I don't get the argument that the school isn't invested. Hardt has repeatedly mentioned on interviews that competing for A10 champiosnhips is the goal. $17 million was spent on Robins Center, $15 million for the new basketball facility, what appears to be more leniency from the administration with recruiting, and of course the hiring of a basketball centric AD in Hardt.
Many of you think that Mooney is the underlying problem and by not firing him the school is not committed to success - even though we have done all these things alluded to above. Just because you don't agree with the school not firing Mooney doesn't mean we haven't showed - in numerous ways - our commitment to success.
By the way, I'm someone who thinks Mooney should be on the short lease, but am also very pleased to see the strides the school is making to building up our basketball program. It would be foolish to fire a coach right now who is returning all his starting players, has a 3 star recruit in Sal coming in and potentially a four star recruit in Bryce.
Many of you think that Mooney is the underlying problem and by not firing him the school is not committed to success - even though we have done all these things alluded to above. Just because you don't agree with the school not firing Mooney doesn't mean we haven't showed - in numerous ways - our commitment to success.
By the way, I'm someone who thinks Mooney should be on the short lease, but am also very pleased to see the strides the school is making to building up our basketball program. It would be foolish to fire a coach right now who is returning all his starting players, has a 3 star recruit in Sal coming in and potentially a four star recruit in Bryce.