Been a long time since we have had a such a poor ball handling tandem of guards.
You attack VCU with quick passing and less dribbling. We may have good length
but they have great length. I think we stopped attacking lane when they got some easy
snow birds off quick outlet passes. I don’t know if this team playing their very best could
beat them.
You almost nailed that one. I'll just add this- I've watched two ur games in person, seen three or four on TV. The problem is your guards.
"You attack VCU with quick
(accurate) passing and less dribbling." If fixed that for you.
Your passing is not the greatest. You have VERY GOOD shooters. But they need to get the ball in a position to shoot. Instead, the passes are high, low, left or right. So, the shooter fights for good position, gets away from the defender, and the guard sees this and passes the ball. With a good quick pass, the shooter is able to catch and shoot without the defender closing or impacting the shot.
When the pass is bad, it all falls apart. The shooter has to reach for the ball, impacting his position. In the 1/2 to 1 second that it adds to the catch, the defender has time to close and impact the shooters chance for a clear shot. The shooters chances for making the shot goes way down.
VCU recruits "long" players. They take real pride in the number of times they get deflections. That is the game. Plus, when the pass is bad, the refs seem to give the defenders more leeway. Why? Because with the bad pass, they see a defender going for the ball, and they have the same right at that point. By then they are close up on the shooter, and until the shooter gains full control of the ball, the refs are not going to call that foul. Look at VCU's fouls late in the game. It was 7-2 at one point, favor to VCU. They play aggressive. But, if you pay attention, you will see that if they are beat, they just make token attempts to defend, or just let the shooter shoot. No need to get useless fouls.
That is why VCU goes after passes so much. And that is why they look like they are not defending close. Think Ali and Rope a Dope. Let them think they have an open shooter, then close on the pass.
It was about what I expected. I said the team that showed up would win easily. It could of been worse. At about the 10 minute VCU stopped attacking, except for fast breaks. In the end, we went to the- Pass for 25 seconds and then jack something up. I think Mike and Chris are friends, and Mike did not want to embarrass his friend's team.
Good luck the rest of the way. The A-10 tournament is in two weeks, and we all know anything is possible then.