What next?

Originally posted by spiderman:
we can make stats say what we want. his last season at VaTech he took half of his shots from 3 and made 35% of them. that would rank him behind only Kendall and TJ on our team this year. he also converted 79% of his free throws.
yes, his freshman year was worse. better that than his sophomore year being worse, though.
based on his 2nd year he can shoot. he's a perimeter guy. I think he'll play the 3 for us.
I hope you are right. He shot 37% from 2 last year, and only 46% at the rim. If you guys think our current players miss layups too much I have no idea what you would have said about Wood.

This post was edited on 2/11 5:36 PM by fan2011
I'll believe he's great unless or until he proves otherwise! pretty confident he'll be a better perimeter shooter than Deion or Trey. and has great size so should rebound. hopefully a Terry clone with an even better outside shot. maybe Terry is teaching him those pretty inside finished with either hand that he has.
Originally posted by spiderman:
I'll believe he's great unless or until he proves otherwise! pretty confident he'll be a better perimeter shooter than Deion or Trey. and has great size so should rebound. hopefully a Terry clone with an even better outside shot. maybe Terry is teaching him those pretty inside finished with either hand that he has.
A TA clone with a better outside shot would be great!
DT is an 8% 3 point shooter!!! 2 for 25. Anything would be better!!
Can we just skip the rest of the season, the A-10 tournament, and go straight to the CBI?
Win, lose or draw, we will drink to it! Roll Chi!

This post was edited on 2/14 7:15 PM by Ulla1
I understand now why we trained so hard on Friday and Saturday nights at the Theta Chi lodge.
In answer to the question of the post, I am going out on a limb and saying a loss on Wednesday.
4 losses would be great goal at this point. GooMoos, really????

What's next? ...Fordham being a huge challenge.

This post was edited on 2/15 11:46 AM by MUDKAT Lives
Just remember Kat, this terrible team strolled into a "hostile" environment and owned the 2nd half against Shaka's boys.
You're super bowl. Nice win and can't say anything but good things about it, but doesn't change anything. What's next is offseason and hope that next year's team won't get smacked down by Fordham without Anthony and no one new on the horizon. Patriot League maybe?
Is this Mudkat character a Lamb fan? Assume so, since he meant "Your" not "you're" (which means "you are". Not "UR" for clarification.)

The VCU game was hardly our Super Bowl. We didn't even play that well, but we won. Probably more an indictment on VCU than anything else at this point, considering that they seem to be the only team we will beat on the road all year long.

We don't have any new players on the horizon? Funny, I could have sworn we signed a recruit and have four guys redshirting this year. Ah well, guess I was mistaken. Will suck to have only 7 guys on the roster next year, but I guess we'll try our best.
I could be a Rams fan. Guess you have to correct grammar being from superior genes....

Yes, it was your super bowl and all credit is given for coming into the STU and taking VCU out, Not many teams do that. However, now NIT bubble is all yours (hey, I used correct grammar)!

Who is the recruit? Not much hype anywhere I can find. Red-shirting? Must be the catalyst for future success. Without Kendall, it's going to be really rough with all those green red-shirts coming.

I know your next comment already...J Burgess had to red-shirt and MO Cox had to red-shirt and they both gave big minutes last year and are key Sophs this year. Starters and proven. I think a MO hitting grad school before he's even close to ending his eligibility says a lot about Shaka and how he cares and motivates his guys.

I saw where someone was lamenting that your coach was on a contract for a couple of more years. Love this positive energy here. Looks a lot like the GooMoo board and all the "fire Hewitt" comments.

The city's CBB is now owned by those guys downtown and will be for quite a long time. Welcome home Kenny and Tevin. Too bad UNC and a dozen schools couldn't take the two of you from Shaka.
Ah, Mudkat. We were wondering where you ran off to after we beat you a few weeks ago. What, you're getting all chesty because you beat GW in DC? Hate to break the news to you, but GW isn't the same team as they were a few months ago. I think even we could beat them on Saturday at home.

Do us a favor....take a shower, hit the books, and get a clue.
Grammar is important unless you don't care about looking like an idiot.

Funny how any time VCU loses, it's because it was the other team's Super Bowl. Talk about a fanbase that needs to get over itself.

I didn't realize recruits needed to be hyped? I don't recall Kevin Anderson being highly regarded out of high school. He had a decent little career. Larrier had a lot of hype. Hasn't really done much this year. Our guy chose not to play AAU, and that's where guys get "star" labels.

Appreciate your concern for our lack of positive energy. Imagine that, we have some fans who expect better of our program. Incredible.
Eight, so KittyLitter is back after the sheep win after a long two weeks of losing. The sheep are still 1-3 in the state of Virginia. Hmmmm???
One of is is dancing and the other might hope to make the CBI. Keep talking weak smack. You know what the deal really is...