None of that matters much if PQ is as influential as some seem to believe and throwing millions toward the school. I'll bet UR is willing to let seats go empty, give away freebies, or sell for $5 as well as let some donations go away as long as they can keep his big bucks. Maybe I'm totally wrong with this theory, but it's worth putting out there.Whatever the season ticket and tickets-sold totals feel to this year, you can probably take another 20-25% off those totals next year if you keep Mooney. Before the VCU game we were down about 15,000 announced tickets sold this season. Conservatively figure an average of $10 a ticket and $5 per ticket sold for concessions and that's about $225,000 we lost. Could be a lot more than that too, on the high end.
In the next few weeks we may get an answer of how much influence he exhibits. Does winning matter anymore?