Firstly ,I appreciate reading all of your comments. It's been helpful to get some persective on this really disappointing situation
My comments are as follows :
I have met Danny Rocco several times and his staff. I'm really taken back that this guy in a time of Me only would be willing to leave a situation that personally is appealing for himself and his family because of his deep level of caring for his athletes, his coaches, and spider football fans. It easy to pay off the coach with a big raise and get off easy on the upgrades and the other Coach's and leave the kids with the minimum . I think he has proven to be a man of character and its looking like the admin , not so much
From the first-hand knowledge, I can tell you that these young men on the team are second class citizens at this college. morale is low on the Team and usually it's because the kids don't like the coaches and they are losing here it is the opposite they really respect all the coaching staff and we see they are winning The problem is that they are treated with contempt by other students, the admin and a great percentage of the professors. They have become the whipping boys for PC and title nine advocates at the school , in reality, The kids on the team are exceptional kids from great families! That's Danny's strategy He is big on the kids family background and it's paid off big time
A good HS program gets more gear than these kids and their equipment is only passable. Not to mention the poor quality of the locker room and weight facilities. This is important for a couple of reasons, one is for the morale with kids and secondly for recruiting. Before all of this went down I was looking into seeing if we could rally team parents, donors and local businesses to create a fund specifically for the football team
Get these kids some gear, latest football helmets and shoulder pads and show them we understand what they have accomplished and it is appreciated
What has been accomplished at this school is amazing and it is positioned to reach even new levels, a championship or several. we all know how difficult it is to win and even more so to do it consistently There is something special here and I think it's architect may be leaving. Life will go on but we will see the effects and more importantly word gets out and you'll see less talent walking through our doors.
Finally, it's about the kids and with Danny leaving it will get a lot tougher on our boys...and that's a fact
First of all, thank you for your comments. Secondly, welcome to this board. It looks like you have some inside knowledge and the type of information you have provided is always welcome by everyone on this board. I hope you will continue to post your opinions and knowledge about the program.
That said, I have to disagree with you on a few issues. One, I do not think that the most of the football players feel as though they are second-class citizens. I know a few who consider themselves very fortunate to have their way paid to attend a fairly prestigious private university and who appreciate that in their lives after football they will have in hand a degree which will open many doors for them. Several student-athletes that I know, or know of, especially through Twitter and other social media, also consider themselves fortunate to continue to compete in a sport which they love. Most that I talk with also feel that they are regarded in high esteem by their classmates, particularly those of the opposite sex. I know that there are exceptions, particularly among the newer student-athletes, but I view these as temporary and as a necessary part of the transition from high school to a new and different world. It takes time, but most all adjust very well.
Secondly, I have not seen any evidence of low morale, though I have witnessed disappointment when performance does not live up to their expectations or when they have not yet shown that they have advanced to the level where they can have meaningful participation. If you watch the interviews or read what the athletes say on the athletics site, it would seem that the most all of them come to regard their experience at Richmond in this light. This may be an act, but if so, they have certainly fooled me.
Do we need to make some changes in both tangible and intangible assets available to the coaches and athletes? No doubt. I am absolutely on board with you in this regard. However, often things like this are from time to time neglected. They go unnoticed and unappreciated until an incident such as that now before us with Coach Rocco arises. It is just a matter of not paying enough attention or keeping abreast with the constant need to update and add. I am sure it happens at most schools. I would also think that it also often takes an event such as the recent announcement of Coach Rocco indicating his dissatisfaction and the need for an articulated vision in order to bring about such change.
While I cannot argue with much of what you say, I can and do take a totally different view with respect to your conclusion as to what is happening now at Richmond and the state of affairs with respect to our football program. Unlike you and many others on this board, I feel that Coach Rocco's statement and position with respect to the state of the program has brought about or will bring about a necessary and positive change providing the program with many of the things which you point out are needed...and then some. I can not speak with any specificity as to coach's motives, but I believe wholeheartedly that the changes that will inevitably occur because of his position and statement are positive for our football program. From what I know of the man, I suspect he took this into account before he made his statement.
I look at this whole situation as analogous to growing pains which, by definition, result in growth. This is the time for growth at UR and the time to address the problems which exist. I do not for an instant agree with those who feel that we are on the brink of disaster or any such nonsense.
Again, thanks for your comments. I look forward to reading your continuing input.