UR is listed as a 19.5 underdog. I am not a betting man but if I was I would be very tempted to take the points. UVA is capable of making enough self inflicted mistakes for UR to stay close and possibly pull it out at the end if the refs don't get in the way.
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Phantom pass interference calls over the years has been the favorite when the game is close in the 4th quarter.
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Phantom pass interference calls over the years has been the favorite when the game is close in the 4th quarter.

The worst was 2001. I was there and expect u were too. We outplayed UVA and deserved to win. A lot of things went against us including missed extra point, but the refs did play an outsized role imo too. Possible PI in that game I don't remember but there was a phantom holding call that brought back a long TD reception by UR. Jim Reid was hot after that game.
Phantom pass interference calls over the years has been the favorite when the game is close in the 4th quarter.
I had friends that were UVA season ticket holders that volunteered they thought those calls were bogus. How bad is it when the opposing fans recognize what was going on?
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despite the bad calls, we had a chance down the stretch until the late fumble. That 2001 team was loaded and it was very unfortunate the injuries that mounted early that season.

Headed up to the game tomorrow with some Hoo season ticket holders. It’ll be a challenge for our secondary to contain their WRs. We’re going to have to score a lot of points to win and really play aggressive. UVA is under a lot of pressure so if we’re close we may be able to bounce on their nerves.
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Fan, short for fanatic. I'm one for the Spiders.

Could be totally off base, but don't believe the Hoos outclass us in many positions and don't believe depth will be an issue. Expect Wickersham to punish them on the ground. A power running QB who can also throw is a wrinkle they have not often seen. The Dude that predicted a 54-10 score is way off base IMO.

Another positive, Hoos have Elliot coaching and not George Welsh.

Go Spiders!
Amazing that in the third year of Elliott they are still at a place where we can realistically expect we should be very competitive today.
Elliot on thin ice. After the tragic shooting deaths of three very well thought of players in November 2022 empathy precluded close scrutiny of his coaching but that thinking has given way to a higher priority for performance on the field.
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Not even competitive. Lets play anyone but Cam who can actually throw and absolutely zero defense. Russ needs to go.
Coaching staff looks totally unprepared. Honestly, did not expect a win. But right now it looks like it's the first game of football everyone has played in their lives. I hope things improve.
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Foolish not to go for it on those 4th and shorts. Not our defense was going to stop them anyways. Hopefully this lull in action causes the UVA we all know and love to come out and at least make it competitive.
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At the game. Waiting inside. O-line actually looks decent. Wickersham slow on reads. Nick is open every time. Young RBs have some legs. Defense is overwhelmed. We’ve got playoff potential but need to be willing to take chances. The young bucks need some confidence.
At the game. Waiting inside. O-line actually looks decent. Wickersham slow on reads. Nick is open every time. Young RBs have some legs. Defense is overwhelmed. We’ve got playoff potential but need to be willing to take chances. The young bucks need some confidence.
Thanks for on-site observations. Watching on ESPN+, would agree with most comments.

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