UR last Swept VCU

This is pretty pathetic, all the people mentioned in this blog/rag are VCU alumni. So much for unbiased.

As UR fans, I don't think we should respond to this, it just gives it more legs.

Was it a dumb picture to take/send...I'd say so. But not suspension-worthy...
And of course they have their facts wrong. He didn't post it on Twitter...someone else did.
The people who run RVAMag and all the people who commented on the article are VCU grads/fans. They are just grasping at straws at this point.

These are the same people who refer to us as "FUR." Guess what the F stands for???
RVA magazine is not interested in the facts - easy to smell this out as a con job. As I stated in an earlier post - the oldest trick in the book to accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing at the very moment. And then to top off the self righteousness be in a huff over the purported offense. This technique was addressed years ago in Matthew 7:5 "First remove the beam out of your own eye..."

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