Mens - SLU @RC - Saturday 1/18 2:30 PM USA network

Also, Tyne was essentially benched for the last 15 minutes of the game. Think this is the second or third time that’s happened this season?

Just hasn’t worked at all with him this year.
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Schertz and Avila are currently cracking up on the team bus headed to the airport that Mooney primarily had 5'7 White who weighs 1/2 of Avila on him most of the game.

All they had to do was set one screen to get Roche or White guarding Avila - to see that happen over and over again is just maddening.

We have such a terrible coaching staff - do something about it.
Guess the prez didn't do enough in his coming out party earlier this week to get more minutes today. Got a few mins in first half, but I don't think he left the bench second half???? Wait for comments this week by Moon saying he'll need to find GW3 more minutes. Prez will be here next year maybe. Time now to see more of what he can do. B Artis did hit a few today but surely wouldn't have hurt to give the prez more minutes.
Schertz and Avila are currently cracking up on the team bus headed to the airport that Mooney primarily had 5'7 White who weighs 1/2 of Avila on him most of the game.
I’m still struggling to figure out what our defensive strategy is. It’s no longer a straight man defense. Switching man?

Feels like we are in bizarro world doing what we did a decade ago that wasn’t working then and isn’t working now.
Love the energy right now. Dusan refusing to be denied, AP making great plays on both ends.

Let’s see if we can get enough stops to win this one. SLU really helping us out missing all those FT’s.
Dusan and AP definitely brought some much needed energy and nice plays. Even Beagle got into the act.

Hallock sitting on front row of students section - around 20 students here 20 minute before game time
The early “interest” by the students quickly dwindled. I don’t think any of them stood up for anything even when the Spiders rallied and could have used some extra support. @Section9.RowD you are going to have to give some classes on school spirit.

Schertz and Avila are currently cracking up on the team bus headed to the airport that Mooney primarily had 5'7 White who weighs 1/2 of Avila on him most of the game.
Tyne got bulldozed in first half and so White got to play to show what he could do. Surprisingly, he was also pushed around and scored on.
I had zero expectations of winning this thing going into it but we had played well enough and kept it close enough in the second half to give me that (false) hope that maybe we could pull it off after all. Sloppy play after sloppy play to close it out after going up what 7 or 8 very late? Defeat from the jaws of victory, that’s the Moonie way. I am so tired of this shit.
The main thing I learned is that STL is not very impressive. They are much better than last year of course and I expect Schertz will get them back into the top tier. However, this year I can see why VCU schooled them. As poor as the Spider play is this year, they should have won this game which surprised me.
Is SLU really 1 of the best offensive teams in the country? They didn’t strike me as that tonight nor from a macro view tho admittedly I haven’t followed them too closely. What Mooney said.
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Yes the old switching man-to-man. In the day of toughness and sound defense you were taught to have the screen called out and defender fought thru it. Sometimes under, sometimes over the screen depending on if you were guarding a good shooter. I have never seen so many times where our 5’10 guys were guarding a big. We don’t have the 6’4/6’5 types to switch everything. Talk to us Knee-pad.
Now that his season is over we got a visit from Tyrek Funderburk. His presence was annouced and the crowd gave a warm welcome. He appeared to be happy to be in the house. Coaches Wood and Huesman both greeted him warmly, as well as President Hallock, and he seemed to reciprocate.
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