Opening Night Lineup - Just for fun


Spider's Club
May 31, 2002
Dedmon Center USA
OK, let's get our guesses in for opening night starting five:

Guard - D. Hunt
Guard - B. Artis
Forward - AP
Forward - Dusan
Center - Walz

Guard 1 - Hunt seems to be the man by all indications
Guard 2 - I think this could go any number of ways. Could easily see Tyne or GW3 in there. Thinking B. Artis with most D1 experience leads early, Tyne has the Richmond experience/loyalty factor, and maybe GW3 is playing best in practice and gets the nod.
Forward - Could see a healthy Roche here, Tanner maybe - who knows. Hoping AP is so good he wins it day 1.
Forward - I feel like Dusan is heavy favorite here, with his experience, production/skill and size. Even if 100% don't see Soulis on game 1 starting. Beagle or Walz long shots IMO as will be splitting center role mostly I think.
Center - Could see this go either way I feel - but I like Walz' upward trajectory and 2 years behind him in the system for Day 1.

Seems like a season in which we could have four different starters a few weeks in, or later in the season, or maybe it varies week to week an match up. Who are your leaders for Game 1?
solid. I just think Beagle gets in the starting lineup but I think Walz has likely done enough to get the start as well so Moon rotates a big out at the 17m mark then the other back in at 13 and they alternate the rest of the half.

This is a very experienced lineup that should be able to be old from the get go.

B. Artis

Tyne check in at 17m mark for Beagle. AP checks in for Nescovic just after first media break and Tanner or Roche checks in for B. Artis at same time (whoever has won that spot.) GWIII gets in at about 11m mark as 4th guard. (so 9-man rotation backups are Tyne, AP, Tanner/Roche, GWIII.)

If against a weaker team and we have a big lead, Moon goes to a 10th rotation player - whichever of Roche or Tanner who didn't win that second wing reserve spot.

Can't wait for spiderman to refute my double big lineup.
Can't wait for spiderman to refute my double big lineup.


Guard - D. Hunt
Guard - M. Tyne
Forward - C. Tanner (!)
Forward - Dusan
Center - Walz
Agree, sman, we would need boards from Dusan with this lineup. He should be fine with his size. I have heard some talk of Roche starting with 2 smaller guards, so if Roche could start, why couldn't GW3?

All off season we keep hearing GW3 is shooting the lights out. Let's find out right away if he will keep that going and do just that when the season starts. We have gotten off to too many slow starts in the past few years. Let's start the game with shooting all over the floor, and if we need to make size adjustments, we can.
most teams that say they're playing 3 guards have a guy they call a guard who's at least 6'5" or 6'6".
like my lineup with Tanner at the 3. on our roster we call him a guard but he's 6'6".
Yes, I hear you, but the way most of them play, they can handle and shoot without a lot of inside stuff. So, that makes them guardable for a smaller guy like GW3, who could actually use his quickness defensively to bother a taller guy more than a taller guy might. And, I do remember seeing a lot of lineups from teams where their 3rd smallest guy was 6'4 or less, including Duquesne, who won the A-10 tourney and a 1st round dance game last year.
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Yes, I hear you, but the way most of them play, they can handle and shoot without a lot of inside stuff. So, that makes them guardable for a smaller guy like GW3, who could actually use his quickness defensively to bother a taller guy more than a taller guy might. And, I do remember seeing a lot of lineups from teams where their 3rd smallest guy was 6'4 or less, including Duquesne, who won the A-10 tourney and a 1st round dance game last year.
probably comes down to the earlier question ... who doesn't play?
if enough of the forwards (AP, Dusan, Tanner, Roche, Robinson, McGlothin, maybe Beagle) are really good and earn time, then we won't need to play a 6'2" guy there. but if GW3 is the best option, then we will.
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and about Tyne ... he'll have to hit shots. but if he does then he'll need to play a lot.
he's one of the best perimeter defenders we've had.
my issue with the 3 guards is that we don't have a repeat of seasons where it felt like teams were getting very good looks from 3 all the time bc they were just shooting over our small guards. Tyne does help there - as does Hunt - by being plus defenders who can at least be near shooters most of the time. But on rotation close outs, small guys are not much of a distraction.

EDIT - I'm not opposed to 3 guards, just fyi, esp if we have plus shooters on the court on offense.
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My starting 5 would like like this. I am very high on B. Artis and Collin Tanner. I think that B. Artis can be our go to scorer, probably not at a King type of level but still. He's a very quick good, smooth handle, can shoot the ball on a high clip and I think he's going to suprise some people and teams this year. I think C Tanner is going to have a breakout year this year too, he has good size, can shoot the lights out and he is a good defender and athlete, he can take over that glue guy role that Bailey to an extent had last year but I think tanner is going to be up for the A10 most improved this year.

B. Artis
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