We might have some competition

How would you feel if they renamed themselves the Cleveland Pigs and used police as a caricature?

I actually find it kinda humorous. I have the ability to laugh at myself (there's a lot to laugh at lol). The one nursery rhyme I have always remembered..."Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me". Different world back them.

Can we make them the "Fighting Pigs"?
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To get back to the original subject, this is what I posted on the off-topic discussion. "I really prefer for us to be the only Spiders. So that said, I hope that our lawyers are proactive in this regard and reach out in advance instead of throwing up their hands after the fact and saying "oh, there was nothing we could do."
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I don't know why they'd want to be Spiders. but if they do, I don't see why we should be able to stop that any more than any other program could stop them from becoming another Tigers or Lions or whatever.
Well the Detroit Tigers, in their division, might put a stop to that first one.
I don't know...
Look at the ram reproduction in the A-10.

Although we might be able to stop Colorado State from joining, 3 is one thing, but if there are Four Rams, it might be confused with a message board...
Cleveland Baseball Team and then enforce that all media and fans refer to you as "The Baseball Team", none of this were calling them the Washington Football Team, nope their moniker is Football Team.

Go Baseball Team.
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I don't know why they'd want to be Spiders. but if they do, I don't see why we should be able to stop that any more than any other program could stop them from becoming another Tigers or Lions or whatever.

The team name Spiders has history in Cleveland. They played in the AA before moving to the NL. Only played 12 seasons or so but had 6 future hall of famers in that timespan including Jesse Burkett, Cy Young, and Buck Ewing.
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I hope they don't become the Spiders, I think they will become the Spiders, and like spiderman said, I'm not really sure how we could stop them from becoming the Spiders legally. (Unless we have some amazing trademarks, which clearly we do not or else we wouldn't have lost to Spyder.)

Hopefully, though, we can force them into a super awful logo that looks nothing like ours, at least.
Hopefully, though, we can force them into a super awful logo that looks nothing like ours, at least.

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