SLU Game Postponed

So StL punishment is they get a TV game with the Bonnie’s and then 4 we have to there to play them. They should at least be forced to play 2/26 game here.
Lack of transparency? Ever heard of privacy laws to protect students, if this were student related? And, if this somehow relates to a player, what good comes out of throwing him under the bus? I'm sure future recruits would love seeing guys treated like that, right? Unreal. Transparency? You are missing the bigger picture here. The teams were cleared to play. Period. So we did things right. Period. Just because SL freaking U comes up with reasons to not play does not mean we should be the ones to take blame and throw our "tier 4" contacts and anyone assisted with that contact under the bus. Unbelievable.

Nobody is asking for test results on a person specifically. You can be transparent without that. And yes transparency is and has been a huge issue at UR. This is well known to many of us who have followed UR for a long time. Moon man is really going to tell us he doesn't know what spooked SLU? So SLU and UR meet with the A10 and Hardt is just not going to tell Mooney. lol please.

Even tho the A10 sided with SLU and we don't know exactly what went down (transparency!) I think SLU does bear a lot of responsibility however in the larger picture we are not without blame.

Noah reported UR has protocols in place that affect all off campus students at Richmond EXCEPT student athletes and speculates there may be a massive miscommunication btw UR admin and athletic dept. We're not perfect we've been on Covid pause twice. Check out JOC's tweet w Mooney talking about complying w protocols. In the accompanying game photo Mooney is violating protocols. I get it it's virtually impossible for coaches to not lift their mask and yell occasionally but u know what maybe take it easy on the we do everything right narrative then. & I'm still hazy on why our team stayed in Richmond area public hotels. I don't know all the protocols but to me that sure didn't sound like a good one.

I'm upset the game was not played. But it did reinforce we continue to have issues of leadership at UR and that perhaps we can take a hard look at ourselves and what we're not doing well since to date we seem to have refused such a review.
So StL punishment is they get a TV game with the Bonnie’s and then 4 we have to there to play them. They should at least be forced to play 2/26 game here.
I wouldn't put it past that slime ball Travis Ford to realize they hadn't played in a month before their Dayton game, looked pretty bad at times against them, and realized they have a lot of things to work on. Sure does seem like they were looking for reasons to not play us.
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Nobody is asking for test results on a person specifically. You can be transparent without that. And yes transparency is and has been a huge issue at UR. This is well known to many of us who have followed UR for a long time. Moon man is really going to tell us he doesn't know what spooked SLU? So SLU and UR meet with the A10 and Hardt is just not going to tell Mooney. lol please.

Even tho the A10 sided with SLU and we don't know exactly what went down (transparency!) I think SLU does bear a lot of responsibility however in the larger picture we are not without blame.

Noah reported UR has protocols in place that affect all off campus students at Richmond EXCEPT student athletes and speculates there may be a massive miscommunication btw UR admin and athletic dept. We're not perfect we've been on Covid pause twice. Check out JOC's tweet w Mooney talking about complying w protocols. In the accompanying game photo Mooney is violating protocols. I get it it's virtually impossible for coaches to not lift their mask and yell occasionally but u know what maybe take it easy on the we do everything right narrative then. & I'm still hazy on why our team stayed in Richmond area public hotels. I don't know all the protocols but to me that sure didn't sound like a good one.

I'm upset the game was not played. But it did reinforce we continue to have issues of leadership at UR and that perhaps we can take a hard look at ourselves and what we're not doing well since to date we seem to have refused such a review.
We will just have to disagree. And, I have followed us for a long long time. Most likely a lot longer than you.
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Nobody is asking for test results on a person specifically. You can be transparent without that. And yes transparency is and has been a huge issue at UR. This is well known to many of us who have followed UR for a long time. Moon man is really going to tell us he doesn't know what spooked SLU? So SLU and UR meet with the A10 and Hardt is just not going to tell Mooney. lol please.

Even tho the A10 sided with SLU and we don't know exactly what went down (transparency!) I think SLU does bear a lot of responsibility however in the larger picture we are not without blame.

Noah reported UR has protocols in place that affect all off campus students at Richmond EXCEPT student athletes and speculates there may be a massive miscommunication btw UR admin and athletic dept. We're not perfect we've been on Covid pause twice. Check out JOC's tweet w Mooney talking about complying w protocols. In the accompanying game photo Mooney is violating protocols. I get it it's virtually impossible for coaches to not lift their mask and yell occasionally but u know what maybe take it easy on the we do everything right narrative then. & I'm still hazy on why our team stayed in Richmond area public hotels. I don't know all the protocols but to me that sure didn't sound like a good one.

I'm upset the game was not played. But it did reinforce we continue to have issues of leadership at UR and that perhaps we can take a hard look at ourselves and what we're not doing well since to date we seem to have refused such a review.
Noah is mad because they won’t let him go to games on campus. I don’t blame him, but not sure I’d take him as a source for how well protocols are being handled. As for the hotel thing, pretty sure we only had players there during our covid pause in order to isolate them and limit the spread.
Also perhaps I've missed it but where did this Tier 4 stuff come from? I have not seen anything reported or stated by UR/SLU that this relates to Tier 4. It could but there is very important confidentiality agreement in place at UR.
I thought I saw it in JOC's article, but I guess the first to bring it up was SpiderDogg, then 4700 Pom-Poms.
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So let me see if I can unscramble this mess. St Louis allowed their media people to travel to Richmond for the game. But when they arrived, they found out that lo and behold, a media person had slept with one of the St Louis team members who had previously tested positive. Since Richmond allowed the St Louis media person entry, then Richmond broke covid protocols so St Louis flew home (with media on board).

There, I fixed it fer ya.
Noah is mad because they won’t let him go to games on campus. I don’t blame him, but not sure I’d take him as a source for how well protocols are being handled. As for the hotel thing, pretty sure we only had players there during our covid pause in order to isolate them and limit the spread.
Hybrid student/fan/reporter gets unprecedented access not given to other media because he is also a student.
Hybrid student/fan/reporter denied access to one game in person because he is also a student.
Hybrid student/fan/reporter gets mad; becomes a columnist.
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I wouldn't put it past that slime ball Travis Ford to realize they hadn't played in a month before their Dayton game, looked pretty bad at times against them, and realized they have a lot of things to work on. Sure does seem like they were looking for reasons to not play us.
Again, 0-2 in the conference wasn't going to kill them. That is, if they lost.
Again, 0-2 in the conference wasn't going to kill them. That is, if they lost.
Well, it sure would have hurt them. Depending on how many more games they can play. That would be a tough tough climb to get in the top four, and is a midpack team really getting an at large?
As for the hotel thing, pretty sure we only had players there during our covid pause in order to isolate them and limit the spread.

My impression from Mooney presser was he was referring to non positive players not working out. I mean it makes sense that positive ones would be prohibited. But u may be right.

Regardless is putting a positive covid case in a public hotel being good community stewards like we love to claim? When we had a virtually empty campus available at the same time. I'm not a best practices expert on covid but to me that does not seem like 1.
Regardless is putting a positive covid case in a public hotel being good community stewards like we love to claim? When we had a virtually empty campus available at the same time. I'm not a best practices expert on covid but to me that does not seem like 1.
I agree with you here. But I’m not sure if the covid positives were the ones in hotel rooms. Could’ve been someone’s roommate had it, covid positive guy goes to isolation on campus, covid negative roommates go to a hotel to avoid being in the “contaminated” dorm room/apartment.
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St. Louis did get St. Bonaventure onto the schedule for next week after all.
First place St. Bonaventure, who beat us on our home court.
I wouldn't put it past that slime ball Travis Ford to realize they hadn't played in a month before their Dayton game, looked pretty bad at times against them, and realized they have a lot of things to work on. Sure does seem like they were looking for reasons to not play us.
One of the few posts with which I completely agree.
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The one thing I would say as a response to the point Noah is raising is that the off campus athletes are likely subject to another suite of COVID protocols including routine testing etc that regular off campus students might not be subjected to. So it is not likely so binary as “off campus athletes are an unknown exception to our normal protocols”.
I still believe it’s very possible the A10 gave a concession to StL because, as the leagues only ranked team, they matter and we don’t. Why would the A10 demand secrecy?
The one thing I would say as a response to the point Noah is raising is that the off campus athletes are likely subject to another suite of COVID protocols including routine testing etc that regular off campus students might not be subjected to. So it is not likely so binary as “off campus athletes are an unknown exception to our normal protocols”.
This is correct.
The one thing I would say as a response to the point Noah is raising is that the off campus athletes are likely subject to another suite of COVID protocols including routine testing etc that regular off campus students might not be subjected to. So it is not likely so binary as “off campus athletes are an unknown exception to our normal protocols”.

Of course they are subject to other testing. & they should be able to play and come to campus. But to be fair I don't think Noah stated otherwise. He said UR instituted a no exception policy thru Feb 8 & had email documentation and a 1st person account phone call from UR VP to back that up. A no exception policy that in actuality allows a pretty large % of exceptions is not a no exception policy at all. UR or the athletic department have a fair opportunity to address his Collegian piece if they choose.
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I find the use of the qualifier "appropriate" protocols an interesting choice. Granted, I'm a bit of a grammar nerd, and it's probably nothing - maybe even unintentional - but it's just an unnecessary addition to Hardt's statement. It reads like we're trying to give ourselves an out.

Why not just say we followed all protocols? Are there protocols that our program finds "inappropriate?"

Think u r onto something here Chop. perhaps this relates to the University protocols athletics is NOT following. If Hardt puts out a statement like he did that says we r adhering to all UR A10 ncaa & state protocols & it is easily disproven that we in fact do not then u have to add the word ‘appropriate’.

tho kinda strange to essentially call your own UR protocols inappropriate.

but we won’t get more they’ll try to make this go away. I mean we agreed to confidentiality agreement after A10 sided w SLU. Think weak move by SLU to leave but my goodness we have a lot of problems in our AD regardless.
Noah dropping a bomb on U of R....

While this does not seem related to the SLU fiasco who knows. If we are allowing entry to Robins Center from student athletes that would otherwise be banned from campus we are not exactly following our own internal protocols. Hardt and the UR admin seem to be out to lunch again, a meat and potatoes meal no doubt.

Noah raises some excellent points. But 1 piece of advice Noah. You've poked the bear. Do not be surprised if some of your access now dries up.

I dunno. I came away from the piece feeling like the kid is a snowflake. Aside from himself, is there a single human on campus that cares that he couldn't attend the game?
Mo- I couldn’t help but notice the irony that it felt like a whiny article that as a lapdog of Mooney he expected special treatment. And then got upset when he didn’t get it. However, it highlighted the whole issue that UR can’t even keep it’s own story straight.

UR has a long history of hiding issues and creating smoke screens. I used to think UR behaved in honorable manners but over time the lengthy list has made me very skeptical. Just off the top of my head these are the following items where there has been a lot of smoke blown: A10 move, Stadium, Danny Rocco, Laptops, Patriot League, Soccer/Track, Admissions, Cigna, Frats, Provost, Hiring, CoVid. I’m noting saying that the UR Admin has been in the wrong every time but there’s a definite pattern of miscommunication at a minimum and certainly no shortage of accusations of deceit.
Our basketball program is harder to follow every day. Yes, will probably continue to do so because its just what I do. We may be right here, or there may not be a right here. But man, my overall impression with Mooney is as soon as he has a little success, he rests. Its very evident in his recruiting. Watch the next four years, this is Nelson's team, he will not look to bring in another stud PG recruit until Neslson has graduated. Same thing with big men, he waits until one has graduated and then tries for another. Defense sucks and lost effectiveness YOY, let's wait until there is a billboard and AD calls me in the office. LETS GO. Exciting time to be a Spider!!

And yes, I have some sympathy for the fact we are trying to muddle through a covid season, and all kinds of injuries, but everyone else is dealing with covid too. Bona coach seems to adapt.
I dunno. I came away from the piece feeling like the kid is a snowflake. Aside from himself, is there a single human on campus that cares that he couldn't attend the game?

& that’s fine I get that. For me I‘ll cut a 20 year old a break who gives UR bball attention where there has long been a gap. I think a critical eye is better toward authority figures over the lower guys on totem pole. We have UR admin & highly compensated individuals like Hardt & Moon who r not transparent, make poor decisions, or not meet expectations. This is just another example.
What was "Cigna"? Your list is a good one.

The Cigna scholars program - I’m referring to the 2004 change. Short story it was eliminated with the claim that another program was expanded to provide the same benefits (the UR admin side). Needless to say there was at best miscommunication as the beneficiaries of it would disagree. This wasn’t an athletic department issue but it certainly did not leave UR looking good. And yes, there was definitely a “don’t ask questions and don’t look here” message with claims of confidentiality.

Sorry - I edited out things that may have identified an individual.
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No men’s game but watching the women take it to George Mason.

In the first half they went 9-16 from three, but only 4-18 from inside the arc.
Anyway, yes, another solid game from the women, moving to 7–2 in conference by beating up on Mason. Tough stretch run coming up though, as 6–7 Davidson is the only sub-.500 team left on the schedule.
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lol a number of people on here probably owe an apology to St. Louis.
Why? We were cleared to play Saturday. I think just the opposite. As many pauses and cancellations there are this year, when both teams get cleared to play, you better play the game.
If this is related to Friday, I'm still trying to figure out how SLU found out about something. Were they spying on the program? Did someone from our program tip them off anonymously?
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