The Harris Doctrine


Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
We are beginning to see the initial outlines of the Harris Doctrine- turning this country into Venezuela. Instead of fixing the root causes of inflation, government policy, Harris wants to fix prices by attacking price gouging.

Catherine Randall in the Washington Post writes...

“Price gouging” is the focus of Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda, her presidential campaign says. She’ll crack down on “excessive prices” and “excessive corporate profits,” particularly for groceries.
So what level counts as “excessive,” you might ask? TBD, but Harris will ban it.

It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat."

The Harris- Biden administration created inflation by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, during Covid and in the middle of supply chain shortages. On top of that the Federal Reserve maintained interest rates at 0%. Furthermore, Harris- Biden forced shortages of domestic fuels, increasing oil prices, which affected commodity prices. Increased commodity prices increasd inflation.

How stupid do they think we are?
Instead of acknowledging their fiscal and monetary mistakes, dictators respond by punishing the producers of goods and invariably end up with an economy that produces even fewer goods and suffers from even more inflation. Why produce anything if the government makes you operate at a loss? This is what Venezuela did.

In August of 2018 Mery Mogollon and Chris Kraul reported for the Los Angeles Times:

Venezuela’s currency has now lost more than 90% of its value since January. Despite that, the government stubbornly maintains price controls on many basic products such as rice and beans, an economic “straitjacket” for many.

The price controls continue to create an enormous incentive for smugglers who can acquire food items at government subsidized prices and then resell them in Colombia or Brazil at market prices, reaping enormous profits. The practice has left shelves bare in grocery stores.
Harris Doctrine #2- New housing...

"Harris’s new housing proposals build on a series of plans outlined by the Biden administration in recent years. Biden has previously called for the construction of two million new homes. Harris said she hoped to build three million new housing units by the end of her term...

Housing costs are influenced by interest rates and the supply of and demand for homes. "

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Don't forget, Harris-Biden created new incentives for construction during Covid. His policies created inflation and resulted in higher interest rates.

There has also been a huge population explosion in the country, resulting from an additional 10 million illegal immigrants entering this country. This created a real shift in demand without a new supply of housing.

We have a real housing shortage, because of the Harris-Biden open border policies.

Poor policies create distortions in our economy.
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I miss the old days when everything "bad" happening in the country was solely because of Joe Biden. Adding Harris to the naughty list is just too much for my brain to handle.
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Per the Atlantic...

Harris’s Plan Is Economically Dumb but Politically Smart...

the campaign is starting to roll out its economic platform, and the substance likely won’t appeal to many people who actually know about economics...

According to the Econ 101 model of prices and supply, when a product is in shortage, its price goes up to bring quantity demanded in line with quantity supplied. This price increase sends a signal to producers to make more stuff. If you cap prices, you get shortages.....

The defining quote of the article...

It’s hard for me to argue with the politics. As someone who has often said Democrats need to compromise their ideals to win, I don’t exclude my own ideals from that. ...

Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to solve the crisis she helped cause: inflation.

Under former President Trump, the inflation rate averaged 1.9%. It skyrocketed to 9.1% in 18 months under Joe Biden and Harris, fueled by a $5 trillion spending binge paid for by debt and printing money...

The centerpiece of the Harris plan is the imposition of federal price controls on “greedy corporations” she says are “price gouging” consumers. Landlords would be prohibited from raising rents more than 5% a year.

I miss the old days when everything "bad" happening in the country was solely because of Joe Biden. Adding Harris to the naughty list is just too much for my brain to handle.
The sudden popularity of Harris is too much for Gally's brain to handle. He'd rather see Trump elected so he can be a part of the white "Christian" nationalist country that Trump would create, just like his idol Orban did in Hungary. Unfortunately there is nothing Christian about it. Just look at Project 2025 created by Trump's minions if you want a look at a scary future that Trump would push for if re-elected.
Harris proposing price controls is a strategic blunder politically. Already had the record and reputation as left of Bernie. This seals the deal. Scares people.

The market determines prices in a capitalistic economy, not the government. There is no record of success anywhere when it comes to price controls. Bad move politically.

As Galli accurately pointed out - the Biden-Harris Admin created the inflation problem by prolific spending, now Harris wants government to "cure" the problem it created and have the private sector pay the fare.

Begs the question in voters' minds - are you wedded to capitalism or not?
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Literally every administration raises the deficit. There's always more spending. It's what we do in America, for better or worse.

The real question is not whether anyone is wedded to capitalism, it's whether you are wedded to democracy or you are ok with the end of the Constituion and implementation of a dictatorship as per the Trump Doctrine and Project 2025. It's all right there, spelled out very clearly. (Oh, and if you make less than $168k a year, your taxes are going up. If you make less than $100k and have two kids, your taxes are going up by about $9200 a year.)
Harris has proposed a 25% tax on unrealized gains on capital assets. A capital asset is anything including stocks, bonds, gold, houses, 401ks, etc. She has also proposed a 44.6% tax on long-term capital gains.

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Literally every administration raises the deficit. There's always more spending. It's what we do in America, for better or worse.

The real question is not whether anyone is wedded to capitalism, it's whether you are wedded to democracy or you are ok with the end of the Constituion and implementation of a dictatorship as per the Trump Doctrine and Project 2025. It's all right there, spelled out very clearly. (Oh, and if you make less than $168k a year, your taxes are going up. If you make less than $100k and have two kids, your taxes are going up by about $9200 a year.)
First off, my comment was solely a view on a policy decision, price controls, announced by the Harris campaign. Not intended to hammer her and champion Trump. Just an observation that in my view it was a serious strategic blunder politically.

Do you friends on the left really believe the hyperbole in your comment? Off the scale, weird. End of the Constitution? Dictatorship? Really?

Don't mean to offend anyone. Willing to have a civil discussion over the facts, but not willing to wade into faaar, fantasy left field.
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We are beginning to see the initial outlines of the Harris Doctrine- turning this country into Venezuela. Instead of fixing the root causes of inflation, government policy, Harris wants to fix prices by attacking price gouging.

Catherine Randall in the Washington Post writes...

“Price gouging” is the focus of Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda, her presidential campaign says. She’ll crack down on “excessive prices” and “excessive corporate profits,” particularly for groceries.
So what level counts as “excessive,” you might ask? TBD, but Harris will ban it.

It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat."

First and foremost, I am a fan of Catherine Rampell (not Randall) and I completely agree with her comments regarding price gouging. I do wish for some balance when quoting her columns. She also has been critical of the Republican side. Neither party has a lock on inane, nonsensical and hypocritical policies. The whole endeavor is to play to voters' pocketbooks in the short term vs. talking about those choices and the long term effects. That ploy is unfortunately successful.

I refer you to her column on "The GOP’s greatest skill: Taking credit for things Democrats did" ("One party keeps lying about its public service record. Talk about “stolen valor.”) that discusses Republican opposition to various legislation where subsequently they claim credit for projects in their districts or tout for key supporters in the case of the current speaker. Principled stands are one thing but then turning hypocritical charlatan locally is hardly becoming.
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Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to solve the crisis she helped cause: inflation.

Under former President Trump, the inflation rate averaged 1.9%. It skyrocketed to 9.1% in 18 months under Joe Biden and Harris, fueled by a $5 trillion spending binge paid for by debt and printing money...

The centerpiece of the Harris plan is the imposition of federal price controls on “greedy corporations” she says are “price gouging” consumers. Landlords would be prohibited from raising rents more than 5% a year.

Don't forget, diaper Donnie started the free money and the debt exploded under him.....tell both sides...
First off, my comment was solely a view on a policy decision, price controls, announced by the Harris campaign. Not intended to hammer her and champion Trump. Just an observation that in my view it was a serious strategic blunder politically.

Do you friends on the left really believe the hyperbole in your comment? Off the scale, weird. End of the Constitution? Dictatorship? Really?

Don't mean to offend anyone. Willing to have a civil discussion over the facts, but not willing to wade into faaar, fantasy left field.
Absolutely those things are legitimate concerns if Trump wins again. His faction of what used to be the Republican Party has spent four years trying to place judges, registrars and others sympathetic to MAGA in positions from which they can challenge, refuse to certify or overturn election results. If that doesn't terrify you, I'm not sure what will.

He's already shown his hand. Jan. 6 was a trial run to see how far they could push things. Four years later, he's already gotten all his GOP friends claiming it was just a little gathering, nothing more. Except in reality it was an attempt to steal an election and execute the vice president. If Trump gets power again, he's not going to hold back.
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First off, my comment was solely a view on a policy decision, price controls, announced by the Harris campaign. Not intended to hammer her and champion Trump. Just an observation that in my view it was a serious strategic blunder politically.

Do you friends on the left really believe the hyperbole in your comment? Off the scale, weird. End of the Constitution? Dictatorship? Really?

Don't mean to offend anyone. Willing to have a civil discussion over the facts, but not willing to wade into faaar, fantasy left field.
Not sure if Trump is elected if he will become a dictator, but it won't be for his lack of trying. While he's a pathological liar, I do fear many of the things he is saying, such as (i) he will shut down media outlets who consistently criticize him, namely Comcast and MSNBC, and I'm sure a few others (ii) he will prosecute his political opponents and local DA's who don't align with his views on crimes (iii) he would fire any US Attorney who doesn't carry out his orders to prosecute a person he wants prosecuted (iv) he would gut the US Civil Service and replace career civil servants with acolytes who pledge their loyalty to him and support his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen (v) he told his supporters at a "Christian" rally that if they voted for him and he won, it would be the last time they would have to vote (vi) he would use the military against civilians, and (vii) he constantly praises Putin, Orban, Kim Jung Un and other dictators, and its plain to see that he envies them since they have unbridled power, and he wants unbridled power for himself.

And really you only need to look at what he attempted in 2020. He was willing to do anything to remain in power and might have if not for Mike Pence doing the right thing. Fake electors, trying to get Georgia to "find" him the amount of votes it would take for him to win the state, encouraging a mob to attack the Capitol and then enjoying it on TV for 3 hours while police officers were getting the crap beat out of them, now praising the same violent rioters and saying he will pardon them if elected. Is this not what a dictator does? When staunch Republican conservatives such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, among others, are calling out the alarm, I think its worth taking note since they have given up their political careers in protest of this dictator wannabe leading the Republican party/cult.
Not sure if Trump is elected if he will become a dictator, but it won't be for his lack of trying. While he's a pathological liar, I do fear many of the things he is saying, such as (i) he will shut down media outlets who consistently criticize him, namely Comcast and MSNBC, and I'm sure a few others (ii) he will prosecute his political opponents and local DA's who don't align with his views on crimes (iii) he would fire any US Attorney who doesn't carry out his orders to prosecute a person he wants prosecuted (iv) he would gut the US Civil Service and replace career civil servants with acolytes who pledge their loyalty to him and support his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen (v) he told his supporters at a "Christian" rally that if they voted for him and he won, it would be the last time they would have to vote (vi) he would use the military against civilians, and (vii) he constantly praises Putin, Orban, Kim Jung Un and other dictators, and its plain to see that he envies them since they have unbridled power, and he wants unbridled power for himself.

And really you only need to look at what he attempted in 2020. He was willing to do anything to remain in power and might have if not for Mike Pence doing the right thing. Fake electors, trying to get Georgia to "find" him the amount of votes it would take for him to win the state, encouraging a mob to attack the Capitol and then enjoying it on TV for 3 hours while police officers were getting the crap beat out of them, now praising the same violent rioters and saying he will pardon them if elected. Is this not what a dictator does? When staunch Republican conservatives such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, among others, are calling out the alarm, I think its worth taking note since they have given up their political careers in protest of this dictator wannabe leading the Republican party/cult.
If only all of this were true, which do not believe the facts support even half (50% correct is still bad.). Not a Trump guy. Don't know how to be clearer if read my previous posts, but believe in fair play.

Denied Trump Derangement Syndrome existed for a long time, Clearly, rationality has been lost in some quarters. I am driven by policy, not party, and certainly not hatred. If the election is on policy, the hated Don wins handily. If it the election is on hatred, Kamala wins narrowly.
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President Harris and the democrats, along with Chuck Schumer, are expected to pack the court, if she is elected.

Democrats have made clear that if they win the presidency and Congress in November, they will attempt to take over the Supreme Court as well. Shortly after ending his re-election campaign, President Biden put forth a package of high-court “reforms,”...

Kamala Harris quickly agreed.

Ms. Harris, Mr. Schumer and their party are attempting to do is wrong and dangerous. They aim to destroy a branch of federal government. For faithfully carrying out its role, the court faces an unprecedented attack on its independence, beyond even Roosevelt’s threats. Unlike then, however, almost every Democratic lawmaker and official marches in lockstep, and the media, which were skeptical of Roosevelt’s plan, march with them.

On August 26, 2021, 13 US service members died because of a suicide bomber at the Abby Gate at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. This is Harris' fault. Capitulation and appeasement abroad and open borders at home. Word salads for explanations.
So you are in favor of packing the court?
What is your definition of "packing" the Court. Biden's plan is 3 fold: 1. term limits for Justices 2. an enforceable ethics code for Justices, just like for every other Judge in this country 3. calling for a constitutional amendment that no one, including the President, is above the law.

If the above is "packing" the Court, sign me up. But I don't think you or anyone else who claims this is "packing the Supreme Court" understand what packing the Court really is. If enacted, these 3 things could work for and against Republicans and Democrats at different times. Biden supports a plan in which the President would appoint a Justice every 2 years to spend 18 years on the Supreme Court. So every President, regardless of party, would be able to appoint 2 justices in each 4 year term. Justices aren't up for election like the members of Congress are (though I support term limits for Congress too) so there are no checks and balances on Justices from the ballot box or from an enforceable Code of Ethics. Only on the Supreme Court could Clarence Thomas accept $4,000,000 in gifts from donors, some of whom had business before the Supreme Court, and not be held accountable. Further, he failed to report such gifts as required by law. Gee, I wonder why he didn't disclose those gifts?
On August 26, 2021, 13 US service members died because of a suicide bomber at the Abby Gate at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. This is Harris' fault. Capitulation and appeasement abroad and open borders at home. Word salads for explanations.
Harris was the last one in the room with Joe Biden. She discussed this with Biden. Harris owns this failure.

What is your definition of "packing" the Court. Biden's plan is 3 fold: 1. term limits for Justices 2. an enforceable ethics code for Justices, just like for every other Judge in this country 3. calling for a constitutional amendment that no one, including the President, is above the law.
This is a massive breach of the Separation of Powers against a co-equal branch of government. It is also an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of Supreme Court.
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This is a massive breach of the Separation of Powers against a co-equal branch of government. It is also an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of Supreme Court.
But refusing to hold hearings on a Supreme Court nominee while the sitting president had nearly a year left in office was not, obviously.... right??
Biden supports a plan in which the President would appoint a Justice every 2 years to spend 18 years on the Supreme Court
ZERO credibility from a Dude that has been in office for almost 50 years. Zero.

The only thing wrong with the Court is it has a conservative majority. We lived with one with a liberal bent for decades. Suck it up, quit whining, and live within the system as we did.
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ZERO credibility from a Dude that has been in office for almost 50 years. Zero.

The only thing wrong with the Court is it has a conservative majority. We lived with one with a liberal bent for decades. Suck it up, quit whining, and live within the system as we did.
Biden was elected by the voters in his state, he did not receive a lifetime appointment. And if you are okay with Supreme Court Justices having no ethical restraints and having a President who can do anything illegal as long as it is deemed an "official act", good for you.
As we both know, All Federal judgeships are lifetime appointments (for good reason}. The ongoing debasing of SCOTUS because it is a conservative majority is unseemly. NO evidence that Thomas has been compromised by gifts from folks with no business before the Court. Just left wing fantasy.

If you seriously believe any President's official actions are not immune from prosecution, President Obama should be jailed for killing an American citizen ( terrorist) in a foreign land without due process. Hope neither of us believe that is warranted.

Desperately need reasonableness and less partisanship.
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The court being conservative is not the issue to me. How the court became conservative is. Mitch was loathsome and hypocritical by first denying a hearing for months and then jamming one through in weeks.

Now, I would like to see an enforceable ethics code. Some of the decisions, where interested parties have had direct contact with Justices, have strained my faith in dispassionate rulings.

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