2024 Presidential Election

Forget the hype... Harris does not appeal to working class voters. She does not appeal to people who work for a living. This analysis reviews polling across sectors.

"Harris is doing no better against Trump than she did before Biden dropped out—in fact, a bit worse (3 point deficit now vs. a 2 point deficit in late June). And the internal demographics are quite similar to the earlier reading and all run far behind how Biden did in the 2020 election. Notably, her working-class deficit to Trump is 15 points, compared to Biden’s 4 point deficit in 2020...

Hispanic working-class voters in this poll preferred Trump by 3 points over Biden, compared to a 22 point margin for Biden over Trump in 2020. Among black working-class voters, Biden was leading by 47 points over Trump, compared to an 82 point lead for Biden in 2020. ...

A working class-oriented campaign would appear to be in order. But so far there is little indication that is what the Harris campaign has in mind. A widely-circulated memo from the campaign sees Harris’ candidacy as building on the “Biden-Harris coalition of voters” and mentions black voters, Latino voters, AANHPI (pacific rim) voters, women voters and young voters. Working-class voters are conspicuous by their absence..."

Harris is certainly the leader of the Brahmin Left in the US.

The Brahmin Left consists of "Western left parties increasingly bereft of working-class voters and increasingly dominated by highly educated voters and elites. The Brahmin Left has evolved over many decades and certainly includes today’s Democratic Party, Britain’s Labour Party, and the French left."

James Carville says "Don't get too giddy"

“I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This is too triumphalist, ok? This is– everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great,” he said. “Get ready. They’re coming. All right? And it’s good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don’t win the election we haven’t done anything.”

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James Carville says "Don't get too giddy"

“I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This is too triumphalist, ok? This is– everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great,” he said. “Get ready. They’re coming. All right? And it’s good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don’t win the election we haven’t done anything.”

Sounds as if you have no reason to worry, then. I'm sure your heroes Trump and Vance will do a great job, can't wait for Project 2025 to turn America into a Christian Iran.
James Carville says "Don't get too giddy"

“I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This is too triumphalist, ok? This is– everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great,” he said. “Get ready. They’re coming. All right? And it’s good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don’t win the election we haven’t done anything.”

Carville is right, "they're coming", they being, among others, Trump allies and his idols Putin, Orban and Kim Jong Un. Certainly they will do all within their power to get Trump elected, let the misinformation campaigns begin!
Vice President Kamala Harris voiced support for “defund the police” in a radio interview in June 2020 amidst nationwide protests for police reform, just months before denouncing the movement after she had joined the Biden presidential campaign.

Looks to me she has changed her position.
Harris supports defunding the police. She advocated that cities and states should actively defund and divert funds away from the police. Are you comfortable with this?

“Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what: it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…. Get out, you’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

The above statement was made by Trump last night to a "Christian" organization. Are you comfortable with this?
“Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what: it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…. Get out, you’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

The above statement was made by Trump last night to a "Christian" organization. Are you comfortable with this?
I will be happy that I won't have to be concerned about voting for Trump ever again, after November.
As Politico has reported, Harris has supported really stupid ideas.

They include her support for the Green New Deal, a ban on fracking, the decriminalization of illegal entry by migrants, “starting from scratch” on Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, restoring felon voting rights, adopting mandatory buybacks for some guns, eliminating private health insurance and more.

Rich that a man who has served 48 years in government wants to term limit Supreme Court Justices, but not Congressional seats. Mr. President, you have no credibility on this issue.
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Rich that a man who has served 48 years in government wants to term limit Supreme Court Justices, but not Congressional seats. Mr. President, you have no credibility on this issue.
Voters had numerous opportunities to signal their displeasure with Joe Biden, most recently in 2008, 2012 and 2020. His performance was approved, by a landslide margin, in each instance.

Senators and congressmen/women are not appointed for life. Senators must defend their records every six years, congressmen/women every two.

There is an option to removing someone as ethically compromised as Clarence Thomas, were he an elected official. There is none (realistically) as a SCJ.

That said, yes, I support term limits for senators/congress (2 terms in the Senate, six in the House), and a 15-year term for a SCJ. If you don't want the job because it's no longer a lifetime appointment, don't take it.
Now Harris has flipped the first of her many inane positions about fossil fuels.
Her first big political backflip of the presidential campaign occurred over the weekend, reversing her support for a ban on fracking for oil and gas. Her election conversion is political damage control, but would she continue the Biden Administration’s regulatory siege against fossil fuels?

Running for president in 2019, Ms. Harris averred “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” While popular among progressives, a fracking ban doesn’t play well in working-class areas, especially Pennsylvania, which is the second largest natural gas producing state after Texas.
Days after taking office Mr. Biden imposed a moratorium on new lease sales on federal lands. After this was blocked in court, his Administration slow-walked drilling permits and auctions. The Environmental Protection Agency has tightened methane regulations, increasing production costs and making some wells uneconomic. The White House also directed federal agencies to incorporate climate in environmental reviews so they can block fossil-fuel projects solely because of CO2 emissions.

Does she still support this? Harris is a San Francisco liberal, beholden to anti fossil fuel zealots in Hollywood and Beijing.
Now Harris has flipped the first of her many inane positions about fossil fuels.
Her first big political backflip of the presidential campaign occurred over the weekend, reversing her support for a ban on fracking for oil and gas. Her election conversion is political damage control, but would she continue the Biden Administration’s regulatory siege against fossil fuels?

Running for president in 2019, Ms. Harris averred “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” While popular among progressives, a fracking ban doesn’t play well in working-class areas, especially Pennsylvania, which is the second largest natural gas producing state after Texas.
Our "regulatory siege" against FF has resulted in the greatest oil production in US history.
Our "regulatory siege" against FF has resulted in the greatest oil production in US history.
So why did Joe raid the oil reserves and buy foreign oil. Doesn’t add up. And why is gasoline twice as much since he took office. Doesn’t add up. Why aren’t we selling LNG? Allies are force to buy the dirty stuff from Russia. Doesn’t add up.
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So why did Joe raid the oil reserves and buy foreign oil. Doesn’t add up. And why is gasoline twice as much since he took office. Doesn’t add up. Why aren’t we selling LNG? Allies are force to buy the dirty stuff from Russia. Doesn’t add up.
I wonder what could have possibly been going on to decrease the need for gas in early 2020, and thus drop the price?

Now, tell me how your retirement account is doing.
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I hate when the cost of gas is cited as something that any presidents control directly or even indirectly (they don’t), or that it’s somehow the most important issue in the nation (it’s not even close).
I hate when the cost of gas is cited as something that any presidents control directly or even indirectly (they don’t), or that it’s somehow the most important issue in the nation (it’s not even close).
Go to Gas Buddy, AAA, or similar site and compare from state to state, I think you'll see gas companies charge what they think people will pay.
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So why did Joe raid the oil reserves and buy foreign oil. Doesn’t add up. And why is gasoline twice as much since he took office. Doesn’t add up. Why aren’t we selling LNG? Allies are force to buy the dirty stuff from Russia. Doesn’t add up.

Biden actually sold high and replaced low, he made money for the US on his oil trading. He released oil reserves when prices were high to add supply in order to moderate prices, then replaced the oil reserves when prices went down, making money for the US on the spread.

Here's another link, yes its on MSNBC but the guy being interviewed seems non-partisan:
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Others say:

In fact, since President Biden authorized government sales from the reserve to combat rising oil prices after Russia-Ukraine conflict began in 2022, it's emptier than it's been in nearly four decades.

Busy day. Not up to speed yet on NABJ convention.

Want to circle back to the strategic oil reserve comments. To draw it down was primarily a political decision. Did two things: 1} temporarily arrested spiking gas prices and 2} more importantly, it was a sop to the Democrat Greens who abhor fossil fuels. Drain the reserve to foster transition to EVs. Strategically, it is dangerous to draw it down that low. Rare Earth metals required for EVs are largely controlled by China.

Similar to unfettered illegal immigration, a conscious political decision. The goal was to make it so bad, the Repubs would be forced to make some sort of reform to stop the hemorrhaging. Obviously, it would favor Dem views since they control the Senate and the Executive Branch. Almost worked with the proposed "bipartisan" reform bill which only clamped down when daily illegal entries exceeded 5,000. The goal should be as close to zero as possible one would think.

Two decisions, both primarily driven by political considerations rather than our country's best interests. Don't blame the President. Don't believe he knew what was going on.
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Trump's performance yesterday was an unmitigated disaster but also allowed everyone to again see who he really is -- a racist asshole who resorts to name-calling when his lengthy track record of assholery is presented to him in a coherent way. There was a lot of debate among NABJ members as to whether it was right or wrong to invite him to the event. I'm glad he went. The whole world could see clearly who he is.
Hey Galli how many of you Republican types who hate "government-run health care" want to give up Medicare? Or Medicaid?

Bongino is an idiot. Proves it every time he opens his mouth.

And I sure think Ms. Harris would be Black enough if Cletus, Goober or Jim Bob took her back to Harlan County to meet the parents, don't you?
Expect Harris to reject Josh Shapiro for her VP. Josh Shapiro is the Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania. He is also Jewish. Kamala needs the Muslim vote in Michigan. The Democrats have chosen antisemitism.

A New Republic hit piece called him “the one vice presidential pick who could ruin Democratic unity.” An anonymously registered website,, invites visitors to sign a petition urging Ms. Harris to choose anyone else. Mr. Shapiro isn’t being opposed merely for his political positions, statements or belief; he is being vilified and maligned because he is Jewish. This ugly campaign against him risks showcasing what kind of country we have become and where we are heading.

Antisemites Target Josh Shapiro
Expect Harris to reject Josh Shapiro for her VP. Josh Shapiro is the Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania. He is also Jewish. Kamala needs the Muslim vote in Michigan. The Democrats have chosen antisemitism.

A New Republic hit piece called him “the one vice presidential pick who could ruin Democratic unity.” An anonymously registered website,, invites visitors to sign a petition urging Ms. Harris to choose anyone else. Mr. Shapiro isn’t being opposed merely for his political positions, statements or belief; he is being vilified and maligned because he is Jewish. This ugly campaign against him risks showcasing what kind of country we have become and where we are heading.

Antisemites Target Josh Shapiro
Harris is so antisemitic she married a Jew. But I guess you agree with Trump, the only real true Jew is one who votes for him.
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It's clear the progressive Left does not want Shapiro because he is Jewish....

Shapiro is an observant Jew with personal ties to Israel; on October 7, he tweeted, “Our family has shared many special moments in Israel and our hearts break for those living this horror now.” If selected as Harris’s running mate and subsequently elected, he would become the first Jewish vice president in American history...

CNN’s John King has already flagged that antisemitism might make the selection of a Jewish vice presidential candidate risky...

Still, his particular hostility toward pro-Palestine activists threatens to blunt the enthusiasm among young progressive voters that Harris has managed to generate in the past few days. It could also undermine the Democratic ticket in Michigan, where Arab American activists have cheered the news of Biden’s withdrawal and are adopting a wait-and-see posture toward Harris.

This ugly campaign against him risks showcasing what kind of country we have become and where we are heading.

Antisemites Target Josh Shapiro
You mean like the kind of country where 45% of people can be brainwashed by a racist felon into believing that the election process is rigged, and tens of thousands can think it's ok to break into the Capitol building and assault police officers? That kind of country?
News flash: They will pick a veep candidate who they believe will help the ticket the most. Radical thinking.

Maybe that's why Trump chose a feckless toady like Vance instead of a real Republican like Cheney.
Just remember, Harris is a San Fransico liberal. She praises wokeness in her own words. She is beholden to and controlled by the leftist nuts from Hollywood. What good thing has she done for this country? Nikki Haley said that if Donald Trump were selected to run for the Republicans, it would ensure a Harris presidency. I agreed with that sentiment. Donald Trump is the worst candidate the GOP could have selected. We are going to get this for president.

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Harris’ strategy is to win by being cool, not by being competent. Democrats aren’t even trying to prove that she has the brains, judgment, and gravitas to be the leader of the free world. Instead, they’re embracing her skin-deep nature, highlighting her energy and appearance, and building her campaign on a foundation of social memes, social standing – and social ridicule, too.
Trump being pulled off the campaign trail for two weeks, he's not well, he has real cognitive issues. Maybe he has MS, I know he said Hillary did.
Biden’ issued an executive order directing federal agencies to register and mobilize left-leaning voters ahead of the 2024 election. It's so bad, AGs in 9 states have sued the federal government to stop it. Nice.


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