and also succeed at UR academically. We don't need to change anything.
We have a billionaire who insists we temper our expectations. We have used admissions as an excuse but now we could hypothetically go out and buy the smartest and best basketball players out there with this turbo douche billionaire who likes to flaunt his wealth, but instead we double down and insist on an antiquated recruitment model as we fall further into the abyss.

He hired his BFF to be our athletic director with the help of a retired D3 president who treated the athletic department like he was still at Wheaton.

Sorry to sound negative, but I don't see a bright future with the current ship of fools running the show and I say this as someone who is not as impatient as many as the other fans on this board. I used to not be like this, would argue these things go in cycles etc, so its not like I have always felt this way. But good god these administrators are uninspiring mush relegating our athletic department to mediocrity.

What's wrong with being great at both!?

Hardt doesn't give one shit about improving any of our athletic programs outside of what the university defines as being successful. Fire him into the sun, bring Bobby Ukrop back and let him charge the committee into the mix to find us a real AD.
You can have annually competitive, high-level basketball AND have academic standards at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. There are 13 kids a year out there that can play A-10 basketball and also succeed at UR academically. We don't need to change anything.
If we don't need to change anything (and I am not saying I disagree) then people need to stop saying - well, VCU can let this kid or that kid in, we can't, or they don't have kids graduate, etc. Stop saying those things if you think we can be competitive at a high level AND have academic standards. I am not picking on you directly Kneepad- just saying people in general who make those statements.

Like my analogy I used long before - if you run a marathon in your bare feet and finish near the end, you can't say at the end - well, I would have done better if I wore shoes like everyone else. You made the decision to run barefoot. BUT - if you believe you can be just as good as anyone else in your barefeet - then just go do it. Don't use that line again.