State of the Program

Awwww....VCU fans only have press clippings to be excited about their future considering their RPI is higher then the avg SAT score of their incoming freshmen. Being 1-5 away from the Costco center makes you look at other things as the A10 will eat you alive on the road this year.

Another top 100 recruit? Youmean like Larrier and Okerafor? How'd those guys work out? Tillman and Gilmore aren't living up to all world hype yet either. All these top 100 recruits and your not even in the top 100 teams right now...

I do predict once we slap around herpes U in a couple of weeks all this doom and gloom on this board will disappear at least until our next loss against a good opponent where we will hopefully not continue our spider on spider assaults.
Awwww....VCU fans only have press clippings to be excited about their future considering their RPI is higher then the avg SAT score of their incoming freshmen. Being 1-5 away from the Costco center makes you look at other things as the A10 will eat you alive on the road this year.

Another top 100 recruit? Youmean like Larrier and Okerafor? How'd those guys work out? Tillman and Gilmore aren't living up to all world hype yet either. All these top 100 recruits and your not even in the top 100 teams right now...

I do predict once we slap around herpes U in a couple of weeks all this doom and gloom on this board will disappear at least until our next loss against a good opponent where we will hopefully not continue our spider on spider assaults.
:D:D:D:D I will ignore all your incorrect nonsense and say there's no way you guys beat VCU this year. Sorry!
Meanwhile, that school down Broad Street has a 2016 commit who may be upgraded to a 5* soon if he keeps his current performance up....

Talk to us when you
A: Get him admitted
B: Ensures that he meets NCAA guidelines
C: Takes the court for the Rams
D. Actually lives up to this 5 star billing

And remind me if North Florida or Middle Tennessee State is your signature OOC win.
Very good post, Lurker. Don't understand the crazy bashing of Mooney, et al after just one game. Especially this game. I have been critical in the past and may be critical in the future but this was not the game for such criticism in my opinion. I looked closely at the replay after I got back from the game. STJ just made shots, and many were contested 3's, not wide open looks. Bembry's step-back deuce near the end was a hell of a shot that put them up 2 with inside a minute to go. We had our chances, just missed shots at the end.
I don't know if you were referring to my post or anyone else was, but none of my post was Mooney bashing, it was simply a listing of mostly facts. And that's what it is.

But I'll ask to all the "preach for unlimited patience" proponents with our coach/staff...If we go 10-8 or worse in conference and finish 18-12 or worse and don't do anything in the A-10 tourney, should coach and staff be back next year?
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I don't know if you were referring to my post or anyone else was, but none of my post was Mooney bashing, it was simply a listing of mostly facts. And that's what it is.

But I'll ask to all the "preach for unlimited patience" proponents with our coach/staff...If we go 10-8 or worse in conference and finish 18-12 or worse and don't do anything in the A-10 tourney, should coach and staff be back next year?
Yes. OSC
Talk to us when you
A: Get him admitted
B: Ensures that he meets NCAA guidelines
C: Takes the court for the Rams
D. Actually lives up to this 5 star billing

And remind me if North Florida or Middle Tennessee State is your signature OOC win.
Reply back to me when you make the dance this season...... oh wait.
:D:D:D:D I will ignore all your incorrect nonsense and say there's no way you guys beat VCU this year. Sorry!

How is this second coming of Jesus helping you this year?
Is VCU not 1-5 on the road this year?
Has VCU not signed top 100 recruits who didn't reach anywhere near the hype you guys blew them up to be?
Is VCU not outside the top 100 RPI currently and provided no quality OOC wins this year for our conference when you are supposedly the conference bell cow?

Or....Maybe you meant UVA? If I had no life, I'd sign up as a UR fan with a VT handle on lamb nation but I only have time/care enough to read boards of teams I like.

Keep calling it nonsense, we call those facts.
Yes there's no way we'll beat you on our home court in two weeks because you said so without any legit discourse other then lalala I'm ignoring you?

Man for every nattymat poster out there(excellent, intelligent thought out posts by an opposing fan), there are scores of you trolls who just like the attention their schools getting in the press and didn't even know vcu had basketball until 2011.

Now go back to whatever bridge you crawled from under. I'm sure we dont hear anything from you unless we're coming off a loss. Which won't be home against you guys. Beating VCU is a different beast at Costco, but hey we beat them there last year when you actually made the NCAAs so who knows...

Actually had a VCU fan friend tell me he thought they'd go 14-4 in the A10 the other day...and our fans think we look through rose colored glasses...
Reply back to me when you make the dance this season...... oh wait.

Come on Hoos!! UVA has never won anything either. They even waisted the great Ralph Sampson and only made one final 4 with him. Lots of poor play in this state to go around.
Since the topic now includes VCU I'll chime in. I think Wade has done an above average job considering we lost two GREAT seniors and an entire recruiting class. His in game adjustments and willingness to play different defenses and not be "stubborn" about playing a certain style has been a positive and will pay dividends.

We play inside out and play hard half court defense. Consistent offense has been the reason we lost our chances at winning those resume games. I think we'll turn the corner there though. Guys are starting to learn their roles and coach is finding his best combinations.

That being said, the league might not get 4-5 bids, but it's pretty deep and will be a gauntlet for both us.

See you guys on the 16th.........
RPI has next to no chance of receiving an at large bid after their lackluster OOC performance. Spiders are still in good shape. Again, a lot of basketball left, but we are in a MUCH better position than RPI. Looks like MrRPI is feeling confident after beating up on 3 cupcakes and an average at best Mason team. I think it will be a long night for them on Hawk Hill. They will continue to struggle against better competition because they have inconsistent interior play and one true shooter/scorer on the roster.
I have no idea what this Board is about. Apparently we can only post positive messages. I don't feel very positive about this year. Not an over reaction to just one game. We are almost half way through the season, and we are a good team, but don't appear to be a postseason team.

I'm done here, I'd delete my profile if I knew how, the moderator can do so, if he likes. I'll continue to follow the team, but won't use this Board to do so. Don't want to upset other fans, relatives of players, or recruits.
I'd ask that the moderator delete my profile and all other links or ties to this board as well for the reasons stated by TB.
I don't think anyone ever said you could not post a negative, we're all passionate and we all post negative at times.
My bet is that iSpider and TBSpyder will hang around. It may not be a "mortal-lock," but the odds are likely higher than UR making the dance, and I place those odds at about 60% right now. After the next 4-5 conference games, if this team plays up to its potential, those odds could go up to 70-80%. Will iSpider and TBSpyer decide to return if the team suddenly out-performs their expectations? Or, do they prefer the team to lose, so that they have reasons to bash our players and coaches? Kinda looks that way. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give..."
Many take offense at some of my posts and refer to me as an a__hole. That doesn't bother me a bit; I welcome ad hominem attacks on me because of what I have posted, but to set the record straight, I have never once "bashed" a coach or player or posted a negative ad hominem statement about any of them. I defy anyone to point out when I did. In fact, I have refrained from such criticism to a fault. Hey, I defended Latrell Scott until he was fired.

It's the censorship policy of this board that bothers me. And it's not merely the posts that were deleted. It is the threads and posts that will now never be written due to fear of censorship.

The policy of autocratic censorship has been established on this board. Therefore, until written, acceptable and non-ambiguous standards for postings are established, as they are on most other message boards, and not left to the arbitrary and personal discretion of one person, I will not participate here.

Again, please remove my profile and all information you have about me.
My request stands.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
- Who will watch the watchers?”
This board would be sooo boring without opposing viewpoints. I certainly hope that both you guys stay involved, I enjoy reading your opinions. I'm glad to see FRS is back. Just as some of us can get irrational at times and act impulsively, I think Fan1 also had a knee-jerk reaction when he deleted a very entertaining thread. He talks about the negative posters chasing away folks, but ironically he is the one chasing people away.
I have complained about the arbitrary (and politically correct) nature of the censorship on this board for a long time. I understand that it's a truly thankless job to moderate, but I feel like many of the deleted and/or locked threads were censored because of discussions that were estimated to be "embarrassing", or caused "hurt feelings", or that featured material disagreements that got a bit heated. In my mind, the only content that should be censored is that which is patently profane, or personal attacks on character that one would characterize as libelous. All else should be left as is, and moderation of truly libelous or profane posts should be handled via direct offline communication with the perceived offender(s).

I also think that we have an extremely overinflated sense of our own importance on this board with respect to recruiting and what prospects think about our program. Our board is one of the mildest, most civil forums of it's type that I have ever seen, and I think we should not restrict heated commentary lest this become the most bland, boring, insipid, and uninteresting place imaginable. Should that happen, I would predict the rapid demise of the Spidernation board because no one will want to come here and have interesting and/or controversial discussions due to fear of censorship. That would be a real shame.

Vive et vivas...
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Why don't you guys just talk to each other in French or Latin. That way l for one wouldn't be bothered by anything you say. Mainly because it took me two summer schools to complete my foreign language requirement at UR.
Je plaisante :rolleyes:
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fear of censorship has been mentioned a couple of times already. lol. what the hell would someone be afraid of? getting their post deleted? oh no!
that and I keep reading about "hurt feelings", in a mocking tone (if I can accurately read tone on a message board). and these come from those with hurt feelings for having a thread deleted.
way too much self-importance here on an anonymous message board. nobody's enlightening the world with wisdom here. certainly not me. none of the brilliance shared here needs to be saved for posterity.
I come here to talk Spider hoops because I enjoy it. I don't know why some of you who seem to get no enjoyment from the team come here.
Hope no one departs as great to read other opinions. As for censorship, I believe moderator does excellent job and it is not censorship but responsible editing. Everything written does not get printed. If your opinions are so important, find your own site. If the opinions are supported by facts, a following will develop.
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^^Fear of censorship to me means that anything on this board that is deleted or locked for any reason other than profanity or libelous character attacks will create an entirely dull and sterile environment, and eventually no one will want to post here because at some point the content will be all "rainbows and unicorns" and not be the least bit interesting.

I like this forum and would like to continue reading and posting here, but if threads continue to be scrubbed and sanitized, and the only discussions are about how nice and wonderful things are, I won't waste my time, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.
it's never been all rainbows and unicorns here. there's plenty of criticisms and complaints and venting that stands. if a post or thread gets deleted (which is really pretty rare), then get over it and continue without getting your feelings hurt.
First of all let's look at why negative comments. CM is now going on 10 years I believe and in the beginning
he was left with a rather empty cupboard and got into the recruiting game late. First 3 years were lean but you
could see improvement and effort. So when Geriot, Harper, Gonzo, KA, Kevin Smith, Martel arrived, the team got stronger,
attendance went up, etc... Excitement was there. Now after that error we have shown just glimpses of where we were
just a few years back. The expectations of the fan base was raised solely based on what CM did in the first 7 years and
we expected that level of play to continue to today.

We always seem to have to spend a few years developing a top line player vs getting in a ready player freshmen year which
typically does nothing for our depth. As fans we look at St Joe's playing 10 and we play 7 and we look at how we played against
teams in November and early December, then how we played against Florida, Texas Tech and St Joe's, giving up large margin
in rebounds, and playing less subs. We as fans are not going to change CM's coaching method or who he plays. But we can
certainly question why he does the things he does.

I said it earlier that a high paid coach, just like a CEO, should be scrutinized on their level of performance. Their pay scale should
correlate to their team's level of play and success. This is a business whether you agree or not. I have the right to question as a
sports supporter what I am seeing on the floor. I love my school and its coaches and players, but sometimes I just don't like what
I am seeing. Go Spiders, Beat Rhodi!

Fan1, I do appreciate you trying to look out for what is best for all of us!
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I'm not the one with hurt feelings. My concerns are specific to the nature and future of this board when anything less than civil polite exchanges are either discouraged or deleted. I'm also not saying that it IS all rainbows and unicorns, but that when people are so thin-skinned that they can't accept any negativity on this board, and it gets boring as crap around here, then many of us who have been here for many years will lose interest, and this forum will eventually cease to be a place where people will want to read and post.
I understand. I just don't think it's gotten to that point. very few threads get deleted. I think a lot is tolerated. yes, some people complain when others get negative. just like some people complain when other posters stay positive even when things aren't going great. both sides can either accept the complaining, or complain more about it.
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I am disappointed (but not butt-hurt) that the last thread that was deleted was deleted, I thought it was one of the most engaging and entertaining Spidernation discussions in recent memory despite the "negativity".