Richmond Strong

UR Fan 2

Team Manager
May 5, 2005
Solid comeback effort by the guys last night! I had almost written us off at halftime but this team does not quit.

We got a bit unlucky with the way the 1st Half ended. That could have been a +5 in the overall result if we manage the clock a little better but those are the breaks. Foul shots also jumped up and bit us a little in the 2nd Half.

Anyway, 2015 is still very bright! Take care of next 9 games and we dance come March. Don't let the haters bring us down. We can still get er done!

Thank you to Coach Mooney for keeping this team focused, thank you to the players for not giving up!

SeaBiscuit is not done yet!!!!

Fan 2
agreed about the effort, but wouldn't call the end of the 1st half bad luck. that's a bad decision. 35 seconds left and 35 seconds on the clock, you have to take the last shot unless it's wide open or a layup.
Originally posted by spiderman:
agreed about the effort, but wouldn't call the end of the 1st half bad luck. that's a bad decision. 35 seconds left and 35 seconds on the clock, you have to take the last shot unless it's wide open or a layup.
One play in the first half does not effect the outcome of the game. But that play with SDJ sat with me all night. It was just terrible situational awareness. Reminded me of the exact same thing he did against Wake Forest at the end of the game. Inexcusable mental error.
Tired of hearing "solid comeback effort". Why don't we come out of the locker room to begin the game ready and knowing what we are going to do the next 40 minutes and get ahead????
Lets just hope the OneRichmond slogan is not a foreshadowing of our ONE road win all season long.
The second time that a LaSalle guard backed K0 down in the paint, we should have made a defensive adjustment. That it took as long as it did was inexcusable. By the time we did anything about it, we were down by 10.

Very frustrating to watch, especially after how they played against the Lambs.

The only consistent thing about this team is how close we are when we lose.
Kee, I agree, we would be kicking ass in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Titles are not handed out in February. Plenty of time. Team is close. Stay strong!
Agree 100%, Fan 2. Let's get in the top 4 in our league, receive a bye and win the tournament.
I think one thing you have to keep in mind is we are built to play/beat VCU over everyone else in the league--home or away. Teams that have quick guards who don't turn the ball over cause problems for VCU and that's what we are. We always play them tough. And on the other end of the spectrum every big, strong team that attacks the glass and inside always give us problems.
We had numerous chances to take the lead in that game and couldn't. LaSalle went into a drought of historic portions and we just couldn't get over the hump. 2 and ulla you need to be careful with those rose colored glasses they are way too tinted; you obviously can't see through them.
SpiderFan, suggest you look at the past 20 games with rpi, you must be into the jack with that comment. we may be built to beat them but we sure don't do it very often.
I think Mooney has the blue print on how to beat VCU. We beat the hell out of them the year they went to final 4. He just doesn't usually have the talent to beat the press with quick guard play, long passes, finish at the basket and then make them play half court offense.

Anyway let's all go Sunday and have a good time with a full house and see what happens.
3-6 against Shaka is hardly a blueprint on how to beat a team. More like an Etch-a-Sketch that keeps getting shaken.
WR70. I said Mooney has the blue print to beat them, rarely the talent.

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